The collection includes letters, minute books, notes, and printed matter.

Papers of the North Eastern Railway Station Masters and Agents Association

1 item

Circular regarding the proposed formation of a national association or union of station masters, agents and yard masters

5 items

Two letters from J Newsham

2 files, 12 items


1 item

Printed copy of constitution and rules

1 item

Paying in book for AJ Sawden’s bank account for the Station Masters’ Federation

1 item

Cash book statement of AJ Sawden’s bank account for the Station Masters Federation

5 items

5 letters to AJ Sawden regarding the regrading of his station and his subsequent increase in salary

1 item

Memorandum for the Information of the Staff employed in the Railway Service of the United Kingdom. Issued by the Railway Clerks Association pamphlet

1 item

Newspaper clipping, Report on the death of William Caselaw, agent at Corbridge station

1 item

Yorkshire Post. “Decontrolled railways. Views of NER General Manager.”

1 item

Newspaper clipping, “Is it desirable that Station-masters combine?”

10 items

Letter from LNER District Superintendent concerning decreasing revenue

1 item

The Northern Weekly News. “Classification of Stations! Is it practicable?”

1 item

The Affairs of a Station. (paper no. 2) A large organisation pamphlet

1 item

The Affairs of a Station. The minimum of railway knowledge pamphlet

1 file, 7 items

National Federation of Station Masters and Agents Associations

5 items

Executive and financial records

1 file, 2 items

Notes and correspondence

1 item

Printed copy of constitution and rules

1 item

NER timetable of electric trains between Newcastle and Tynemouth commencing 1 Jul 1904

1 item

Receipt book

2 items

Circular concerning re-election of members of the NER Conciliation Conference

1 item

Letter from the NER superintendent of the line concerning leave arrangements

1 item

Printed report and minutes of the NER Superannuation Fund Annual General Meeting

1 item

NER Circular no. 807 regarding the Railway Councils Scheme

1 item

Note of secretary’s expenses