Four glass plates (each 3 1/2 inches square) bearing infra-red reflection films Four glass plates bearing infra-red reflection films 1919-1958
Complete educational high vacuum pumping equipment, model 2SC20A, Serial No. 11579, two stagerotary pump fitted with Solenoid Air Admittance valve, by Edwards High Vacuum Ltd, Manor Royal, Crawley, Sussex, England, 1955-1968. Complete educational high vacuum pumping equipment 1955-1968
Edwards Freeze Drying Unit model 10P made by Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., c. 1950. Edwards Freeze Drying Unit model 10P made by Edwards High Vacuum Ltd. circa 1950
4 MeV electron linear accelerator built by D.W. Fry et al, c. 1948. Ancillary - equipment: IONISATION GAUGE CONTROL UNIT model 3. Made in England by Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., Crawley, Sussex. 4 MeV electron linear accelerator built by D.W. Fry et al 1947
Stack of nine glass plates (each 3 1/4 inches square) coated with magnesium fluoride for demonstrating anti-reflection films, by Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., Crawley, Sussex, 1958. Stack of nine glass plates (each 3 1/4 inches square) coated with magnesium fluoride 1958
Four vacuum pumps, sectioned for display:- (1) Rotary vacuum pump, (2) Turbo molecular vacuum pump, (3) Oil diffusion vacuum pump, (4) Sputter Ion Pump, made by Edward High Vacuum International, Crawley, West Sussex, England, 1981-1991. Four vacuum pumps 1981-1991