John Charles Spencer 1782 - 1845

Agriculturist, Politician, Sportsman
English; British
born in:
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

3rd Earl Spencer

1790-98 - attended Harrow school. 1806 - unsuccessfully stood as Pitt's successor for the parliamentary seat of Cambridge University. 1809 - maiden commons speech. 1818 - started breeding oxen, quickly building it up to being one of the most important herds of cattle in Britain. 1823 - joined the Political Economy Club. 1825 - took over the moribund Smithfield Club and transformed it into a national association for animal breeders. 1826 - participated in the foundation of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1833 - under his leadership the reformed House of Commons enacted abolition of slavery in the British empire. 1834 - on the death of his father, became the third Earl Spencer and was elevated to the House of Lords. 1838 - became the first president of the Royal Agricultural Society.