1 55cm 8 contact extension kit, used to connect the linear lead (object number 2019-462) in the brain to the implantable pulse generator (object number 2019-452) for deep brain stimulation, made by Boston Scientific, 2017-2018 55cm 8 contact extension kit, connects linear lead to IPG 2017-2018
1 30 cm linear lead including leg boot to protect the contacts, this wire delivers the electrical current to the specific sites in the brain, made by Boston Scientific, 2017 - 2018 30 cm linear lead including leg boot to protect the contacts 2017-2018
1 Vercise Cartesia 8 contact DBS directional lead kit, which can direct the electrical currents toward the target, stored in a plastic tube with foam endings for safe padding, made by Boston Scientific, 2017-2018 Vercise Cartesia 8 contact DBS directional lead kit 2017-2018
Glass bottle, corked and sealed, containing pomada antivibora, greenish balsam made by Emilio Quivos of Costa Rica, 1910 Glass bottle 1905-1910