Booklet, British Rail (France by Train and Ship, Services and Fares), 76 page booklet with cartoon of Gendarme as map of France, On orange background, Soft cover, September 1970, (Other IDs SISD.71/A100/ Sept70/BR.35117/15.) France by Train and Ship, Services and Fares 1970, September
Sealink Seaspeed Motorail file, Services for the Motorist 1973. The file includes highlights for 1973, Sealink European Services, Sealink Camping and Caravenning, Sealink and Children, Seaspeed Inclusive Motoring Holidays, and a UK Motorail Map. A pocket at the back of the file contains seven leaflets entitled Dover-Boulogne Dover-Calais Seaspeed Hovercraft 1973 Timetable & Fares, Automobile Touring Services Ltd 'When this happens abroad...', Isle of Wight Sealink Car Ferry Services '73, Sealink Route Guide and Sales Directory, British Transport Hotels 'Cure for the Common Winter', Seaspeed Hovercraft 'Holland is here - the Free + Easy Way', and Sealink International Car Ferries 1973 Advance Information: To Europe Ireland and Channel Islands'. Services for the Motorist 1973 1973
British Rail / Sealink leaflet "Weymouth-The Channel Islands" describing rail and sea services from Weymouth to the Channel Islands, from 1857 to the formation of Sealink in 1971. Weymouth-The Channel Islands circa 1971
Sealink 9th Annual Jazz Ship '85 to Jersey - A4 handbill advertising Sealink voyage from Portsmouth to Jersey including performances by The Pete Allen Jazz Band, 15 to 18 March 1985. Sealink 9th Annual Jazz Ship '85 to Jersey 1985-02
BR (Sealink UK) poster. Great Little Escapes. A Programme of Short Inclusive Holidays by Train and Ship - Europe and Channel Islands by Sealink Travel Ltd, September 1979-September 1980 Great Little Escapes 1979
British Railways (Sealink) poster. Welcome Aboard! Sealink Channel Islands, 1982 Welcome Aboard! 1982
BR (Sealink) poster. Win a Fabulous Sealink Holiday in the Isle of Man, 1983 win a fabulous sealink holiday in the isle of man 1983
BR (Sealink) poster. Refresh Yourself with a Mini Break in Belgium from only #26.50. With cartoon couple in front of activities and sites in Belgium. Refresh Yourself with a Mini Break in Belgium from only £26.50
Timetable Notice. Sealink UK Ltd. Humberail. Sealink Hull-New Holland Passenger & Car Ferry Services, 6 January 1980 until further notice. Black text on white background with blue heading. Sealink ref: SUK15/B2/1279-BR35161/3. Printed by Willsons Printers (Leicester) Limited. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm. Timetable notice, Sealink
Poster, Sealink, Go by train and ship to Europe and Ireland, photographs shows a family on a ship, printed by C J Petye Ltd, 1969. Go by train and ship to Europe and Ireland 1969
Booklet, British Rail (France by Train and Ship, Services and Fares), 84 page booklet with cartoon of girl holding grapes, Illustration by John Gort, On blue background, Soft cover, May 1970, (Other IDs SISD.33/A104/ May70/BR.35117/15.) France by Train and Ship, Services and Fares 1970
BR(CAS) poster for Sealink UK Ltd. Enjoy all the Fun & Flavour or France - Dieppe from only #7, 1981 Enjoy all the Fun & Flavour of France - Dieppe from only £7 1981
Booklet, British Rail (France by Train and Ship, Services and Fares), 92 page booklet with cartoon of Gendarme as map of France, On blue background, Soft cover, May 1971, (Other IDs SISD 116/A108/ May71/BR.35117/15.) France by Train and Ship, Services and Fares 1971, May
Brochure,Sealink, "Guernsey Jersey '83", front cover with photograph of toddlers playing on the beach, inside has information pertaining to fares, timetables and inclusive holidays, while back cover is illustrated by a photograph of a boat, printed by Chromoworks Limited, Nottingham, 1983. Guernsey Jersey '83 1983
BR (Sealink) poster. Sail Sealink to the Isle of Man from Heysham sail sealink to the isle of man from heysham
BR (Sealink) poster. We've Got More Ships, Going to More Places, More Often than Anybody Else - Sealink by Train, Car and Ship to the Continent, Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Wight and Isle of Man we've gotmore ships, going to more places
BR (Sealink) poster. We've Got More Ships, Going to More Places, More Often than Anybody Else - Sealink by Train, Car and Ship to the Continent, Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Wight and Isle of Man. we've got more ships, going to more places
BR (Sealink) poster. Sealink Isle of Man. I've Got a Great Deal to Offer - There's a Low Priced Monthly Return from your Local Station, 1982 i've got a great deal to offer - there's a low priced monthly return from your local station 1982
Notice. British Railways/Sealink UK Ltd. Public Notice. Withdrawal of Shipping Service. Hull-New Holland. (Proposal to discontinue the shipping service on and from the opening of the high level suspension bridge between Barton-on-Humber and Hessle scheduled for March 1980). Issued: May 1979. Blue text on white background. Sealink ref: 363/579. Printed by Planet Display Ltd. Presented by British Rail. 8/6/1983. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm. withdrawal of shipping service 1979
BR poster: Information. Railcards- Isle of Wight Sealink Services. Planet Displays. AD6659. Presented by British Rail. Information
BR Network South East Poster: Sealink British Ferries. Folkstone Boulogne. Network Card. Your passport to cheaper travel...illustration of English and French coasts and sealink ferry. Presented by British Rail. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm. Sealink British Ferries
Poster. British Rail Shipping (Sealink). Self Service Restaurant Tariff. List of restaurant prices. 1973. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm. self service restaurant poster 1973