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special train for the grand tyne regatta


Notice, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway


Notice, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway


Cheap Trip to Hexham


Bell, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, embossed 'N&CR' 1857, no provenance.

Bell, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway


Notice. Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. Arrangements with the Brandling junction Railway and other Railway Companies to the south...... for the transfer and conveyance of passengers to and from Sheilds, Sunderland, Darlington, Stockton, York, Derby, etc, to Carlisle, Glasgow, Lancashire and Edinburgh via the Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, from 20 March 1843. Black text on white background. Printed by Akenheads, Printers, Sandhill, Newcastle. Stuck to card.

Arrangements with the Brandling Junction Railway


Notice. Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. Stagshaw Bank Fair 25 May 1844. Times of trains from Corbridge, Hexham, Newcastle, Newcastle & Redheugh, Carlisle and Haydon Bridge. Black text on white background. Printed at the Journal Office, 19 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by John Hernaman. Stuck to card.

stagshawbank faur

Notice, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway, Carlisle Races and Wrestling, Special Train from Newcastle, 28 June 1848, black text on white background, printed by William Douglas, Observer Office, Newcastle, stuck to card.

Carlisle Races and Wrestling


Notice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway. Fares for Passengers on and after 13 April 1846. With alterations and corrections. Blue text on white background with decorative border. Printed at the Journal Office, Newcastle, by John Hernaman. Stuck to card.

Fares for passengers


Notice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway. Fares for Passengers on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. 26 March 1844. Blue text on white background with decorative border. Printed at the Journal Office, Newcastle, by John Hernaman. Tears and losses at edges.

Fares for passengers on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway

Notice. Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. General Holiday in Newcastle. Special Train fom Newcastle and Gateshead to Carlisle setting down passengers for Gilsland and Naworth Castle, and at all the stations, 22 July 1846. Black text on white background. Printed by T and J Hodgson, Union Street, Newcastle. Stuck to card; top left-hand corner missing.

General Holiday in Newcastle


Notice, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, Cheap Pleasure Trip by Special Train on Whit Monday, text only, printed by W A Mitchell of Newcastle.

Cheap Pleasure Trip by Special Train on Whit Monday


Notice, Excursion to Windermere and the Lake District on the Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, 17th September, 1849. Typeset notice advertising an excursion train from Newcastle and Gateshead to Windermere, with stops at Blaydon, Hexham, Haydon Bridge and Haltwhistle. Text gives details of lodging houses and steamboat trips, and coaches to Keswick and Coniston. By order of James Allport, Manager, dated 4th September 1849.

Excursion to Windermere & the Lake District


Timetable by James Allport. Christmas Day. December 20, 1849. Newcastle & Carlisle Railway.

Christmas Day timetable


Handbill, Two copies, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Winter Arrangements", printed by Steel, Carlisle, 4th November 1837.

Winter Arrangements


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway poster 'Newcastle Races' by order of Henry Smiles, printed by John Hernaman, Newcastle, 1851.

Newcastle Races


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, 'Stagshawbank Fair', with details of the extra trains being put on, printed by T. & J. Hodgson, Newcastle, June 25th 1846.

Stagshawbank Fair


Newcastle and Carlisle Railway notice advertising tickets for one fare to Newcastle Races, for the 23rd and 24th June. Issued by order of John Adamson

Newcastle and Carlisle Railway notice advertising tickets for one fare to Newcastle Races


Poster, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway,"Boat Race", 'In consequence of numerous applications, the directors have consented to allow a train to start from Newcastle and also from Redheugh, at half past ten o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) morning to proceed to Blaydon with the boats so as to afford the best view of the competition. The usual fares will be charged', printed by the Northern Advertiser, Newcastle, 15th July 1842.

Boat Race


Notice, card and paper, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, 'Alteration of Trains', with details of the revised train terms, issued by John Adamson, secretary, Forth Railway Office, Printed by John Hernaman, Newcastle, October 29 1846.

Alteration of Trains


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Alterations of Trains on the 1st August 1849 for Hexham, Gilsland and Wetheral", 27th July 1849.

Alterations of Trains on the 1st August 1849 for Hexham, Gilsland and Wetheral


Poster, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, "The Floral and Horticultural Societies of Newcastle, Hexham and Haydon Bridge Annual Shows", with details of date, place and times, by order of John Adamson, printed at the Guardian Office, Grainger Street, Newcastle, 1847.

The Floral and Horticultural Societies of Newcastle, Hexham and Haydon Bridge Snnual Shows


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Hexham Agricultural Show" with train times, by order of James Allport, 4th August 1848.

Hexham Agricultural Show


Timebill, & Carlisle Railway "Goods, Mineral and Cattle", 1854.

Goods, Mineral and Cattle


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Special Trains to Newcastle Races", printed by M.A. Richardson., Newcastle, June 8th 1848.

Special Trains to Newcastle Races


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, 'Stagshawbank Fair Day' with times of the trains, issued by John Adamson, clerk of the company, May 14th 1847.

Stagshawbank Fair Day


Poster, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, "Tuesday July 4, 1848 Being Stagshaw Bank Fair Day', with train times and a depiction of a train pulling a carriage, ale and a cart, printed by John Hernaman, Newcastle, June 27th 1848.

Tuesday July 4, 1848 Being Stagshaw Bank Fair Da


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, 'Special Trains', issued by John Adamson, clerk of the company, printed by William Douglas, Newcastle, 1845.

Special Trains


Poster, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Carlisle Races and Wresting" with an illustration of a train pulling two carriages, 1897.

Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Carlisle Races and Wresting


Notice, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, Newcastle Races, Special Train from Carlisle, 23 June 1847, black text on white background, printed by Scott and Benson, Printers, 11 English Street, Carlisle, stuck to card.

Newcastle Races, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway


Notice of train times for Stagshawbank Fair, illustrated with drawing of locomotive hauling a train of mixed carriage stock. Produced by Newcastle & Carlisle Railway.

Stagshawbank Fair Day


Timetable, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway,"Trains on Stagshaw Bank Fair", June 27 1848.

Trains on Stagshaw Bank Fair


Ticket, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, with receipt, Unused, 1836.

Newcastle & Carlisle Railway ticket and receipt


Timetable, Newcastle upon Tyne and Carlisle Railway timetable,printed by John Herneman, Newcastle, October 30th 1846.

Newcastle upon Tyne and Carlisle Railway timetable


Notice. Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. Carlisle Races and Wrestling. Special Train from Newcastle, 1 July 1846. Black and red text on white background. Printed by William Douglas, Observer Office, High Street, Gateshead. Stuck to card.

Carlisle Races and Wrestling


Notice. Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. Carlisle Races and Wrestling. Special Train from Newcastle, 1 July 1846. Black text on white background. Printed by William Douglas, Observer Office, High Street, Gateshead. Losses to centre and bottom right-hand corner. Conserved and backed.

Carlisle races and wrestling, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway


Notice, York Newcastle & Berwick and Newcastle & Carlisle Railways, special trains for Hexham Agricultural Show, 8th August 1848. By order, James Allport, Manager. Mount: 560 mm x 431 mm; overall: 486 mm x 361 mm.

Notice, Special Trains for Hexham Agricultural Show


Notice, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, Extension to the Spital. A Petition. 18 July 1846. Mount: 355 mm x 484 mm; overall: 288 mm x 416 mm.

Newcastle & Carlisle Railway notice, Petition for extension to the Spital


Notice, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, special train to Stocksfield, Hexham and Haydon Bridge, 10th August 1845. John Adamson, Clerk of Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. Printed by John Hernaman, Journal Office, 19 Grey-Street, Newcastle. Mount: 441 mm x 559 mm; overall: 374 mm x 492 mm.

Newcastle & Carlisle Railway notice, Special Train to Stocksfield, Hexham and Haydon Bridge


Notice, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, Special train to the ruins of Naworth Castle following a fire, 9th June 1844. Printed 1st June 1844 by Newcastle Advertiser Office, 89, Side, Newcastle. Mount: 635 mm x 502 mm; overall: 567 mm x 434 mm.

Newcastle & Carlisle Railway notice, Special Trains to Naworth Castle


Notice, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, Rates of Tonnage and Charges for Conveyance of Goods, 26th March 1844. John Adamson, Clerk. Printed by Akenheads, Sandhill, Newcastle. Mount: 623 mm x 459 mm; overall: 559 mm x 392 mm.

Newcastle & Carlisle Railway notice, Rates of Tonnage and Charges for Conveyance of Goods


Notice. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway. Trains for Passengers and Parcels will proceed from the Company's Tempory Station west of the Infirmary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, instead of from the Close Station, from 21 October 1839. (With list of trains and also details of trains from Redheugh and London Road, Carlisle). Black text on white background. Printed by John Bell, side, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Stuck to board.

Trains for passengers and parcels........


Notice. Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. Notice is Hereby given that all persons trespassing on the Railway are liable to a considerable penalty.....and that the punishment for doing any injury or damage to the Railway is transportation for 7 years. 21 August 1835. Black text on white background. Printed by Akenheads, Printers, Newcastle. Stuck to card with losses at edges.

notice is hereby given that all persons trespassing.......


Notice. Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. Special Train at Greatly Reduced Fares from Carlisle to Naworth and Gilsland, 8 June 1845. Black text on yellow background. Printed at the Office of Charles Thurnam, Market Place, Carlisle. Stuck to card with losses to edges.

special train at greatly reduced fares


Notice. Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. Stagshaw Bank Fair Day, 30 May 1846. Extra Train from Hexham and Corbridge for Newcastle and Gateshead. Black text on green background. Printed at the Journal Office, 19 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by John Hernaman. Stuck to card.

stagshawbank fair day


Handbill, Two copies, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Winter Arrangements", printed by Steel, Carlisle, 4th November 1837.

Winter Arrangements


Poster, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Alteration of Sunday Trains Commencing July 11th 1847", printed by John Hernaman, Newcastle, July 1st 1847.

Alteration of Sunday Trains


Notice, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, "Alteration of Sunday Trains", issued by John Adamson, printed by T. & J. Hodgson, Newcastle upon Tyne, November 2 1847.

Newcastle and Carlisle Railway alteration of Sunday Trains


Handbill, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Sunday Trains on and after May 14th 1848", with the train times below, printed by John Hernaman, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1848.

Sunday Trains on and after May 14th 1848


Handbill, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, 'Times of Departure of Trains on and after August 5th 1844' with the timetable, 1844.

Times of Departure of Trains on and after August 5th 1844