Gossen 1933
Erlangen, Germnay; founded by Paul Friedrich Karl Gossen, manufacturer and electrical engineer, in 1919 as Paul Gossen Co. K.-G., Fabrik electrischer Messgeräte; introduced photoelectric exposure meter in 1933; company’s name changed in 1940 from Meßgeräte P. Gossen & Co KG to P. Gossen & Co GmbH; developed the Gossen-tippa portable writing machine in 1949; between 1963 and 1965 the company was sold to Bergmann EW AG; renamed Gossen GMBH in 1969; Röchling-Gruppe acquired the company in 1990, in 1992 splitting the company into Gossen Metrawatt and the independant Gossen Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH