Object type
Place of origin

rules of the pension fund of the great central ralway company


Manchester central station departures & arrival of trains


Guidebook, British Railways, "Holiday Haunts by BR 1961 North West England & North Wales including Isle of Man and London", 1961, cost new 2/-, 256 pages, fares, facilities and maps for travel, descriptions of places of interest and accommodation adverts, soft cover, sketch illustrations on cover.

British Railways: Holiday Haunts by BR, 1961 NW England & N Wales including Isle of Man and London.


Guidebook, British Railways, "Holiday Guide 1955 Wales, North West and Isle of Man", 1955, cost new 1/-, 292 pages, fares, facilities and maps for travel, descriptions of places of interest and accommodation adverts, soft cover.

British Railways: Holiday Guide 1955, Wales, North West and Isle of Man


Guidebook, British Railways, "Holiday Guide 1953 Wales and North West", 1953, cost new 1/-, 288 pages, fares, facilities and maps for travel, descriptions of places of interest and accommodation adverts, soft cover.

British Railways: Holiday Guide 1953, Wales and North West


Guidebook, British Railways, "Holiday Haunts by BR 1961 North West England & North Wales including Isle of Man and London", 1961, cost new 2/-, 256 pages, fares, facilities and maps for travel, descriptions of places of interest and accommodation adverts, soft cover, sketch illustrations on cover.

British Railways: Holiday Haunts by BR, 1961 NW England & N.Wales including Isle of Man and London


Booklet, paper and card, 'Ready Reckoner For Calculating Standard or Ordinary Fares, Reduced Fares, Workmen's Fares And Excessive Luggage Charges, Operative On and From 1st October 1947', with added calculations for standard and excessive parcels, published by the Railway Executive, printed by C. Tinling and Co. Ltd, 1951

Ready Reckoner for calculating


Cheshire Lines Railway handbill, advertising special half-day excursions to Southport on Good Friday, 15th April, 1938. Black ink on green paper, dated March 1938. Signed by G. Leedam secretary and general manager. On the back are given a list of the attractions in Southport.

Cheshire Lines Railway handbill


Cheshire Lines Railway handbill advertising special half-day excursions to Southport, on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, April 15th and 17th, 1938. Trains travel to Southport from Manchester (Central), Trafford Park, Urmston, Chassen Road, Flixton and Irlam. Black ink on orange paper, dated March 1938 and signed by G. Leedam. On the reverse is a list of attractions in Southport.

Cheshire Lines Railway handbill advertising special half-day excursions to Southport


Booklet, "The Livestock Handbook ..... General Instruction regarding the Acceptance and Conveyance of Livestock by Rail, Road and Water", issued by London Midland & Scottish Railway Company, Greenore Station, October 1934. 56 pp.

The Livestock Handbook


Card notice (double-sided). British Transport Commission. Exceptional Owner's Risk Scale of Rates for the Conveyance of Parcels Traffic by Passenger Train from 23 April 1956. Scale no 1 (G1 Ex). Black text on white background. BTC ref: BR87072/RCH61175. Printed by Tinlings, Liverpool. With eyeholes for hanging.

Exceptional Owner's Risk Scale of Rates for the Conveyance of Parcels Traffic by Passenger Train

Publicity booklet. London Midland and Scottish Railway. LMS Cheap Fares, 1935. Printed by C Tinling & Co. Ltd, Liverpool, London and Prescot. 48pp plus covers. 121 x 175mm.

Publicity booklet


Guidebook, British Railways, "BR Holiday Guide 1957", 1957, Wales and North West England including the Isle of Man, fares, facilities and maps for travel, description of places of interest, accommodation adverts, cost new 1/-, 324 pages, soft cover.

British Railways: BR Holiday Guide, 1957


Guidebook, British Railways, "BR Holiday Haunts 1956", 1956, North West England, Wales and London, fares, facilities and maps for travel, description of places of interest, accommodation adverts, cost new 1/-, 320 pages, soft cover, cover illustration of bathing beauty by Derrick Sayer.

British Railways: BR Holiday Haunts, 1956


Guidebook, British Rail (Scottish Region), "Through the Trossachs", date made 1955, 11 pages, drawings and photos illustrating attractions with brief description of attractions and sketch map and passenger facilities information, cover illustration couple walking through highland wood.

Through the Trossachs


Guidebook, British Railways, "BR Holiday Haunts 1962", 1962, North West England, North Wales, the Isle of Man and London, fares, facilities and maps for travel, description of places of interest, accommodation adverts, cost new 2/-, 256 pages, soft cover.

British Railways: BR Holiday Haunts, 1962


Guidebook, Railway Executive, "British Railways Today and Tomorow", date made 1949, pages 48, booklet about British Rail, its services and people & Plans, with route map.

Railway Executive: British Railways Today and Tomorow


Guidebook, British Railways, "Holiday Guide 1954 Wales and North West", 1954, cost new 1/-, 280 pages, fares, facilities and maps for travel, descriptions of places of interest and accommodation adverts, soft cover.

British Railways: Holiday Guide 1954, Wales and North West


Guidebook, Railway Executive and London Midland & Scottish Railway, "LMR Holiday Guide 1949", 1949, England, Wales and the Isle of Man, 'Pass of Aberglaslyn' by Norman Wilkinson and 'Dovedale' by Frank Sherwin, fares, facilities and map for travel, description of places of interest, 216 pages, soft cover.

Railway Executive and LMS: London Midland Region Holiday Guide 1949; Pass of Aberglaslyn; Dovedale


Guidebook, British Railways, "Holiday Guide 1952 Wales and North West", 1952, cost new 1/-, 280 pages, fares, facilities and maps for travel, descriptions of places of interest and accommodation adverts, soft cover.

British Railways: Holiday Guide 1952, Wales and North West


Guidebook, British Railways, "BR Holiday Haunts 1962", 1962, North West England and North Wales including the Isle of Man, fares, facilities and maps for travel, description of places of interest, accommodation adverts, cost new 2/-, 256 pages, soft cover.

British Railways: BR Holiday Haunts, 1962


Guidebook, British Railways, "BR Holiday Guide Area No. 2 Wales and North West", 1950, cost new 1/-, 332 pages, fares, facilities and maps for travel, descriptions of places of interest and accommodation adverts, soft cover.

British Railways: BR Holiday Guide Area No. 2, Wales and North West


Guidebook, British Railways, "Holiday Haunts 1960", North West, North Wales and Isle of Man, 1960, cost new 1/6, soft cover, cover illustration of seaside and Menai Strait (2 scenes), by Maddox.

British Railways: Holiday Haunts 1960


Booklet, paper and card, London Midland and Scottish Railway, "Livestock Handbook", incorporating the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and general instructions regarding the acceptance and conveyance of livestock by rail, road and water, 56pp. Printed by C. TInling and Co, Liverpool, Prescot, with handwritten note of the front cover "Goods Dept, Greenore, 24/10/34". 1934.

The Livestock Handbook


Travel Guide, London Midland & Scottish Railway & London & North Eastern Railway, "The Land of Scott & Burns", c. 1930, places to visit with map, 14 pages, soft cover with illustration by V L Danvers. 10.0394 x 4.3307 in.

LMS & LNER: The Land of Scott & Burns


London Midland & Scottish Railway instruction booklet "Hallade Handbook - The Hallade Track Recorder and Hints on the Maintenance of Curves", issued by the Chief Civil Engineer's Office, August 1934. Hard cover, 70pp, publication no. E. R. O. 40207 / OP. 5/1.

Hallade Handbook - The Hallade Track Recorder and Hints on the Maintenance of Curves


Travel Guide, London Midland & Scottish Railway, "Walking Tours by LMS", 1937, 132 tours with notes & timetables, 235 pages, soft cover with illustration depicting walkers, handwritten notes on hotels etc.

LMS - Walking Tours by LMS


Travel Guide, London & North Eastern Railway, "1931 in Great Britain & Ireland", by the Travel Association of Great Britain & Ireland, 1930, 56 pages, soft cover.

LNER: 1931 in Great Britain and Ireland


Booklet, British Railways, "British Railways First Standard Express Locomotive No.70000 Britannia Naming Ceremony at Marylebone Station Tuesday 30th January 1951", with view of the locomotive and description of the development, printed by C Tinling & Co Ltd, Liverpool, 1951.

British Railways First Standard Express Locomotive No.70000 Britannia Naming Ceremony


Cheshire Lines Railway book "Appendix to the Working Timetables" dated Central Station, Liverpool, 4 November 1935 "and until further notice." Issued by acting manager G. Leedam.

Chesire Lines Railway: Appendix to the Working Timetables


Notice. Cheshire Lines Committee. Cloak Room Charges and Conditions. Black text on white background. Printed by C Tinling & Co Ltd, Printing Contractors, 53 Victoria Street, Liverpool. Conserved and backed.

Cloak Room Charges and Conditions

Cheshire Lines Railway handbill advertising Easter holiday excursions to Southport (Lord Street station) on Good Friday, Saturday and Easter Monday - April 15th, 16th and 18th 1938. Dated March 1938 and signed by G. Leedam, secretary and manager. Black ink on orange paper. On the back is a list of attraction in Southport.

Cheshire Lines Railway handbill, Easter holiday excursions to Southport on Good Friday


Handbill, Cheshire Lines Committee, "Suspension of Cheap Day and Half Day Excursion Bookings and Certain Other Reduced Fare Facilities', Printed by Tinling, Liverpool, February 1915.

Suspension of Cheap Day and Half Day Excursion Bookings and Certain Other Reduced Fare Facilities


Cheshire Lines Committee handbill advertising day excursions to Southport on Good Friday, Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Dated 15th -18th April, 1938. Black ink on green paper. On the back is a list of attraction at Southport. Signed by G. Leedam secretary and manager.

Cheshire Lines Committee handbill advertising day excursions to Southport on Good Friday