Paediatric incubator, United Kingdom, 1980-1986

Resuscitaire Incubator

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Resuscitaire Incubator
Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Resuscitaire Incubator. Provides facilities for reviving the apnoeic newborn infant.

An incubator is a controlled environment into which a premature baby is placed to monitor its progress and increase its chances of survival. The Resuscitaire incubator provides facilities for reviving a newborn. This example was for infants experiencing 'apnoea', a condition where breathing stops. This problem is most common in very premature babies.

Oxygen saturation in the blood falls during an apnoeic attack. It has to be re-established quickly to prevent long-term brain damage or death. This incubator would sound an alarm should the baby show signs of apnoea, such as a drop in heart rate. The condition is also treatable within the incubator by altering the temperature and oxygen concentration.


Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Contraception
Object Number:
metal (unknown) and plastic (unidentified)
North Lincolnshire Health Authority. Cou