Waterbath, galvanised iron, with lid, thermostatically controlled 56 deg.C. Waterbath, galvanised iron 1900-1980
Constant-level Copper Waterbath, with adjusting top rings, electric Constant-level Copper Waterbath 1900
Winchester storage bottle, brown glass, for acetone, English, 1950-1965 Winchester storage bottle 1950-1965
Gunn-Bellani radiation integrator, made by Baird & Tatlock (London) Ltd., Freshwater Road, Chadwell Heath, Essex, plus instruction sheet, in box. Gunn-Bellani Radiation Integrator
Centrifuge, hanging, with suspension unit & rheostat no.Y75223, no.2 Centrifuge, hanging, with suspension unit & rheostat no.Y75223 1900-1980
Van Slyke manometric gas analysis apparatus, metal, by Baird and Tatlock of Essex, 1925-1930 Van Slyke manometric gas analysis apparatus 1925-1930