Object type

Zeiss Ikon Contax precision miniature camera; with camera cut away to show construction


Nettel Camera


Camera from Kodak New for Old collection


Blutzucker-Kolorimeter of Crecelius-Seifert with 6 cavettes


Zeiss Ikon Contina Camera


Contaflex camera


Contax camera


Zeiss Ikon 'Zeitlupe' High-Speed Camera


Zeiss Aerial Lens


"Microflex" Camera


Slide Viewer


Camera, Voigtlander Vitessa


Camera, Voigtlander Vitessa 126 CS


Zeiss-Ikon portable 35mm sound projector type B


Twin Zeiss Ikon stereo cameras

Zeiss Ikon Kinamo 16mm camera. Serial No 92044. For 16mm film in 10 metre loads

Zeiss Ikon "Contax II" 35mm. camera with Tessar f3.5 lens


Ikoflex Model I twin lens came

circa 1935

"Cocarette" Folding Camera


Lens Hood and Filters


Box of four Zeiss optical locating bars, and one single locating bar, for use with Zeis optical aligning equipment (Inv 1988-865), recovered from British Rail Engineering Ltd. Swindon

Four optical locating bars

Ikonta. Zeiss Ikon 1952



Zeiss Ikon Kinox 16mm projector

Zeiss Ikon Kinox 16mm projector

Box Tengor. Zeiss Ikon. 1931.

Box Tengor Camera


Locomotive cylinder and hornblock optical aligning equipment by Zeiss, recovered from British Rail Engineering Ltd. Swindon (see also Inv 1988-892, box of locating bars)

Zeiss locomotive cylinder and hornblock optical aligning equipment

"Contax F" 35mm. camera, c. 1953, Zeiss Ikon AG.

Contax F 35mm


Zeiss Ikon Movikon 16mm camera and case

Zeiss Ikon Movikon 16mm camera

Zeiss Ikon Movikon K 16mm camera

Zeiss Ikon Movikon K 16mm camera

Box Tengor camera. Zeiss Ikon, 1932.

Box Tengor Camera


Box Tengor. Zeiss Iko. 1930.

Box Tengor Camera


Silver gelatin print by Keet Mann for Zeiss Ikon AG, Stuttgart. Image shows washing drying by a lake. Photograph was taken using a Zeiss Ikon camera with a Zeiss Tessar f 12.8 lens at f/16, 1/60.

Washing drying by a lake


ICA-Lloyd rollfilm/plate camera, in leather case. Made by Zeiss-Ikon. Metal folding camera for rollfilm or plates, 3 1/4 x 5 1/2". Zeiss Tessar, F:150mm, f/4.5-45. No. 776066, Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/200/B/T setting wheel and cocking lever. Serial No 132100. Rotating reflecting brilliant finder with spirit level; wire frame finder. Screw rising and cross front. Rack and pinion focusing, inf.-7'. 2 scale positions for plate and film. DistributionNo K 84302. In leather case. (M4223). The Lloyd camera was similar to the Icarette rollfilm models but was also adaptable for use with plates and available in quarter-plate size. In Germany, between 1929-1931, it was marketed as the Icarette-Lloyd. This camera sold in Great Britain for between £12 and £14.

ICA-Lloyd Rollfilm/plate Camera


Folding self erecting camera for 35mm film 24 x 36mm. Fitted with a Zeiss Option Tessar lens f/2.8-22 F:45mm Bo.970731. Synchro compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/500/B. Flash synchronised and M switch, coaxial socket. Coincident type rangefinder coupled to front cell focusing. Depth of field scale ASA 6-400, 15 secs - 1/5000, f/2.8-22. Accessory shoe. Film type reminder. Wind on and rewind knobs on base. No. B 65903. Zeiss Ikon. c.1953.

Zeiss Ikon Contessa camera 533/24


Zeiss Ikon Movikon 8 cine camera, 1938.

Zeiss Ikon Movikon 8 camera


'Tengor' box camera by Zeiss Ikon A.G, model 54/18, with 'Frontar' lens by Georz, Dresden, compur shutter and canvas pouch with instruction leaflet, 1930.

'Tengor' Box Camera with Accessories


Zeiss Ikon "Contax III" camera serial No. 35568 (with Universal finder and six cassettes) and F2 Zeiss Sonnar 50mm. lens, 1936.

Zeiss Ikon "Contax III" Camera


'Nettar' model 515/B roll film camera by Zeiss Ikon A.G., Germany, with Zeiss f3.5 10.5cm lens, 'Compur-Rapid' shutter and leather case, c.1935

'Nettar' Model 515/B Roll Film Camera by Zeiss Ikon A.G.


Zeiss Ikon "Baby Box" camera in original leather case, c. 1935.

Zeiss Ikon "Baby Box" Camera


Contax II 35mm miniature camera with interchangeable lenses and coupled rangefinder which was introduced by Carl Zeiss in 1936, The viewfinder and the rangefinder are combined. The metal focal plane shutter has speeds from 1/2sec to 1.250 sec and a dleayed action release and time. Fitted with a Carl Zeiss Jena Sooar F.2 50mm T coated lens. No. M 36062. Zeiss Ikon c.1936

Contax II. 35mm camera

circa 1936

Zeiss Ikon Voigtlander Vitessa 126 cs camera for 126 cartridge film, c. 1970; with Voigtlander Viogtor 44 lens and Prontor shutter.

Zeiss Ikon Voigtlander 'Vitessa' 126 CS Camera, c 1970


Zeiss Ikon split-image rangefinder.

Split-image Rangefinder and Case.

Helios photo electric exposure meter. Zeiss Ikon, c.1950.

Helios photo electric exposure meter. Zeiss Ikon

circa 1950

Zeiss Ikon Nettax Model 513/16, folding 120 roll film camera No. 0-27709 with 75mm. f4.5 Novar Anastigmat lens in Pronto shutter, and leather carrying case, c. 1957.

Zeiss Ikon Nettax Model 513/16, Folding 120 Roll Film Camera


Zeiss Ikon "Ikonta" roll film camera (model 521/2), with leather case, c. 1937.

Zeiss Ikon "Ikonta" Roll Film Camera


Zeiss Nettar model 515/2 bellows camera for rollfilm No.120 2 1/4 x 3 1/4". Fitted with Zeiss Nettar Anastigmat lens F.4.5 105mm mounted in a ring compur shutter, speeds 1sec - 1/250sec and 'B'. Lens is of front cell focusing type. With optical frame finder at side of body. Zeiss Ikon, c.1932

Zeiss Nettar Model 515/2 Bellows Camera

circa 1932

Box Tengor 54/2 box camera for rollfilm No.120 2 1/4 x 3 1/4". Fitted with a fixed focus Goerz Frontar Meniscus lens F.11. A strip of metal with three cut outs acts as stops. With two setting shutter: instantaneous and time and waist-level viewfinder. Zeiss Ikon A.G. c.1924.

Box Tengor 54/2 Box Camera

circa 1924

Zeiss Tessar lens, F.4.5, 135mm. Mounted in a ring Compur shutter, speeds 1 - 1/200 sec B. & T. Number on side of lens: 2826198

Zeiss Tessar Lens.

circa 1935

Zeiss Ikoflex II twin lens reflex camera fir rollfilm No.120 giving 12 exposures 2 1/4 x 2 1/4. With ground glass screen. Viewing lens is a Taronar Anastigmat with fixed aperture F.3.5 75mm f.1. Taking lens is a Novar Anastigmat F.3.5 75mm mounted in a ring setshutter with speeds 1-1/250sec B. With in built exposure indicator. c. 1937

Zeiss Ikoflex II twin lens reflex camera

circa 1937

Contax ILA. With metal focal plane shutter fully synchronised for electronic flash and flashbulbs. Fitted with Zeiss Jena Sonnar F.1.5 50mm T coated. No. V16987. c. 1954

Contax ILA

circa 1954

Zeiss Ikon Kinamo S10 16mm camera, a box of Kodak Safety Film Super-sensitive Panchromatic, and an empty magazine.

Zeiss Ikon Kinamo S10 16mm camera