Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg 1740 - 1812

Artist, Painter
born in:
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France

1755 - began his formal artistic training with Carle Van Loo, rector of the Académie Royale, Paris.

1766 - nominated as a ‘peintre du roy’ of the Académie Royale.

1773 - worked at Drury Lane Theatre, London as scenic artist under David Garrick.

1782 - at Loutherbourg's home in Lisle Street, London, he presented the Eidophusikon; these were miniature theatrical topographical scenes such as the loss at sea in January 1786 of the Indiaman Halsewell; these prefigured the great panoramas and dioramas of the nineteenth century;

1784 and 1787 - toured the Peak District of Derbyshire, the Lake District, and north Wales, and exhibited some twenty-one paintings.

1801 - Robert Bowyer published William Pickett's engravings of de Loutherbourg's 'The Picturesque Scenery of Great Britain'.

1805 - Robert Bowyer published 'The Romantic and Picturesque Scenery of England and Wales'