The Shackleton Association

The Shackleton Association was founded in 1987 by John Botwood in order to preserve the memory of the AVRO Shackleton aircraft. Many members were ex-Royal Airforce personnel who had worked with these airplanes, either as air or ground crew. The Association does not own or preserve any aircraft, but takes an interest in surviving Shackletons around the world.

In 2019 the Association listed its aims as follows:

- To provide a forum of mutual appreciation of the Avro Shackleton Aircraft.

- To maintain a bond between those who are interested in the Shackleton throughout the world.

- To disseminate news on ALL Avro Shackletons still in existence.

- To preserve the memory of those who flew and maintained the aircraft and to share their experiences with others.

- To encourage links with all Maritime Squadrons and their bases, through visits and reunions.