cleaner; passed cleaner; fireman; passed fireman; driver; train crew supervisor, manager; relief manager; description of work; export coal; import fruit and vegetables; engineers trains; sleeper depots; "pick-up" freight trains; theatre specials; excursions; Beeching cuts; loan experience; night freight; link to link promotion; lodgings; Yorkshire, Tyne Tees Pullman; "Elizabethan"; oiling central motions, Gresley Pacifics; socialising; marriage; Deltics; shunting; piloting; promotion, relief link; rail car; signalling exam; driver only operation; platform security; relief manager; signalbox fire; station cleaning; delayed passengers; track cleaning; suicides; redundancy; d.o.b. 1932-01-01, railway work 1947-1989, Boston; Mablethorpe; Peterborough; Skegness; Neasden; Old Oak Common; King's Cross; Hull; Edinburgh; Hitchin; Broxholme; Darlington; Brighton; Aldrington; Watford; London North Eastern Railway (LNER); Clarke, Peter Brinkley 2003-04-14
Photograph entitled 'Inside battle (Burgess Hill)' by Keystone Press Agency, 5 April 1962. Gelatin silver print. Inside battle (Burgess Hill) 1962-04-05
Photograph entitled 'Silhouette of young school boy (Burgess Hill)' by Keystone Press Agency, 5 April 1962. Gelatin silver print Silhouette of young school boy (Burgess Hill) 1962-04-05
Oral history recording; Expanding National Archive of Railway Oral History; Carolyn Griffiths; work culture and relationships; conditions at work; canteens; open days; depots; management grades; British Rail; 1970s; 1980s; Strafford; Birmingham; Watford; York; Doncaster; Derby; Cardiff; Paddington; Walthamstowe; Leytonstone Griffiths, Carolyn 2005-05-25
Photograph entitled 'If they don't like lessons…' by Keystone Press Agency, 5 April 1962. Gelatin silver print. If they don't like lessons… 1962-04-05
Photograph entitled 'Cause I like them (Burgess Hill) by Keystone Press Agency, 5 April 1962. Gelatin silver print. Cause I like them (Burgess Hill) 1962-04-05
Photograph entitled 'Scooter in the classroom and a cigarette in mouth…' by Keystone Press Agency, 5 April 1962. Gelatin silver print. Scooter in the classroom and a cigarette in mouth 1962-04-05
Photograph entitled 'Girl kicks boy during lunch line up (Burgess Hill Progressive School) by Keystone Press Agency, 5 April 1962. Gelatin silver print. Girl kicks boy during the lunch line up (Burgess Hill Progressive School) 1962-04-05