The CSIC gold medal by the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, in a wooden box

The CSIC gold medal by the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, in a wooden box The CSIC gold medal by the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, in a wooden box The CSIC gold medal by the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, in a wooden box The CSIC gold medal by the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, in a wooden box

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Stephen Hawking Estate/Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Stephen Hawking Estate/Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Stephen Hawking Estate/Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Stephen Hawking Estate/Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

The CSIC gold medal, in wooden box, 1989.

Stephen Hawking's office did not contain scientific awards, medals or insignias. These were largely kept at home (perhaps due to their value). A selection of there were part of the office acquisition and constitute a sample of his most significant scientific achievements, as well as overlapping social and political causes.


Stephen Hawking Office
Stephen Hawking’s Office
Object Number:
gold (metal), wood (unidentified) and felt
overall: 25 mm x 111 mm x 115 mm,
medal and box - container
Accepted in lieu of Inheritance Tax by H M Government from the Estate of Stephen Hawking and allocated to the Science Museum, 2021