Drawing of Grand Orrery by Thomas Wright and engraving of 'The Grand Orrery' by John Rowley 1715-1728
Gregorian reflecting telescope of 2 5/8 inch aperture and 16 inch focal length by Thomas Wright 1826-1842
Book, "A description of an astronomical instrument, being the orrery reduc'd : which shews the use of it so far as relates to the motion of the Earth and Moon, explain'd to the meanest capacity, made either in silver, brass or wood.", by Thomas Wright and published by Thomas Wright, London, c.1720. Located at the Science Museum Library at Wroughton. Shelfmark: O.B. WRI WRIGHT. Astronomy book by Thomas Wright 1718-1722
Large orrery with twelve sided mahogany base and armillary bands showing six planets out to Saturn. Unsigned by the maker but probaby made by T. Wright or B.Cole, mid 18th century. Small plate indicates that it was repaired by Nairne & Blunt in 1790. Orrery planetary model probably Thomas Wright, 1740-1747 1740-1747
Altazimuth theodolite with level, 10 inch, by Thomas Wright, Fleet Street, London, 1718-1747. Altazimuth theodolite with level, British, 1718-1747 1718-1747
Simple theodolite and tripod by Thomas Wright, Fleet Street, London, England, 1731-1747 Simple theodolite, British, 1731-1747 1731-1747
Orrery showing Sun, Earth & Moon by Thomas Wright, London early 18th century. Modified for display with wooden base (removed) and later separate pulley to drive wheelwork (removed). Orrery planetary model by Thomas Wright, 1718-1747 1718-1747