Falcon Engine & Car Works 1882 - 1991

Electrical engineers
born in:
Loughborough, Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom

In 1865, Henry Hughes, who was a timber merchant engineer, began building horse-drawn tramcars and railway rolling stock at the Falcon Works in Loughborough and became known as Hughes's Locomotive & Tramway Engine Works Ltd. In 1881 the company ran into legal problems and 1882 was in receivership and later that year it reformed as the Falcon Engine & Car Works Ltd. In 1889 the assets were taken over by the Anglo-American Brush Electric Light Corporation, which had been set up as the British arm of Charles Francis Brush's Brush Electric Company in America. It then became known as the British Electrical Engineering Company BEE. In 1991 it was brought by Brush Traction company but still functions doing locomotive repairs