"Universal" electric table-top cooker, comprising a circular open coil ed-wire heating element which can be used for boiling or grilling, or which can be turned into an oven when covered by a domed lid, by Lande rs Frary and Clark, USA, 1922-1925 "Universal" electric table-top cooker 1922-1925
'Universal' electric food mixer with double-rotary beaters, featuring an open electric motor, hinge to adjust position of mixer, and ability to fit attachments, all metal, by Landers Frary and Clark, U.S.A., 1915-1920 'Universal' electric food mixer and beater, c. 1918. 1915-1920
Human lower jaw-bone, amuletic, decorated with wickerwork called "pus pus", associated with ancestor worship, from Lonti tribe, New Britain, 1850-1900 Human lower jaw-bone 1850-1900
Mask made from front of human skull covered with clay and painted, said to be used in dances to represent the dead, from New Britain, 1801-1910 Mask made from front of human skull covered with clay and painted 1801-1910
'Home Cake Maker' hand-operated food mixer, comprising a central turning handle above a pair of loop mixers, in a metal bowl which cand be clipped to a vice secured on the table, with a one-piece folding accessory, by Landers Frary and Clark, U.S.A., 1896-1900 'Home Cake Maker' hand-operated food mixer 1896-1900
Front part of human skull, with lower mandible, masked with clay and fibre and painted red, black and white, with shell tongue, ritual object in ancester worship, from Gazelle Peninsular, New Britain, 1851-1910 Front part of human skull 1851-1910
Front of human skull covered with clay to form mask and coloured with black, red and white pigment, from New Britain, 1852-1920 Front of human skull covered with clay to form mask and coloured with black 1851-1920
'Home Cake Maker' hand-operated food mixer, comprising a central turning handle above a pair of loop mixers in a metal bowl, with table clamp and one-piece mixture folding accessory, by Landers Frary and Clark, U.S.A., 1896-1900 'Home Cake Maker' hand-operated food mixer 1896-1900