Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft 1883 - 1996
- occupation:
- Manufacturer of electrical equipment
- Nationality:
- German
- born in:
- Berlin, Berlin state, Germany
The company underwent many re-organisations, mergers, takeovers and the name AEG lives on in many different brands.
1883 - founded by Emil Rathenau as Deutsche Edison-Gesellschaft fur angewandte Elektricitat
1887 - name changed to Allegemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft
1948 - AEG Factory Kassel (FK) founded on the site of the former MWK Motorenbau Werk Kassel at Lilienthalstrasse 150 in Kassel, Hesse, Germany to make high voltage switchgear factory (HSF), and later refrigerators factory (KSF), the ticketprinter factory (FDF), the isolating material factory (IF) as well as the worldwide accepted high voltage institute (HI)
1967 - merged to form Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft AEG-Telefunken
1979 - used the name AEG-Telefunken AG
1996 - ceased to be manufacturer and brand name purchased by Electrolux