Food and Drink Federation

Represents the interests of the UK's food and non-alcoholic drinks manufacturing industry and specific food sectors and is the largest manufacturing sector in the country.

FDF ensures that members stay informed of the advances in science that change the understanding of food safety issues and help to promote the need for appropriate risk assessment. The company helps to ensure that food safety incidents are handled in a proportionate way, even at an EU level, and ensure a co-ordinated effective industry response.

Science brings opportunities for product and process innovation and FDF plays a key role in explaining to policy makers, regulators and opinion formers how these developments can provide real benefits for consumers. As the body of legislation, they work with FoodDrinkEurope, to ensure that the industry's voice is heard within the EU.

The body also has a Scientific Steering Group which aims to represent, promote and safeguard the interests of the UK food industry in relation to scientific issues and regulatory developments.