Object type

Calotype negative entitled Niclosi

Casa Inglese, Etna


Glass plate negative 'Taken in the crater during an explosion, Etna', by the Rev George Bridges, 1845.

Taken in the crater during an explosion, Etna


Calotype negative showing a view of Olympium, from rock above Enneakrounos, Athens

Olympium, from rock above Enneakrounos, Athens

No date

Salt print, 'Garden of the Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena, Catania' by George Wilson Bridges, 1846

Garden of the Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena, Catania


Salt print, 'Garden of the Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena, Catania' by George Wilson Bridges, 1846

Garden of the Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena, Catania


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'Athens. North East angle of Parthenon'. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph by Rev. G Bridges 1847".

Athens. North East angle of Parthenon


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'Pompeii. The Temple of Jupiter'. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph by the Rev. G Bridges".

Pompeii. The Temple of Jupiter


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'The Areopagus or Mars-Hill at Athens'. Includes inscription on back - "So called from Mars having been the first who was tried there for the murder of Hallirhatus. Was once the centre of Athens Sixteen stone steps out in the rock at the SE angle (not seen in this view) led up to the ancient seat of Judgement - almost the only undisputed site in Athens. Immediately above the steps is a bench of Stone excavated in the living rock with a raised block, which is doubtless that described by Euripides as the position of the accused before his judges. For the Areapagites, the most ancient of the Athenium Tribunals is in name still existing, sat in the open air and in the dark, that they might not be influenced by seeing either the accuser or the accused. Pausanias describes these rude stones as we see them now, and he visited Athens in the year." "Here stood St. Paul (the spot is here marked by the right-hand (figure) in the centre of this platform - brought doubtless up these steps the natural access from the Agora or market-place below, in which he had been conversing amidst those splendid memorials of Pagan worship - Temples, Statues & Alters, which called forth his eloquent Exendium & remonstrance. The city was ended as he describes it A.D. 53 'full of Idols' - the proper translation of the words rendered in the text 'wholly given to idolatry' Acts XVii.22.59 _ _ _ How strong and how truly eloquent was the Appeal! Speaking as he did to the assembled multitudes below, with the bright temple of Theseus here beneath him and the glittering fruits of Mercury, Neptune, Bacchus, Apollo, Pan, & a host of pagan dieties high on the Aeropolis immediately above him!" "On this Hill Oerestes was tried for Matricide, & Socretes for Theism. And here it was the Xerxes pitched his tent before the Citadel, five centuries before the Christian Era." "[from an orig Photograph by the Rev. G Bridges 1847."

The Areopagus or Mars-Hill at Athens 1847


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'Pompeii. The Villa of Marcus Arrius Diomedes'. Includes inscription on back - "So called merely because a timb bearing that name was discovered near it. All that we know of the owner is that his life had been one of elegant luxery - that his Villa lying between the devoted City & and the raging mountain, must have felt the first effects of the fearful visitation. When the vaults (to the left in the view) were opened, at the bottom of the steps were found the skeletons of seventeen persons covered by sev. feet of fine ashes consolidated by the damp of 17 centuries & retaining the prefect impression of the figures. So exact is the cast of the neck & breast of a girl, as preserved in the museum at Naples, that even the texture of teh dress is apparent. Two golden necklaces & 4 rings with engraved gems were beside them. Near the garden gate, two skeletons were lying - one with the key of that gate in his hand & near to it about 100 gold & silver coins; probably this was the proprietor himself, for with the other were some silver vases lying, as perhaps come by the slave accompanying his master in his intended flight & leaving the women & children to their fate, or in fancied secruity within the villa." "This villa was excavated in 1763 & is by far the most extensive of the private buildings yet discovered." (1847) (Private view of Mr. Bridges). (From an original photography by Rev. Bridges in 1847) From a fuller account of the above in Pompeii.P516

Pompeii. The Villa of Marcus Arrius Diomedes


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'View of Athens. from the Eastern base of the Cecropolis'. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph by Rev. G Bridges 1848".

View of Athens. from the Eastern base of the Cecropolis 1848


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'Athens. The Cecorpium or Southern Portico of the Erectheum'. Includes inscription on back - "(Sir E. Lyons)" and "from an original Photograph by Rev. G Bridges 1847".

Athens. The Cecropium or Southern Portico of the Erectheum


The Arch of Hadrian, Athens [The Acropolis in the distance on which is also seen a part of the Parthenon]. Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph taken by the Rev. G Bridges in 1847"

Athens. The Arch of Hadrian


Side view of the Temple of Theseus. Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph taken by the Rev. G Bridges d. 1847"

Athens. The Temple of Theseus


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'Athens, The Erechtheum and Parthenon'. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph by Rev. G Bridges 1847"

Athens, The Erechtheum and Parthenon


Calotype paper negative showing the Sphinx and pyramid, Egypt


January 1851

Calotype negative, 'Mount Etna, from the Door of the Casa Inglese' by George Wilson Bridges, August 1846

Mount Etna, from the Door of the Casa Inglese


Calotype negative entitled 'A Mass of Running Lava, Mount Etna' by Bridges, George Wilson, August 1846

A Mass of Running Lava, Mount Etna

August 1846

13 Daguerreotypes by Rev. G. Bridges, which are copies of salt prints made by Bridges in Greece between 1847 and 1848.

Daguerreotypes by Rev G Bridges

Front view of the Temple of Theseus. Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph by the Rev. G Bridges"

Athens. The Temple of Theseus


The Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius, Athens. Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph taken by the Rev. G Bridges - 1847"

Athens.The Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius


The Northern Ionic Portico of the Erectheum, Athens. Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph taken by the Rev. G Bridges in 1847"

Athens. The Northern Ionic Portico of the Erectheum


Daguerreotype copy of a salt paper print; 'Athens. The Erectheum'. Includes inscription on back - "from an original Photograph taken by the Rev. G Bridges".

Athens. The Erectheum