Braithwaite and Ericsson

Inventor, Maker of locomotives
born in:
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

1818 John Braithwaite's father died and left the engineering business to John and his brother Francis and the firm became J. Braithwaite and Co.

1827 John Ericsson, a Swedish engineer, became associated with the company and the name became known as Braithwaite and Ericsson.

1829 Between them and Charles Fox they designed the Novelty that took part in the Rainhill Trials.

1833-38 At least 14 locomotives made for American railroads.

1834 John Braithwaite left the company and joined the Eastern Counties Railway.

1836 The company became Braithwaite, Milner and Co.

1837 The company was in financial difficulties, but continued in the hands of the official receiver.

1838 Four locomotives built for the Eastern Counties Railway.

1839 Another eight locomotives for the same client.

1839 John Ericsson emigrated to America.

1841 Company ceased manufacturing.

John Braithwaite and Captain John Ericsson were joint inventors of The Novelty which entered the Rainhill Trials.