Gevaert 1894 - 1964
- occupation:
- Camera manufacturers
- Nationality:
- Belgian
- born in:
- Antwerp, Antwerpen, Flanders, Belgium
In 1890, the 22-year-old Lieven Gevaert established his own workshop in Antwerp (Belgium), which was mainly used for manufacturing calcium paper for photography. Barely four years later, the businessman Armand Seghers helped to establish the limited stock company 'L. Gevaert & Cie' (Gevaert & Co). By 1920 the company had become highly succesful, and it was in that same year that the company changed its name to Gevaert Photo Producten N. V. In 1964 the company merged with AGFA AG (with each company taking a 50% share) to form AGFA-Gevaert.