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Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster, (Bargain Fares on Spring Bank Holiday), White background with blue print, Giving details of day tickets to seaside resorts, 1969, (Other IDs AD2740/80/24469).

Bargain Fares on Spring Bank Holiday


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster, (Bargain Fares), White background with red print, Giving details of bargain fares on Spring Bank Holiday to Sheerness-on-sea, 1969, (Other IDs AD2737/60/24469).

Bargain Fares


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster, (Bargain Fares, Spring Bank Holiday 26 May 1969), Day tickets to Folkestone, Dover, Deal, Ramsgate at 15/- (15 Shillings) second class, Return same day by any train, April 1969, (Other IDs AD2739/90/24469).

Bargain Fares, Spring Bank Holiday 26 May 1969


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster, (Glyndebourne Festival Opera), White background with blue printing, Giving Glydebourne opera dates and train tinmes from London and returns, 1969, (Other IDs AD2742/50/24469***).

Glyndebourne Festival Opera


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "Glyndebourne Festival Opera", 25th May - 3rd of August 1969, printed brown on white, text lists operas and details of combined rail and road tickets, outwards via Glyndebourne via Lews, opera tickets to be produced at the time of booking.

Glyndebourne Festival Opera


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster, (Bargain Fares), White background with dark red print, Detailing cheap tickets on Spring Bank Holiday to station in Kent, 1969, (AD2741/100/24469).

Bargain Fares