Hidden Disabilities ID card

2016-2021 in United Kingdom

Two Hidden Disabilities ID card, which signals that a wearer or someone who is with them may need additional support, designed by Tabbers Limited, part of Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme, 2016-2020

Launched at Gatwick airport in 2016, the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a symbol that people can choose to wear indicating that they may need additional assistance, space, or time. Partners in the scheme include supermarkets, travel hubs, and the NHS. The sunflower was chosen as a distinctive and easily recognisable sign. The Scheme’s website states “we chose a sunflower as it suggests happiness, positivity, strength as well as growth and confidence.” Wearing the sunflower symbol is an individual choice.


Public Health & Hygiene
Object Number:
paper (waterproof)
overall: 60 mm x 85 mm x 2 mm,
identity card