Lockwood, Thomas Dixon 1848 - 1927
(1848-1927), Electrical engineer
Thomas Dixon Lockwood, born on the 30th December 1848 at Smethwick, Birmingham, left England for Canada with his father in 1865 and became the first operator at Port Hope, Ontario, for the Provincial Telegraph Co. He afterwards went to the United States and was successively engaged in making paper in Massachusetts, plate glass in Indiana, and teaching school in Arkansas. His early experience as a telegraph operator and electrical work exerted their influence, and other pursuits were abandoned for telegraphy.
He worked for the Gold and Stock and the American District Telegraph Companies, among others, and in 1879 was appointed as assistant general inspector in the Bell Telephone Co. His work went much beyond his titular office, for the organization was then in the initial stage and its employees turned their hands to any sort of useful work which needed to be done. Patent litigation was predominant, and here his knowledge and skill were of great importance. His success in this work led to his being placed, in 1881, at the head of a new bureau of patent and technical information, of which the company saw the need.
As a writer of many books for telephonists, and books on telegraphy, he was clear and direct. He was much sought after as a speaker at meetings of telephone societies and could always be relied upon for a stimulating and informative address.
He was elected a Member of the Institution in 1880 and always took great interest in its progress. He was also one of the first members of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and served as manager and vice-president, an honorary member of the National Electric Light Association, an honorary member of the Association of Railway Telegraph Superintendents [U.S.A.], and a member of the Canadian Electrical Association. He died at his home, Melrose, Massachusetts on the 6th April 1927.