Bottle of Bishop's citrate of lithia (lithium citrate), by Alfred Bishop Ltd., 1900-1930 Bottle of Bishop's citrate of lithia (lithium citrate) 1900-1930
Glass phial sealed plastic lid containing antimony powder, supplied by Bishop's Varalettes Glass phial sealed plastic lid containing antimony powder 1920-1955
Bottle of effervescent caffeine, by Alfred Bishop, Ltd., London, 1925-1955 Bottle of effervescent caffeine 1925-1955
Glass tube paper covered, containing litmopyrine granules from Alfred Bishop, London, English Tube, 1920-1940 Glass tube paper covered 1920-1940
Bottle of 'Litmopyrine', by Alfred Bishop Ltd., 48 Spelman Street, London, NE, England. Bottle of 'Litmopyrine'
Bottle of lithium citrate, by Alfred Bishop, Ltd., 74 Garden Walk, Cambridge, England, 1940-1965. Bottle of lithium citrate 1940-1965
Bottle, in wrapper, of Bishop's sulphate of soda (Sodium Sulphate), by Alfred Bishop Ltd., 1900-1930 Bottle of Bishop's sulphate of soda 1900-1930