Gregorian reflecting telescope of 3-inch aperture by James Short, London [138/878 = 12] (138th of 12 inch type out of 878 made) plus 1 spare eyepiece, no stand. [replica mahogany (wood) stand was made in workshops] Gregorian reflecting telescope of 3-inch aperture by James Short 1753-1755
Brass Gregorian reflecting telescope of 2 1/2-inch aperture by James Short, London [244/1063=9.6], on an altazimuth mounting with box foot stand made from telescope case containing 2 eyepieces, brass mirror box and accessories. Brass Gregorian reflecting telescope of 2 1/2-inch aperture by James Short 1760-1762
An account of an horizontal Top, invented by Mr Serson / James Short. 1752 Feb 6. 3p. on 3 leaves. [Ms. transcription from Philosophical Transactions/Royal Society v.47, p.352 of Short's paper. It refers to Science Museum object (, an artificial horizon or whirling speculum. (The account mentions Mr [John] Smeaton and [Sir] William Watson.) The leaves include a further 2p. of notes on the speculum and on Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion.] An account of an horizontal Top 1752
Gregorian Reflecting Telescope of 4 3/8-inch aperture by James Short, London [42/1195 = 24] on a folding claw-foot pillar stand. Gregorian Reflecting Telescope of 4 3/8-inch aperture by James Short 1763-1765