Exner, Wilhelm Franz 1840 - 1931


Wilhelm Franz Exner (9 April 1849-25 May 1931), Austrian, Engineer. Educationalist. Exner's main focus was on mechanical wood technology and technical testing and teaching. In 1862, he attended the International Exhibition in London, where he began to form a network of politics and business. Five years later he led the Austrian delegation to the 1867 Paris Exposition. He became a leading organiser of the Wiener Weltausstellung (Vienna World Exhibition) which was held in 1873. In 1875, Exner was appointed Professor of Engineering and between 1881 until 1900 Rector of the k.k. Hoschule für Bodenkultur, Wien. Exner was a leading technical educationalist and established vocational schools in Austria and in 1879 he founded the Technologische Gewerbe-Museum (Technological Trade Museum). Exner also had a great interest in the history of technology and in 1908 he co-founded the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Technical Museum). which opened to the public in 1918.