Warrick Brothers Limited 1851 - 1966
- occupation:
- Pharmaceutical chemist
- Nationality:
- British
- born in:
- London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
1851 – Warrick Bros, 4-10 Nile Street;
1895 - Iron Jelloids developed by Warrick Bros, manufacturing chemist of 18 Old Swan Lane, London; new pill made by mixing freshly precipitated sub-carbonate of iron with jujube mass. To handle production of the product, Warrick Bros set up The Jelloid Co., of Finsbury Pavement;
1917 - The Jelloid Co. incorporated as a limited liability company Iron Jelloid Co. Ltd., with headquarters in City Road, Central Street, London EC1 and production line in Watford, Herts. Children were given the gelatinous No. 1 lozenges to help them grow; Men and women with anaemia or feeling 'run down' could take No. 2; Men could take the extra-strong No. 2A ;
1922 - Jelloids mentioned in James Joyce's Ulysses (Episode 13 – Nausicca);
1930 - Iron Jelloids Co. Ltd. was acquired by Beecham Pill Ltd. Production continued in Watford before moving to the main Beecham's factory in St Helens, Lancs;
also located at 7 Portpool Lane, London, EC;
1966 - Warrick Bros Ltd, Lavender House, Seymour Road, London, a supplier of pastilles and lozenges to retailers;
1966-acquired by Stafford Allen & Sons Limited
Beecham discontinued Iron Jelloids in the 1970s or 1980s.