Austin agricultural tractor on steel rear wheels, and cast front wheels, by The Austin Motor Company, Longbridge, Birmingham, c. 1919. Engine: 4-cylinder side valve petrol/paraffin. Austin agricultural tractor on steel rear wheels 1914-1924
Oliver '80' rowcrop agricultural tractor on 'narrow-vee' dual steel front wheels and 'tip-toe' steel rear wheels, by Oliver Farm Equipment Company, Charles City, Iowa, U.S.A., Serial No. 111486 KD, 1944. Engine: 4-cylinder overhead valve gasoline (petrol)/kerosene/distillate. Fitted with power take-off and gear-box operated mechanical implement lift. Oliver '80' rowcrop agricultural tractor on 'narrow-vee' dual steel front wheels and 'tip-toe' steel rear wheels 1944
McCormick-Deering Farmall 'Regular' rowcrop agricultural tractor on 'narrow-vee' dual front steel wheels and steel rear wheels with spade lugs and road bands, by International Harvester Corporation Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, Serial No. QC 52616, 1926. Engine: Serial No. QC 50170, 20 hp 4-cylinder overhead valve gasoline(petrol) /kerosene. The first tractor produced specifically for rowcrop cultivation, with high axle clearance, and designed to carry a range of implements for precision row cultivation, fitted to the front, underneath, and to the rear of the tractor. McCormick-Deering Farmall 'Regular' rowcrop agricultural tractor 1926
Oliver 'Hart-Parr' 18-28 agricultural tractor on steel wheels, by the Oliver Farm Equipment Company, Charles City, Iowa, U.S.A., Serial No. 802529, 1936. Engine: 4-cylinder overhead valve gasoline (petrol)/kerosene/distillate. Oliver 'Hart-Parr' 18-28 agricultural tractor on steel wheels 1936
David Brown 'VAK 1' agricultural tractor on pneumatic tyres, by David Brown, Meltham, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, Serial No. 1750, 1940. Engine: Serial No. 18774-cylinder 25 hp overhead valve petrol/tractor vaporising oil. Fitted with power take-off and three point hydraulic linkage. The first model of tractor produced by David Brown after their break with Harry Ferguson. David Brown 'VAK 1' agricultural tractor on pneumatic tyres 1940