Wood model illustrating two methods of disconnecting cranks, S. Seaward's patent, No. 8436. A.D. 1840 Model illustrating methods of crank-pins of steam engines 1840
Mounted diagrammic model, scale 1:10, of the modified Seaward engine valves and expansion gear as used on the HMS 'Avenger' (1845) Diagramatic model of Seawards expansion gear 1845-1860
Working model, scale 1:16, of a direct acting paddle engine using return piston rods, invented by John Seaward, (c.1838), made by Seaward and Capel, on metal base. Working model 1838-1860
Hand cranked model, of a stern fitted with an auxilliary screw propellor with an arrangement of lifted screw, patented by J. Seaward's, (No. 11034. A.D. 1846). Hand cranked model 1845-1846
Model of vessel’s stern, scale 1:48, fitted with lifting-screw-propeller, Seaward's and Capel's adaption of an auxiliary propeller to a 90-gun ship, by John Seaward, Limehouse, Middlesex, England, 1849 Model of stern of vessel, scale 1:48, fitted with 1849