The papers comprise technical reports, engineering notes, designs, brochures, charts, lectures and papers to RAeS, IMechE, BROHP conferences and other articles, 1930s coursework note books, autobiographical notes, diaries. The archive also includes 10,000 35mm slides, 1,000 viewfoils, 20,000 photographs, video, and 16mm film. A collection of personal papers reflecting the aerospace career of professor John Allen.
A reprinted article titled 'The British Space Programme' from Impulse, Issue No. 10, providing a brief overview of the history and current state of the British Space Programme with projected development times and comment on Britain's role in the wider space race. Stapled to the inside cover are two photocopied newspaper articles on the Secret Avro stand-off bomb being designed as a way to propel satellites into space. The British Space Programme
A 52 page paper on the history and present state of the British space research programme compared with other countries, outlining the Commonwealth's technological, financial and resource challenges and how Britain can best place itself among the major world space powers. Britain's Place in Interplanetary Exploration