On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Bio-brick grown from urine, University of Cape Town


Small waterproof packet of dressings and bandages for wounded during Boer War


Photograph of the emission nebula, Eta Carina (1 hour exposure)


Transparency:- constellation of Orion


Transparency, 15"x12", Orion Constellation


Tellurometer, 1978


Tellurometer for EDM (Electronic Distance Measurement), 1957-1962


One of nineteen photographs from the Royal Observatory


Region round South Pole

Transparency:- Milky Way in Sagittarius


Photograph of the emission nebula, Eta Carina (12 hour exposure)


Photograph of the emission nebula, Eta Carina (24 hour exposure)


Handcuffs, with key


Nineteen photographs of instruments and stars fields taken at the Royal Observatory


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, showing the Victoria Telescope, a twin 24/18-inch astrographic telescope by Howard Grubb, Dublin and endowed by Frank McClean.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope


One of nineteen photographs taken by the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing M. Lacailles' wall sundial in Cape Town.

One of nineteen photographs taken by the Royal Observatory


One of nineteen photographs from the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing transit instrument pillars erected by the Rev. Fearson Fallows.

One of nineteen photographs from the Royal Observatory


One of nineteen photographs from the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing a 7-inch Heliometer with equatorial mounting by Messrs Repsold and Sons, Hamburg. Used widely by Sir David Gill to make stellar parallax measurements from 1887 onwards.

One of nineteen photographs from the Royal Observatory


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, showing the Carte du Ciel twin astrographic refractor by Howard Grubb, Dublin.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope


Transparency:- region of Nubecula Minor (small Magellanic Cloud and star cluster 47 Toucani)

Transparency:- region of Nubecula Minor (small Magellanic Cloud and star cluster 47 Toucani)


Transparencies (7) of the Southern skies, taken in 1902-4 by the late John Franklin Adams Esq., at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, the telescope employed was a refractor 10" aperture focal length 45", region around nebula involving Eta Argus

Transparencies (7) of the Southern skies


One of nineteen photographs from the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing a view of the emission nebula, Eta Carina. A 4 hour exposure taken with the Astrographic Telescope by Howard Grubb made for the 'Carte du Ciel' photographic sky survey.

Photograph of the emission nebula, Eta Carina (4 hour exposure)


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Hair-Straight Gentleman', taken by Barney Desai in 1955. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Hair-Straight Gentlemen

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Quiet Street', taken by Lionel Oostendorp in Windermere, Cape Town in January 1956. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Quiet Street


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Elijah 'Maestro' Mokone Feather and Lightweight Champ.", taken by Barney Desai. From the exhibition 'Drum', held at the Impressions Gallery, York between 10 December 1988 and 21 January 1989.

Elijah 'Maestro' Mokone Feather and Lightweight Champ.

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Boxing Mascot Tiny Mohammed' by Barney Desai. Taken March 1956 in Cape Town, South Africa. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Boxing Mascot Tiny Mohammed

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, showing the Official Residences.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing the building with a shutter roof for the reversible transit circle by Cooke?

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing the reversible transit circle by Cooke

Photograph of reversible transit circle


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing the Cooke (?) transit circle being reversed on its trolly.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, showing the dome and building for the 7-inch Heliometer by Messrs Repsold and Sons, Hamburg. Used widely by Sir David Gill to make stellar parallax measurements from 1887 onwards.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, showing the building and dome for the Carte du Ciel twin astrographic refractor by Howard Grubb, Dublin.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, showing the building for the Victoria Telescope, a twin 24/18-inch astrographic telescope by Howard Grubb, Dublin and endowed by Frank McClean.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope


One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, showing the a spectrograph on the Victoria Telescope, a twin 24/18-inch astrographic telescope by Howard Grubb, Dublin and endowed by Frank McClean.

One of nineteen photographs taken at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope


Photograph (glass positive) of part of the Heavens (surroundings of Naeta Argus 1892, March 3rd) taken at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope

Photograph, surroundings of Naeta Argus 1892


Glass positive:- Franklin-Adams astro-camera, this shows the instrument with which the photographs were obtained for the Franklin-Adams chart, the lens was a Cooke Triplet of 10-in, aperture, and 45-in, focal length, a few of the 206 photographs obtained are also exhibited, each plate was 15 inches square, and the complete series affords a photographic representation of the whole sky, 15" x 15"

Glass positive:- Franklin-Adams astro-camera