Place born
Organisation / Person
1860-1862, railway company, Scotland, United Kingdom

Inverness & Ross-shire Railway

1860 - 1862

1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1860-1867, railway company, Wales, United Kingdom

Conway & Llanrust Railway

1860 - 1867

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1860-1935, electrical engineer; film-maker, inventor, born Brittany, France

Dickson, William Kennedy Laurie

1860 - 1935

1860-1986, railway builders, Gloucester

Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Company Limited

1860 - 1986

1860-1943, electrical engineer, British

Addenbrooke, George Leonard

1860 - 1943

1860-1922, railway company, British

Victoria Station & Pimlico Railway

1860 - 1922

1860-1936, physiologist, British

Haldane, John Scott

1860 - 1936

1860-1895, physician; pathologist; surgeon, German

Schimmelbusch, Curt

1860 - 1895

Burden, Harold Nelson

1860 - 1930

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

Young, Robert

1860 - 1932

1860-1948, biologist; mathematician; classics scholar, Scottish

Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth

1860 - 1948

Perkin, William Henry

1860 - 1929

1860-1936, inventor; mechanical engineer, American

Curtis, Charles Gordon

1860 - 1936

1860-1870, manufacturer of earthenware, Burslem, England

Cork, Edge and Malkin

1860 - 1870

1860-1934, statesman; Prime Minister, French

Poincaré, Raymond

1860 - 1934

1860-1973, Locomotvie manufacturer, Leeds

Hudswell Clarke & Co

1860 - 1973

1860-1930, bacteriologist researching cholera and plague, Russian

Haffkine, Waldemar Mordecai Wolfe

1860 - 1930

1860-1912, physician; surgeon; urologist, Cuban; French

Albarran, Joaquin

1860 - 1912

1860-1920, railway signal manufacturer, British

Saxby & Farmer Limited

1860 - 1920

active 1860s-1939, manufacturer of decorated tin boxes, Mansfield, England

Barringer, Wallis and Manners Limited

1860 - 1939

1860-1870, railway company, England

Stourbridge Railway

1860 - 1870

1860-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

East Coast Joint Stock Railway

1860 - 1922

1860-1864, railway company, United Kingdom

Horsham & Guildford Direct Railway

1860 - 1864

1860-1865, railway company, United Kingdom

Bedford & Cambridge Railway Company

1860 - 1865

1860-1867, railway company, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom

Cheshire Midland Railway

1860 - 1867

1860-1984, Milton Bradley Company; taken over by Hasbro, Inc. 1984-, American

Milton Bradley Company

1860 - 1984

Kay, Fred Lawton

1811 - 1969

Biggs, Theodore James

1806 - 1906

Albone, Daniel

1860 - 1906

1860-1962, original owner of shop with items of medical glass-ware, British

Tyler, John Fielder

1860 - 1962

active 1860-1992, manufacturer, Glasgow, Scotland

Baird-Taylor Limited

1860 - 1992

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1860-1929, businessman in photographic industry, American

Koopman, E B

1860 - 1929

1860-1939, photographer, Staffordshire

Alfieri, Bernard

1860 - 1939

1860-1917, chemist; zymologist, German

Buchner, Eduard

1860 - 1917

1860-1890, pewter manufacturers, English; British

Harton and Son

1860 - 1890

1860-1927, physiologist, Dutch

Einthoven, Willem

1860 - 1927

1865-1944, zoologist, author, British

Brindley, Harold Hulme

1806 - 1944

1860-1906, agricultural engineer; inventor, British

Albone, Daniel

1860 - 1906

d. 1816; active 1785-1816, topographical artist; cartographer, English; British

Baskerfield, Thomas

1860 - 1816

1860-1913, surgeon, French

Jaboulay, Mathieu

1860 - 1913

1860-1929, organic chemist, British; English

Perkin Jr, William Henry

1860 - 1929

1860-1939, surgeon and leader in neurosurgery, Austrian

Eiselberg, Anton Freiherr von

1860 - 1939

1860-1939, physician; surgeon; neurosurgeon, Austrian

Eiselsberg, Anton

1860 - 1939

1860-1864, railway company, British

Oswestry & Newtown Railway

1860 - 1864