George Fuller 1829 - 1907
- occupation:
- Civil engineer
- Nationality:
- British
- born in:
- Newbury, West Berkshire, England, United Kingdom
c. 1850 - appointed principal associate in the engineering business of Professor James Thomson in Belfast
1854 - employed on railway works by Liddell and Cordon, Civil Engineers of Westminster.
18?? - resident engineer at Madras to the Great Southern of India Railway
1864 - elected member of Institution of Civil Engineers; located at 20 Duke Street, Westminster, London S W, and Goldwell House, Newbury, Berks
1868 - Professor of Engineering at University College, London.
1873-1884 - Professor of Engineering at Queen's College, University in Belfast, Ireland
1878 - patented the highly accurate cylindrical spiral slide rule
1884 - resumed work in London