Denison, John

John Denison was a computer engineer who worked on programmes the ACE Pilot and DEUCE computers at the English Electric Research Laboratory. He would gain a first in Mathematics Tripos at Cambridge, before completing his degree with a first in mechanical science. Following this, he would work for English Electric at their Stafford research laboratory writing software for early computers. He would be seconded to the National Physical Laboratory to learn how to programme the ACE Pilot Model, which had been designed by Alan Turing.

Following his secondment Denison would return to English Electric to work on the DEUCE (Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine), which was based on the Pilot ACE, and he would write the first compiler for the early high-level language Alphaode. He was also responsible for writing the music program that could allow the DEUCE to play Christmas carols. During his time at English Electric, he would be an early proponent of using computers to solve engineering problems. As a result, during the 1950s and 1960s, he would work to solve engineering and scientific problems, especially for manufacturing processes.

In 1979 he would join the Fulmer Research Institute, working on several projects including the design of aluminium window frames and the prediction of rock bursts in deep rock mining.