1 box containing 45 items and 8 photographs (0.2lm)

The Peter J W Noble Active Pixel Archive

19 items

Research Papers, Reports and Patents

5 items

Research Papers and Reports by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Journal article: "Self-Scanned Silicon Image Detector Arrays" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Photocopy journal article: "Fixed-Pattern Noise in Photomatrices" by Peter J W Noble, Peter W Fry and Robert J Ryecroft

8 items

Research Papers and Reports produced by Plessey Company Ltd

1 item

An outline of various IPL devices by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Associated Electrical Industries Ltd Research Laboratory Patent Specification: "Electrical Read-out for an Optical Alignment Device using a Vibration Galvanometer" by James Dyson and Peter J W Noble

1 item

Report: "Electrical read-out from optical alignment systems" by Peter J W Noble and James Dyson

1 item

Journal article: "An image-splitting microscope used as a 'go or not go' gauge" by Peter J W Noble and James Dyson

7 items

Journals and Journal Excerpts with articles by Peter J W Noble

20 items

Journals and Newspapers

1 item

"The genesis of all digital image sensors for cameras, mobile phones, TV" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Newspaper 'Electronics Weekly' containing article "Optoelectronics: Detectors will open up new markets" by Peter J W Noble, Integrated Photomatrix Ltd

1 item

"Development of a High Speed Indium Antimonide Photodiode" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Journal: 'Microelectronics'

1 item

"Proposal for the development of the components for the read/write system" by Peter J W Noble, D Wilcock and P Hart

1 item

"An Investigation into the Cause of Leakage Current in Diffused Indium Antimonide Diodes" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

"A Simple View of the MOS Structure" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Conference paper on Integrated Circuits: "Light sensitive arrays based on photodiodes combined With MOS devices" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Journal article: "Electrical read-out from optical alignment devices" by Peter J W Noble and James Dyson

1 item

Photocopy journal article: "Photodiodes in integrated circuits have integrating and logic applications" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

"New Developments in Optics and Their Applications in Industry: Solid State Image Detectors" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

Journal: 'Component Technology'

2 items

"Self scanned silicon image detector arrays" by Peter J W Noble

1 item

"All Silica Systems" by Peter J W Noble