Geological Survey of Great Britain 1808
- occupation:
- Public sector organisation
- Nationality:
- British
- born in:
- Whitehall, City of Westminster, London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
1832 - Thomas F Colby recognised the practical value of a geological examination of the country and supported Henry Thomas De la Beche to undertake a geological survey of Devon. 1835 - establishment of the Ordnance Geological Survey with De la Beche as its first Director. 1839 - the Survey included a new Mining Record Office that collected and stored abandoned mine plans, which was set up in response to a mining disaster. 1841 - Museum of Economic Geology opened at Craig's Court, Whitehall, London. 1845 - The Geological Survey Act provided the Survey with a legal framework designed 'to facilitate the completion of a geological survey of Great Britain and Ireland.' 1853 - the Survey passed from the First Commissioner of Woods and Forests to the Department of Science and Art. 1905 - the Geological Survey of Ireland was transferred to the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. 1919 - the Geological Survey and Museum was transferred to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1965 - The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) was confirmed by Royal Charter as a result of the Science and Technology Act. 1984 - renamed the British Geological Survey. 1985 - headquarters were established at Keyworth, near Nottingham and the previous offices at the Geological Museum at South Kensington were relinquished to the Natural History Museum, which now form the Earth Galleries.