Canister of "Detensyl" tablets, with instructions, in original carton, by Medico-Biological Laboratories Ltd., London (Cargreen Road, South Norwood, London SE25) Canister of "Detensyl" tablets
Carton of "Detensyl" tablets, by Meidico-Biological Laboratories Ltd., English (Cargreen Road, South Norwood, London SE25) Carton of "Detensyl" tablets
Temperature stabilised standard cell battery type 5312A No.161599 and control unit type 5312B No.163964 made by H Tinsley & Co. Ltd., London SE25, in 1962 (Wendee Hall, South Norwood, London SE25) Temperature stabilised standard cell battery type 5312A No.161599 and control unit type 5312B No.163964 1962
Carton of "Detensyl" tablets, by Medico-Biological Laboratories Ltd., London (Cargreen Road, South Norwood, London SE25) Carton of "Detensyl" tablets
DC Gall's vernier potentiometer. Type 4363D. No 128948. 50 ohm per volt. (Wendee Hall, South Norwood, London SE25) DC Gall's vernier potentiometer