Object type
Place of origin

Pewter Tea Caddy


Disc-shaped inscribed perfume bottle with scene of male and female

Rhinoceros horn cup

Model of boat with copulating man and woman

Nest of bowls with painted scene of copulating man and woman

Florally decorated inscribed snuff box with erotic scene on lid

Bulbous pot-shaped pendant


Statue in form of stylised skeleton on tombstone

Amuletic pendant


Oval container - nutmeg grater

Statue depicting tanuki kneeling down and holding flower or vegetable

Necklace in form of five linked heads


Rectangular hand warmer with erotic scene on one side

Model of red pepper with carved reliefs of naked man and woman

Statue of male and female copulating

Figure group of naked man and woman in sexual foreplay

Spirit burning hand warmer


Pierced spirit burning hand warmer


Carved ivory turtle with scene of male and female copulation

Carved ivory turtle with scene of man and woman engaged in foreplay

Necklace with triangular scented heads

Tobacco pipe stems


Suspendable amuletic model of half face half skull

Carved red pepper with erotic scene on each half

Netsuke in form of standing man with large ear and genitals showing

Statue in form of woman lying on leaf, sulking a child

Statue in form of man and woman copulating

Acupuncture needles and surgical instruments

Plate with garden scene


Porcelain bowl, footed, painted with scene of male and female copulating, complete with clay(?) lid, Oriental

Bowl painted with male and female copulating

Knarled wood tobacco pipe, bowl and stub stem only, carved from natural twisted shape of the wood, probably Far Eastern, 1800-1900

Tobacco pipe with bowl and stem only


Ivory shell, divides into two halves, on one half is a female genitalia, on the other is a carving of a female looking at an erotic picture, Oriental

Shell divided into halves with carved pictures