Lambkin-Williams, Rob 1968 - 2021

Dr Robert Lambkin-Williams was a virologist with expertise in molecular virology, viral immunology, vaccines and HIV.

He studied Pharmacy at the University of Bristol, gaining BSc Hons in 1989. He was awarded a PhD in Virology by the University of Warwick before joining Retroscreen Virology, where he was CEO and Chief Scientific Officer between 1995 and 2014.

In 2001, he designed and implemented the first Human Viral Challenge Study to be conducted in Europe in the 21st century.

In 2014, he joined hVivo Group as Chief Scientific Officer, working there until 2018 on respiratory antivirals, vaccines and novel diagnostics. He became an independent virologist in 2019, setting up his own consultancy business Virologyconsult Ltd. Through this consultancy business, he worked with Virustatic Ltd on the development of the Virustatic Shield face covering.

He died in 2021.