Lorand's tokograph, brass for the monitoring of labour, cased, with spare dial paper and elastic for abdomen, Europe, 1901-1925
This instrument, designed by Dr Lorand, recorded uterine contractions during labour and was strapped to the abdomen with an elastic belt. Contractions were mechanically transmitted to a pen recorder that marked the chart, while the drum revolved by means of a clockwork mechanism. The instrument shown here is made of brass and has a case, spare dial paper and elastic for the abdomen. It was made in Europe
- Category:
- Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Contraception
- Object Number:
- 1981-2246
- Materials:
- steel (metal), paper (fibre product), brass (copper, zinc alloy) and complete
- Measurements:
overall: 56 mm x 62 mm x 83 mm, 0.3734 kg
- type:
- foetal monitor
- credit:
- Miss E. Bowen.