Object type

Your Local and Inter-City 125 - A Great Partnership

Poster, British Railways,'Your Local and Inter-City 125 - A Great Partnership', by Vic Millington. Reproduced watercolour by Vic Millington, a BR guard, depicting a train with a bus and hills behind; text reads: 'Many local services meet up with world-beating Inter-City 125 high-speed high-comfort trains. Make good use of your local connections. Please ask for service details. Have a good trip!'

Your Local and Inter-City 125 - A Great Partnership

Poster, British Rail Inter-City poster, (Your Local and Inter-City 125 A Great Partnership), Insert pictorial panel of Inter-City HST and local DMU standing at adjacent platform, Blue background with heading printed in black and advertising message at foot, Printed in white.

Your Local and Inter-City 125 A Great Partnership

Poster, British Railways Board, poster, (Your Local and Inter City 125, A Great Partnership), Painting of Inter City 125 and a local D.M.U. on opposite sides of an island platform, "Have a good trip." c1976.

Your Local and Inter City 125, A Great Partnership

circa 1976

Railway poster, ‘The Flying Scotsman, the Most Famous Loco and Train in the World’, London to Edinburgh, Weekdays 10.0am, by Vic Millington, 2015 produced in the style of a quad royal British poster.

Railway poster


Watercolour by Vic Millington, 1980. Diesel multiple unit in South Wales valley. Shows a diesel unit passing a coal mine. Another unit and wagons are visible in the background. Framed, glass.

Diesel multiple unit in South Wales valley


Watercolour (gouache) on paper. Unsocial Hours - A Train Crew starting work in the early hours of a foul Bristol night by Vic Millington, 1980. Framed and glazed. (glass)

Unsocial Hours