Working model, scale 1:16, of Joseph Maudslay's patented variable pitch two bladed screw propeller, by Maudslay, Sons and Field, Lambeth, London, England, 1848-1850 Working model of Joseph Maudslay's variable pitch screw propeller 1848-1850
Working patent model, scale 1:8, of double piston-rod steeple paddle engines (c.1839) shown in structure of a vessel, patented by Joshua Field and Joseph Maudslay, and made by Maudslay, Sons and Field, Lambeth, London, England, 1839 Working patent model, of double piston-rod steeple paddle engines 1839
Working model, scale 1:16, of a rope-driven arrangement for screw shaft, J. Maudslay's patent No. 9833 A.D.1843, with two-bladed propeller on wood base, by Maudslay Sons and Field, London, 1843-1862 Working model 1843