Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

A make up chest belonging to Roy Ashton, special effects make-up artists. Chest contains an assortment of make up.

Roy Ashton (1909–95) and Phil Leakey (1908–92) were master make-up artists who worked on many of the British cult horror films of the mid-20th century. A trained artist, Australia-born Ashton began his career at Gaumont-British Film Corporation in 1932 as a means of supplementing his passion for opera singing. In 1955, Ashton became the assistant to Hammer Films’ Phil Leakey, the first makeup artist to receive on-screen credit for ‘Special Make-up Effects’.

Following Leakey’s departure from Hammer in 1958, Ashton took over as head makeup artist, where he continued his expert work throughout the 1960s. This is one of his chests which held the make-up he used to create the effects for films such as The Evil of Frankenstein, The Reptile and The Gorgon.


Roy Ashton & Phil Leakey Collection
Object Number:
wood (unidentified), leather, metal (unknown), plastic (unidentified), paper (fibre product), cardboard, glass, textile, cotton (fibre), latex and stone
open (max): 320 mm x 480 mm x 800 mm, 111 kg
closed: 440 mm x 435 mm x 240 mm, 11.1 kg
cosmetics (boxed)


Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

A make up chest belonging to Roy Ashton, special effects make-up artists. Chest contains an assortment of make up.


Roy Ashton (1909–95) and Phil Leakey (1908–92) were master make-up artists who worked on many of the British cult horror films of the mid-20th century. A trained artist, Australia-born Ashton began his career at Gaumont-British Film Corporation in 1932 as a means of supplementing his passion for opera singing. In 1955, Ashton became the assistant to Hammer Films’ Phil Leakey, the first makeup artist to receive on-screen credit for ‘Special Make-up Effects’.

Following Leakey’s departure from Hammer in 1958, Ashton took over as head makeup artist, where he continued his expert work throughout the 1960s. This is one of his chests which held the make-up he used to create the effects for films such as The Evil of Frankenstein, The Reptile and The Gorgon.

Front Panel from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Front Panel from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Front panel, wood, from make up chest belonging to Roy Ashton.


Roy Ashton (1909–95) and Phil Leakey (1908–92) were master make-up artists who worked on many of the British cult horror films of the mid-20th century. A trained artist, Australia-born Ashton began his career at Gaumont-British Film Corporation in 1932 as a means of supplementing his passion for opera singing. In 1955, Ashton became the assistant to Hammer Films’ Phil Leakey, the first makeup artist to receive on-screen credit for ‘Special Make-up Effects’.

Following Leakey’s departure from Hammer in 1958, Ashton took over as head makeup artist, where he continued his expert work throughout the 1960s. This is one of his chests which held the make-up he used to create the effects for films such as The Evil of Frankenstein, The Reptile and The Gorgon.

wood (unidentified)
Object Number:
Talc from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Talc from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Max Factor hypnotique talc, 100g, in a white plastic container, shake top bottle.

plastic (unidentified)
Object Number:
Talc from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Talc from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Max Factor hypnotique talc, 100g, in a black plastic container, shake top bottle.

plastic (unidentified)
Object Number:
Talc from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Talc from Roy Ashton's Make Up Chest

Turquoise metal tin of Max Factor electrique talc with pink plastic shaker top.

metal (unknown) and plastic (unidentified)
Object Number: