Object type

Hilger wavelength spectroscope, with camera, London, England, 1919


Adjustable slit for use with spectroscope

The first Michelson Echelon Grating made in Europe with diffraction grating and 15 plates


Spectrum comparator


Hollow Prism of natural quartz with mounting lug on base


Heliostat with spring driven clock drive for use with table top spectrometers by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Abbe Refractometer, used by Horace Dall


Concave diffraction grating on speculum metal

1910-1948 (estimated)

Spectroscope Mounted on Wooden Shaft

Schwarz double compensated thermocouple infrared detector made by Adam Hilger Ltd for double beam spectrometer


Measuring micrometer made by Adam Hilger Ltd, 1939


35-plate echelon diffraction grating by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Michelson interferometer


Fluorite Prism by Adam Hilger Ltd.


left-handed quartz prism by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Fused Silica Prism by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Fused Silica Prism (compound - 4 segments) by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Spectroscope on stand by Hilger no 10.301/20207


Lummer plate


Liquid refractometer by Hilger, London, 1948




Corner cube reflector prism in brass mount


Glazed frame with photograph of Hilger Camera lens interferometer


Muller X-ray Spectrometer, by Hilger

Muller X-ray Spectrometer, by Hilger

[Records of Adam Hilger Ltd., comprising research and product development reports 1916-1941, Twyman's appointment notebook 1931 and 1933, lists of customers for various instruments 1875-1947 and notes on the history of the firm. 1 box, 9 volumes. Listing available. See also inv. no. 1999-239]

Records of Adam Hilger Ltd.

circa 1875-1941

Beamsplitter for 2-colour cine process; 2 separation images on one frame. One only believed made, cost over £1000. Lenses individually adjustable for aperture; focusing control; no. CT3.301/35201.

Beamsplitter for Cinecolor Process

Direct vision pocket spectroscope with adjustable slit, in metal case, made by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, c.1910.

Direct vision pocket spectroscope with adjustable slit


Echelon spectroscope, with wave length drum (Prism and Echelon grating chipped) by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, England, 1905, comprised of two units: constant deviation spectrometer and echelon grating.

Echelon spectroscope


Biochemical absorptiometer, serial No.H627.301/46265, Adam Hilger Ltd., London

Biochemical absorptiometer

Automatic spectroscope by G. and S. Merz (unsigned). Two micrometer slits in a mahogany box, drum of each divided into 100 parts. a) Sorby eyepiece in box by "A Hilger London", with position micrometer; 1 small screw missing, in mahogany box. Spectroscope is heavily constructed, height about 16", diam. of plate 12 1/2", 6 prisms, 3 eyepieces with washleather cover at eye end

Automatic spectroscope by G. and S. Merz (unsigned)

Early model of the Guild trichromatic colorimeter, made by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, England (eye-cap missing)

Early model of the Guild trichromatic colorimeter

Slit width adjustable by micrometer screw, calibrated 0-50 x 0.01mm. Slit length adjustable V slider, calibrated 0-18mm. 28mm tube fitting with locking screws. Adam Hilger Limited.

Hilger Adjustable Slit

Prism interferometer (N.48) with five screw adjustment for the mirror (N.53) by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, England, 1930-1932.

Prism interferometer (N.48) with five screw adjustment for the mirror (N.53) by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Littrow mahogany cased spectrograph by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, from the laboratory of Sir Thomas Merton

Littrow mahogany cased spectrograph by Adam Hilger Ltd.

Quartz and glass littrow type spectrograph by Adam Hilger Ltd., 1955-1960 used for metallurgical analysis

Quartz and glass littrow type spectrograph by Adam Hilger Ltd.

Grating spectrograph by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, used by W. Jevons, 1920-1930

Grating spectrograph by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Wavelength scale for quartz spectrograph, by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, England, 1920-1929

Wavelength scale for quartz spectrograph


Hilger Spekker photoelectric absorptiometer Type H760, 1948

Hilger Spekker photoelectric absorptiometer Type H760

Abbe refractometer in case by Adam Hilger Ltd.

Abbe Refractometer

Spectrophotometer, Adam Hilger Ltd., H16, date c. 1928

Spectrophotometer, Adam Hilger Ltd

Additional parts associated with Hilger wavelength spectrometer, by Adam Hilger Limited, London, 1918-1920

Additional parts associated with Hilger wavelength spectrometer


Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer c.1940, made by Adam Hilger Ltd. with set of light filters and set off glass cells and with galvanometer. Made by Cambridge Instrument Co. (See note)

Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer c.1940, With light filters, glass cells and galvanometer


Microphotometer model, H451, made by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, 1946-1948, with galvoscale by Hilger & Watts Ltd, 1952-1955

Microphotometer model

1946-1948; 1952-1955

Hilger one-shot colour camera. Camera for 1/2 plates; lens missing; mirror beam splitting; circular mirror, annular mirror for left and right beams, light passing mirrors reaches plate at rear. Filters held in frames in front of plates (2 or 3 missing). Lever focuses all three plates simultaneously.

Hilger One-Shot Colour Camera


Made in England. Crackle painted metal body, hinged back with rack and pinion adjustments to plateholder position. No 072304/47379.

Hilger Spectroscopic Camera

circa 1919

Two large 60 º glass prisms made by Adam Hilger Limited for the three prism Oxford Solar Spectroscope. These were replacements for the original prisms supplied in 1938 but apparently were never used as the instrument was replaced by a spectrograph using a grating.

Two large 60 º glass prisms


Selection of components from the three prism Oxford Solar Spectroscope made by Casella Limited with optical components from Adam Hilger Ltd. for the University Observatory, Oxford in 1938. Parts include two large 60 º prisms, one prism stand and the collimator objective lens.

Selection of components from the three prism Oxford Solar Spectroscope made by Casella Limited


Mutochrome, made by Adam Hilger Ltd. London, England, for the chromoscope Co. Ltd., with box of coloured glass discs

Mutochrome, made by Adam Hilger Ltd. London

Low-Hilger audiometer, including: 2 12V 48 watt projector bulbs, 5 diaphragms (one torn) on brass mounts, (in metal boxes), 2 diaphragms on wooden mounts, 1 horn and stand, 1 box of lantern slides, mostly referring to the audiometer.

Low-Hilger audiometer


Quartz spectrograph (E.31) with case and accessories by Adam Hilger Ltd., London, 1932

Quartz spectrograph (E.31) with case and accessories by Adam Hilger Ltd.