Poster with the legal requirement to wear a face covering in public spaces including pharmacies

Two copies of A4 poster "From the 24th July 2020, the law states you must wear a face covering in this pharmacy. If you are medically exempt from wearing a face mask or covering please inform a member of the team", used at Kamsons Pharmacy branches during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020

Beginning in June 2020, face coverings are mandatory on public transport in England to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and followed the World Health Organisation’s advice. Originally face coverings were thought encourage a false sense of security and would those in key services personal protective equipment. On 24 July 2020, face coverings were mandatory in shops, supermarkets and takeaways and later further extended to museums, galleries, cinemas and another indoor activities. Rules and guidance around face coverings has changed as restrictions have been introduced or lessened responding to the pandemic in real time. People who are exempt have sometimes been confronted by others for appearing to not follow the rules.

During national lockdowns, pharmacies were identified as a key service remaining open and often extending their opening hours to accommodate more services. Many people turned to their local pharmacies as a first point of contact for healthcare advice when other options such as hospitals, GPs and dentists were either overwhelmed or closed. Many pharmacies were and are also essential to vaccination roll out including flu and COVID-19 vaccines. Kamsons Pharmacy is a family run business with over 70 pharmacies in England. The first pharmacy in the group was opened in Uckfield, Sussex over forty years ago, where their warehouse and headquarters remain. The company name derives from the business being owned by brothers Bipin, Piyoosh and Bharat Chotai whose father was called Kam, so they are Kam’s sons.


Object Number:
overall: 297 mm x 210 mm


Poster with the legal requirement to wear a face covering in public spaces including pharmacies

Poster with the legal requirement to wear a face covering in public spaces including pharmacies

A4 poster "From the 24th July 2020, the law states you must wear a face covering in this pharmacy. If you are medically exempt from wearing a face mask or covering please inform a member of the team", used at Kamsons Pharmacy branches during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020


Beginning in June 2020, face coverings are mandatory on public transport in England to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and followed the World Health Organisation’s advice. Originally face coverings were thought encourage a false sense of security and would those in key services personal protective equipment. On 24 July 2020, face coverings were mandatory in shops, supermarkets and takeaways and later further extended to museums, galleries, cinemas and another indoor activities. Rules and guidance around face coverings has changed as restrictions have been introduced or lessened responding to the pandemic in real time. People who are exempt have sometimes been confronted by others for appearing to not follow the rules.

During national lockdowns, pharmacies were identified as a key service remaining open and often extending their opening hours to accommodate more services. Many people turned to their local pharmacies as a first point of contact for healthcare advice when other options such as hospitals, GPs and dentists were either overwhelmed or closed. Many pharmacies were and are also essential to vaccination roll out including flu and COVID-19 vaccines. Kamsons Pharmacy is a family run business with over 70 pharmacies in England. The first pharmacy in the group was opened in Uckfield, Sussex over forty years ago, where their warehouse and headquarters remain. The company name derives from the business being owned by brothers Bipin, Piyoosh and Bharat Chotai whose father was called Kam, so they are Kam’s sons.

overall: 297 mm x 210 mm
Object Number:
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum
Poster with the legal requirement to wear a face covering in public spaces including pharmacies

Poster with the legal requirement to wear a face covering in public spaces including pharmacies

A4 poster "From the 24th July 2020, the law states you must wear a face covering in this pharmacy. If you are medically exempt from wearing a face mask or covering please inform a member of the team", used at Kamsons Pharmacy branches during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020


Beginning in June 2020, face coverings are mandatory on public transport in England to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and followed the World Health Organisation’s advice. Originally face coverings were thought encourage a false sense of security and would those in key services personal protective equipment. On 24 July 2020, face coverings were mandatory in shops, supermarkets and takeaways and later further extended to museums, galleries, cinemas and another indoor activities. Rules and guidance around face coverings has changed as restrictions have been introduced or lessened responding to the pandemic in real time. People who are exempt have sometimes been confronted by others for appearing to not follow the rules.

During national lockdowns, pharmacies were identified as a key service remaining open and often extending their opening hours to accommodate more services. Many people turned to their local pharmacies as a first point of contact for healthcare advice when other options such as hospitals, GPs and dentists were either overwhelmed or closed. Many pharmacies were and are also essential to vaccination roll out including flu and COVID-19 vaccines. Kamsons Pharmacy is a family run business with over 70 pharmacies in England. The first pharmacy in the group was opened in Uckfield, Sussex over forty years ago, where their warehouse and headquarters remain. The company name derives from the business being owned by brothers Bipin, Piyoosh and Bharat Chotai whose father was called Kam, so they are Kam’s sons.

overall: 297 mm x 210 mm
Object Number:
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum