Clusters in Perseus, E.S. Holden and J. M. Schaeberle, Lick Observatory, 33-inch refractor, exposure , 1h, 201/2 m Clusters in Perseus 1912
Ring Nebula in Lyra, 1899, July 14, R.A., 18h. 48m. Decl, 32 degree 51' exposure, 10 min, taken with the Crossley reflector of the Lick Observatory Ring Nebula in Lyra 1899; 1912
Cluster in Hercules, 1899, July 13, R.A., 16h 37m, decl, [plus] 36 degree 44', enlarged 5. 6 diam, exposure, 2 hrs, taken with the Crossley reflector of the Lick Observatory Cluster in Hercules 1899
Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius, Lick Observatory, 1899, July 6, R.A., 17h 54m Decl, - 23 degree 2', Crossley reflector, aperture, 36" in, focal length, 17ft, 6in, exposure, 3 hours, enlarged 4.1 diam. Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius 1899; 1912
Photographic transparencies (glass positive) of Mars, (photographs in light of different colours). Taken by W.H. Wright, Lick Observatory, 1926, October 16, with a 36-inch reflector, focal length, 210in. Photographs in ultra-violet, green, yellow red, infra-red, and violet light respectively. Glass positive of Mars 1926-10-16
Glass positive:- Mars and San Jose, (photographs in light of different colours) W.H. Wright, Lick Observatory, 1924, November 9, 36-inch Reflector, focal length, 210 in, a, c violet; b, d infra-red 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" Glass positive:- Mars and San Jose 1924
Meteor Trail and Comet 1893 IV (Brooks); E.E. Barnard, Lick Observatory; 1893, November 13; 6-inch Willard lens. Focal length, 31in; Exposure, 2 h. 5 . Meteor Trail and Comet 1893 IV (Brooks); E.E. Barnard 1893
Positive transparency on film, size 12" x 10", The Pleiades, Babcock, 1939, 36" Reflecting Telescope, Lick Positive transparency on film 1966
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", of Moon (age 10 days) 1938, January 11, Lick 36" Refractor Positive transparency on film 1938
Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", of Moon (age 13 days 8 hrs) 1946, January 16, Lick 36" Refractor Positive transparency on film 1946
Photographic transparency (glass positive) of Mars, cloud pictures, (photographs in violet or ultra-violet light). Taken by W. H. Wright, Lick Observatory, 1926, October 14, 15, 16, 18, with a 36-inch reflector, focal length, 210in, 6 1/2" x 4 1/4". Glass positive of Mars 1926-10
Photographic transparency, glass positive, of Mars, (photographs in light of different colours). Taken by W.H. Wright, Lick Observatory, 1926 November 2, 3, with a 36-inch reflector, focal length, 210 in. Right and left photographs in infra-red light. Glass positive of Mars 1926-11-02