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Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC locomotive order no. 480
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Peckett & Sons Archive
PECK/1 Production records
PECK/1/1 Engine registers
PECK/1/1/1 Engine register 1
PECK/1/1/2 Engine register 2
PECK/1/1/3 Engine register 3
PECK/1/1/4 Engine register 4
PECK/1/2 Correspondence between Peckett & Sons and the Northern Gas Board concerning a locomotive order
PECK/1/3 Tables and lists
PECK/2 Financial records
PECK/2/1 Purchase order register
PECK2/2 Iron foundry costs book
PECK/3 Drawing registers
PECK/3/1 Drawing register original no. 1
PECK/3/2 Drawing register original no. 2
PECK/3/3 Diesel undergear register
PECK/4 Drawing record books
PECK/4/1 Drawings book no. 1
PECK/4/2 Drawings book no. 2
PECK/5 Sketchbook
PECK/6 Drawings
PECK/6/1 Engineering drawings
PECK/6/1/1756/1 1619F Drawing of spring washer
PECK/6/1/1825/1 119118 Drawing of long sleeves for flexible stay bolts, item b
PECK/6/1/2330/1 FT.106A Drawing of side control bracket liner (front and hind trucks)
PECK/6/1/2389/1 S.P.155A. Alt1 Item No. 20 Drawing of spring link
PECK/6/1/2389/1 SP.155A. Alt1 Item No. 17 Drawing of spring link
PECK/6/1/2389/1 SP.155A. Alt1 Item No. 18 Drawing of spring link
PECK/6/1/2389/1 SP.155A. Alt1 Item No. 19 Drawing of spring link
PECK/6/1/2918/1 Dwg. No.N5.85.Q Drawing of bogie side spring adjusting screw
PECK/6/1/2935/1 Description Drawing of liners for bogie centre pivots
PECK/6/1/3574/1 FT.114.A. Alt. 4 Drawing of spring hanger nut
PECK/6/1/3683/1 1809.E Drawing of water tank sieves
PECK/6/1/3683/1 1809E Drawing of water tank sieves
PECK/6/1/3932/1 BL.213B Drawing of flexible firebox stay
PECK/6/1/3942/3 Z.5029/1 Drawing of trailing crank
PECK/6/1/4128/1 CL.255.B Drawing of front cylinder cover
PECK/6/1/4357/1 F.T.113.A Alt 1 Drawing of spring link cotter
PECK/6/1/4947/1 NS.131L/1 Line 4 Drawing of crosshead cotter
PECK/6/1/4968/1 BT.120.A. Alt 1 Part No. BT 120 Drawing of pin (tender brake gear)
PECK/6/1/4969/1 HT.105A Drawing of nut (for pivot pin)
PECK/6/1/5012/1 CL212.A. Part No. CL 212 Drawing of pin cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/5021/1 N.S.195.P.1 Type A Drawing of oil syphon caps
PECK/6/1/5044/1 AW159A Drawing of liner
PECK/6/1/5048/1 Description for PM 148A Alt 2 Drawing of case hardened nut for eccentric crank bolt
PECK/6/1/5050/1 P.M. 155B Alt2 Part No. P.M. 155 Drawing of coupling rod bush
PECK/6/1/5140/1 NS.85.E/1 Drawing of engine spring adjusting screw
PECK/6/1/5142/1 Drawing of piston valve liner
PECK/6/1/6237/1 17308 Z49905 Drawing of unidentified component
PECK/6/1/6418/1 Drawing of arrangement of MBC "D" type coupler fitted with National friction draft gear
PECK/6/1/6446/1 Drawing of arrangement of MBC "D" type coupled fitted with National friction draft gear
PECK/6/1/7390/1 Drawing of class W6
PECK/6/1/8465/1 20235 Item C Drawing of wearing plate (brake beam)
PECK/6/1/C.A. 1134/1 Drawing of copper bolt & nut & washer for firebox
PECK/6/1/1595/2 Drawing of regulator handle for balanced double beat regulator
PECK/6/1/3018/2 Description Drawing of nuts (waterspace stays)
PECK/6/1/3735/2 20364 Item 12 Drawing of pin (triple valve release)
PECK/6/1/4280/2 C.L.233A Drawing of bye pass valve cover
PECK/6/1/4280/2 C.L.234A Drawing of stud, bye-pass valve cover (hendrie type)
PECK/6/1/4391/2 Drawing of unidentifed component
PECK/6/1/4457/2 D2514 Drawing of smokebox door clamp
PECK/6/1/4902/2 F.T.116A Alt. 1 Drawing of wearing plate screws
PECK/6/1/4902/2 FT116A Alt.1 Drawing of wearing plate screws
PECK/6/1/4957/2 4970/2 NS.155Q2 Drawing of cotter
PECK/6/1/5010/2 BL112.A Drawing of flexible stay sleeve
PECK/6/1/5044/1 N.S.155E/2 Line.2. Drawing of blanks for die blocks
PECK/6/1/5142/1 NS.78.E/2 Drawing of fly crank nut (std)
PECK/6/1/9048/2 Description Drawing of black steel washers
PECK/6/1/9881/2[A] Drawing of crown stay hexagon nuts
PECK/6/1/9881/2[B] Drawing of crown stay hexagon nuts
PECK/6/1/1742/3 Drawing of regulator tube liners
PECK/6/1/3075/3 C.L.210.A Drawing of piston rod gland (castings)
PECK/6/1/3466/1 N.S.111M/3 Drawing of countersunk setscrew
PECK/6/1/3487/8 Z7300/3 Item 25 Alt 4[A] Drawing of castle nut
PECK/6/1/3487/8 Z7300/3 Item 25 Alt 4[B] Drawing of castle nut
PECK/6/1/4297/3 1949J[A] Drawing of chain eyes
PECK/6/1/4297/3 1949J[B] Drawing of chain eyes
PECK/6/1/4388/1 C.L.253A Pt. No. 253/3 Item 5 Drawing of adaptor, cylinder drain cock
PECK/6/1/5121 NS 291F/3 Drawing of brake gear pin
PECK/6/1/5195/2 N.S.8.E/3 Line 1 Drawing of side firebar
PECK/6/1/5196/3 N.S.85.N. Drawing of spring adjusting screw
PECK/6/1/7193 Z.6720/57 Drawing of locomotive steam pipe
PECK/6/1/8/88 Drawing of relative clearance between stage loco and hg charger
PECK/6/1/8/89 Drawing of stage locomotive
PECK/6/1/9048/1 Z7133/240 Item J Z7137/100 Item J Drawing of brakework detail
PECK/6/1/714/2 Z.4378/103 Drawing of screw
PECK/6/1/9727/14 Enquiry Z1225/137 (part) Drawing of unidentified component
PECK/6/1/8017/9 Z.6678/173 Drawing of unidentified component
PECK/6/1/7863/1 Z.1225/174 Z.9299 Drawing of steel tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/8107/19 Z9104/203 Alt. 1 Item G Drawing of spring link bearing pad
PECK/6/1/Enq/646 Drawing of forged steel eye bolt
PECK/6/1/Enq/646A Drawing of forged steel eye bolt
PECK/6/1/712 Drawing of injector valve for locomotives
PECK/6/1/853 Drawing of wheel
PECK/6/1/873A Drawing of Davis patent duplex lighting-up burner and liquid fuel injector
PECK/6/1/917B Drawing of Davis lighting-up burner pilot type p1
PECK/6/1/955 Drawing of valve spindle and buckle
PECK/6/1/995 Drawing of loco B1
PECK/6/1/996 Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/997 Drawing of tube plate
PECK/6/1/998 Drawing of firebox bottom ring
PECK/6/1/999 Drawing of roof stays
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 346/1070L Item 'B'[A] Drawing of liner (front truck centre)
PECK/6/1/7121[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear
PECK/6/1/7121[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear (elevation and plan)
PECK/6/1/7122[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear
PECK/6/1/7122[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear (end views)
PECK/6/1/7123[A] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7123[B] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7124[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/7124[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/7125[A] Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/7125[B] Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/7126[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel electric loco 5'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/7126[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel electric loco 5'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/7127 Drawing of arrangement of Alfloc chemical feed pump and driving gear fitted with everlasting blow down valve loco X eng no 1041 pencil Drawing on tracing paper
PECK/6/1/7129 Drawing of standards
PECK/6/1/7130 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7134 Drawing of arrangement of Lambert patent wet sander
PECK/6/1/7135 Drawing of water valve distributing valve and drip union for Lambert wet sanding
PECK/6/1/7151[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7151[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7152[A] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/7152[B] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/7153[A] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7153[B] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7154[A] Drawing of c.s. axlebox and c.i. keep
PECK/6/1/7154[B] Drawing of c.s. axlebox and c.i. keep
PECK/6/1/7155[A] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/7155[B] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/7156[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/7156[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/7157[A] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/7157[B] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/7158[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of firebars and grate
PECK/6/1/7158[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of firebars and grate
PECK/6/1/7159[A] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/7159[B] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/7160[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding, injector, cylinder:- cock, Manzel lubricator and pipes (elevation and plan)
PECK/6/1/7160[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding, injector, cylinder:- cock, Manzel lubricator and pipes (elevation and plan)
PECK/6/1/7161[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding, injectors, cylinder: cocks, Manzel lubricator (end views)
PECK/6/1/7161[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding, injector, cylinder:- cock, Manzel lubricator and pipes (end views)
PECK/6/1/7163[A] Drawing of lining diagram
PECK/6/1/7163[B] Drawing of lining diagram
PECK/6/1/7164 Drawing of brake details column and screw
PECK/6/1/7165 Drawing of reversing shaft and reversing rod
PECK/6/1/7170 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/7172[A] Drawing of steam chest drain cock gear
PECK/6/1/7172[B] Drawing of steam chest drain cock gear
PECK/6/1/7173[A] Drawing of cab arrangement
PECK/6/1/7173[B] Drawing of cab arrangement
PECK/6/1/7174[A] Drawing of loco B3
PECK/6/1/7174[B] Drawing of special cab windows and guard
PECK/6/1/7175 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7176 Drawing of reversing shaft, brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/7177[A] Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/7177[B] Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/7178 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/7179 Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/7181 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/7185[A] Drawing of spring and spring gear for 150/165 bhp diesel electric shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7185[B] Drawing of spring and spring gear for 150/165 bhp diesel electric shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7187 Drawing of axlebox and keep with white-metalled thrust faces for 150/165 bhp diesel electric shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7188 Drawing of phosphor bronze axlebox bearing with white-metalled bore and thrust faces for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7189 Drawing of axlebox for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7190 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/7191 Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7192 Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7193 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7200 Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7203 Drawing of slidebars piston and piston rod and cylinder covers
PECK/6/1/7204 Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7207[A] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/7207[B] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/7212 Drawing of pipe arrangement sand and injector gear Manzel lubricator - elevation and plan
PECK/6/1/7214 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/7216 Drawing of arrangement and details of sand gear
PECK/6/1/7219 Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/7220[A] Drawing of c.i. axlebox and keep and p.b. bearing for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7220[B] Drawing of c.i. axlebox and keep and p.b. bearing for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7221 Drawing of axlebox guides for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7223 Drawing of axlebox and keep with white-metalled thrust face for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7224 Drawing of phosphor bronze axlebox bearing with white-metalled bore and thrust face for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7228 Drawing of c.i. axlebox and keep and p.b. bearing for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7229[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7229[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7230 Drawing of class W8
PECK/6/1/7231[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7231[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7231[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7232[A] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7232[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7233 Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/7236[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7236[B] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7238 Drawing of sidebars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/7239 Drawing of leading and driving axlebox
PECK/6/1/7241 Drawing of fabricated brake shaft
PECK/6/1/7242 Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7244 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/7245 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/7247[A] Drawing of trailing axlebox
PECK/6/1/7247[B] Drawing of trailing axlebox
PECK/6/1/7254 Drawing of reversing shaft brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/7255 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/7256 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7265-ORD Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7265[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7265[B] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7266 Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7266[A] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7266[B] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7273[A] Drawing of cage spark arrester
PECK/6/1/7273[B] Drawing of cage spark arrester
PECK/6/1/7274 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7274ORD Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7278[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/7278[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/7279[A] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7279[B] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7280[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7280[B] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7282 Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/7291 Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7293 Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/7295ORD Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7295[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7295[B] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7296 Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/7297 Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/7298 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/7300[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7300[B] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7302 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7303 Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/7305 Drawing of fabricated brake shaft and break details
PECK/6/1/7306 Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel electric loco 3'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/7307 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel electric loco 4'-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/7308[A] Drawing of cast steel axlebox
PECK/6/1/7308[B] Drawing of cast steel axlebox
PECK/6/1/7309 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7311[A] Drawing of trailing axlebox
PECK/6/1/7311[B] Drawing of trailing axlebox
PECK/6/1/7312 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 4'-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/7313[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7313[B] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7313[C] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7314 Drawing of oil fuel steam mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/7315 Drawing of boiler-for all other particulars see standard W5 dwg no 4827
PECK/6/1/7319 Drawing of M5 loco no. 1904
PECK/6/1/7320[A] Drawing of trailing axlebox with spigot bearing
PECK/6/1/7320[B] Drawing of trailing axlebox with spigot bearing
PECK/6/1/7323 Drawing of firebox brick arch
PECK/6/1/7324[A] Drawing of eccentric crank, bolts and nuts
PECK/6/1/7324[B] Drawing of eccentric crank, bolts and nuts
PECK/6/1/7325 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/7327 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7327 ord Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7328[A] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7328[B] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7329[A] Drawing of axlebox with spigot bearing
PECK/6/1/7329[B] Drawing of axlebox with spigot bearing
PECK/6/1/7330 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/7331 Drawing of brake shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/7334 Drawing of two way blow down valve
PECK/6/1/7335 Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7336 Drawing of external view
PECK/6/1/7336A Drawing of "Cadbury" lettering
PECK/6/1/7336B Drawing of "No.8" lettering
PECK/6/1/7337 Drawing of 8 1/2"x12" Hendry bros.
PECK/6/1/7339 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7346[A] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7346[B] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7347 Drawing of welded side tank arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/7350[A] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7350[B] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7350[C] Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7351-ORD Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7351-ORD modified Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7352 Drawing of cab modifications for oil fuel conversion
PECK/6/1/7353[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/7353[B] Drawing of modifications to oil fuel
PECK/6/1/7354 Drawing of oil fuel arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/7355 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/7356 Drawing of oil fuel steam mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/7357 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7358 Drawing of valve rod and slide valve nut
PECK/6/1/7359 Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/7360 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/7361 Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7362 Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7363 Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/7364 Drawing of arrangement of boiler lagging
PECK/6/1/7365 Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/7366 Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/7367 Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/7368 Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/7369 Drawing of brake blocks for locomotive
PECK/6/1/7370 Drawing of connecting rods and crank pins
PECK/6/1/7372[A] Drawing of watertight sandbox
PECK/6/1/7372[B] Drawing of steam pipe, elbow and clip for loco boilers
PECK/6/1/7373[A] Drawing of regulator details for loco boilers
PECK/6/1/7373[B] Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/7374[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7374[B] Drawing of seating pads for boilers
PECK/6/1/7376 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/7383 Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/7384 Drawing of c.s. axlebox with c.i. keep
PECK/6/1/7385 Drawing of arrangement of leading and driving wheels
PECK/6/1/7386 Drawing of B2 "superseded by B7 7394"
PECK/6/1/7387[A] Drawing of loco class C
PECK/6/1/7387[B] Drawing of detail of axlebox bearing brass
PECK/6/1/7388 Drawing of detail of boiler tube-plate smoke box end 1 reqd. note plate to be perfectly flat and true to size after final riveting and welding
PECK/6/1/7389[A] Drawing of details of boiler tube plate smokebox ends
PECK/6/1/7389[B] Drawing of details of boiler tube plate smokebox ends
PECK/6/1/7391[A] Drawing of steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/7391[B] Drawing of steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/7392 Drawing of loco OQT
PECK/6/1/7393[A] Drawing of top portion of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/7393[B] Drawing of top portion of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/7393[C] Drawing of top portion of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/7394 Drawing of loco B2
PECK/6/1/7395[A] Drawing of crosshead and shoes
PECK/6/1/7395[B] Drawing of crosshead and shoes
PECK/6/1/7573 Drawing of 14" bore x 22" stroke cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/7658 Drawing of steel boiler "A" class
PECK/6/1/7659 Drawing of boiler riveting class "A"
PECK/6/1/7660 Drawing of steampipe "tee" -boiler class "A"
PECK/6/1/7664 Drawing of steam fountain and seating for steel boilers class "A"
PECK/6/1/7667 Drawing of dome for steel boilers class "A"
PECK/6/1/9073 Drawing of proposed overflow valve for no 6 injector
PECK/6/1/Drg. No. 186 Drawing of p.b. bolt & nut
PECK/6/1/Enq646 Drawing of forged bar nuts
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 158 L939 Drawing of axlebox spring
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 158/L.939 Drawing of axlebox spring
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 21-255 Drawing of flanged smokebox door
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 233 L939 Drawing of spring (tender axlebox)
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 233 L939. Items H & J Drawing of spring (tender axlebox)
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 346/1070L Item 'B'[B] Drawing of liner (front truck centre)
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 40/3577 Drawing of crown stay hexagon nuts
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 646A Item 1 Drawing of forged steel eye bolt
PECK/6/1/Enquiry 87 L939 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/Enquiry CL.176A. Alt2 Drawing of plug for cylinder relief valve
PECK/6/1/Enquiry L.2113/03 Drawing of flannery stay bolt
PECK/6/1/Enquiry Enq/ 646 and Enq/ 646A Item 2 Drawing of forged bar nuts
PECK/6/1/Enquiry Enq/646 Drawing of forged steel eye bolt
PECK/6/1/Enquiry N.S.63.Y Item 3 Drawing of hornstay studs
PECK/6/1/Enquiry W 4710 Drawing of steel tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/Enquiry W4703/A Drawing of locomotive axle
PECK/6/1/Enquiry W4703[A] Drawing of profile of tyre rolled sizes
PECK/6/1/Enquiry W4703[B] Drawing of profile of rolled tyre sizes
PECK/6/1/Enquiry W4703[C] Drawing of locomotive axle
PECK/6/1/Enquiry W4706 Drawing of locomotive wheel
PECK/6/1/Enquiry W4710 Drawing of steel tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/G677 Drawing of locomotives mild steel crank axle for loco Delia
PECK/6/1/GP9574C/1 Drawing of boiler roof stay nuts
PECK/6/1/HT.119A Alt 3 5085/6 Drawing of spring link shoe (front & back track)
PECK/6/1/I 2025 J10 Drawing of 1c1 - heissdampf - tenderlokomotive
PECK/6/1/J1003 Drawing of firebar bearers & firebars
PECK/6/1/J1014 Drawing of cab window modifications & trailing sandbox positions
PECK/6/1/J1016 Drawing of plant
PECK/6/1/J1021 Drawing of crank pins for locos Marjorie & Rosamond only
PECK/6/1/J1025 Drawing of firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/J1028 Drawing of horse shoe axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/J1036 Drawing of arrangement of fittings & controls
PECK/6/1/J1043 Drawing of proposed double reduction gear & side rod drive
PECK/6/1/J1048 Drawing of layout of Newallite clothing blocks
PECK/6/1/J1049 Drawing of double riveted corner foundation ring
PECK/6/1/J1092 Drawing of arrangement of axleboxes & guides & spring gear
PECK/6/1/J1096 Drawing of combined main & auxiliary oil fuel regulating valve
PECK/6/1/J1101 Drawing of oil fuel four cock combination steam fitting
PECK/6/1/J1110 Drawing of cast steel horse shoe horn block
PECK/6/1/J1124 Drawing of forgings for size 111 screw pump shafts (2 pitches)
PECK/6/1/J1134 Drawing of oil fuel regulator valve
PECK/6/1/J1156 Drawing of assembly of mechanical lubricator on Weir feed pump
PECK/6/1/J1164 Drawing of steel castings for saddle tank filler
PECK/6/1/J1175 Drawing of horse shoe axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/J1184 Drawing of special trailing bearing spring
PECK/6/1/J1193 Drawing of construction gauge of holly lodge bridge
PECK/6/1/J1195 Drawing of arrangement of toolbox & details
PECK/6/1/J1196 Drawing of firebar bearers & firebar
PECK/6/1/J1222 Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/J1223 Drawing of cast steel horse shoe hornblock
PECK/6/1/J1256 Drawing of cast iron number plate on tank side
PECK/6/1/J1283 Drawing of position of blow-off cock
PECK/6/1/J1291 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve and firebox mounting modifications
PECK/6/1/J1297 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/J1334 Drawing of arrangement wheels , axles, axleboxes & guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/J1339 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve and firebox mounting modifications
PECK/6/1/J1340 Drawing of gunmetal clackbox
PECK/6/1/J1348 Drawing of cast steel regulator box & cover (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/J1349 Drawing of method of securing crank pin caps & coupling rod pins
PECK/6/1/J1359 Drawing of arrangement of central buffer on cast iron front buffer beam
PECK/6/1/J1367 Drawing of 4000 gallons tender axle
PECK/6/1/J1380 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve and firebox mounting modifications
PECK/6/1/J1388 Drawing of boiler loading gauge dimensions
PECK/6/1/J1401 Drawing of foundation ring for new boilers to drg. 5639
PECK/6/1/J1403 Drawing of cast steel regulator box & cover (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/J1412 Drawing of gusset stay rods and flange plate angles
PECK/6/1/J1423 Drawing of packing case
PECK/6/1/J1427 Drawing of wheels & axles
PECK/6/1/J1434 Drawing of GM number plate on tank side
PECK/6/1/J1436 Drawing of drawbar spring
PECK/6/1/J1441 Drawing of arrangement of flooded ashpan
PECK/6/1/J1474 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/J1488 Drawing of packing cases
PECK/6/1/J1491 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve
PECK/6/1/J1494 Drawing of position of keyways
PECK/6/1/J1499 Drawing of phosphor bronze castings unmachined
PECK/6/1/J1501 Drawing of cast steel horse shoe axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/J1504 Drawing of packing cases
PECK/6/1/J1510 Drawing of turbo-generator exhaust details and steam pipe coupling
PECK/6/1/J1515 Drawing of "Weir" feed pump pipe flanges & couplings
PECK/6/1/J1516 Drawing of pressure gauge and water gauge electric lamp holders
PECK/6/1/J1519 Drawing of switchboard, lamp brackets, roof lamp and turbo-generator wood bases
PECK/6/1/J1524 Drawing of steel internal firebox (boiler no. 3333) w.p 120 p.s.i.
PECK/6/1/J1529 Drawing of firebars & firebar frame
PECK/6/1/J1530 Drawing of oil fuel tank cover with gas cavity
PECK/6/1/J1533 Drawing of white metalled connecting rod bearings
PECK/6/1/J1538 Drawing of Duplex steam sanding valve & oil fuel steam mounting carriers & modification to firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/J1541 Drawing of louvre shutter
PECK/6/1/J1549 Drawing of load indicator on yard steam crane
PECK/6/1/J1554 Drawing of crank angle (forging and finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/J1560 Drawing of arrangement of steam brake valve, pipes & carrier
PECK/6/1/J1562 Drawing of steam brake regulator & union
PECK/6/1/J1566 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/J1569 Drawing of cast steel axlebox guide (horse shoe type)
PECK/6/1/J1570 DWG 6339 Drawing of clackbox fitted with removable 1?" dia valve & seat
PECK/6/1/J1573 Drawing of piston rod, valve spindle & tail rod stuffing box
PECK/6/1/J1575 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/J1581 Drawing of nested buffer springs
PECK/6/1/J1589 Drawing of cast steel horse-shoe axlebox guide
PECK/6/1/J1601 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve
PECK/6/1/J1614 Drawing of 16" x 24" loco on 55 ft. radius
PECK/6/1/J1636 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve and carrier for oil fuel steam valve
PECK/6/1/J1639 Drawing of boiler barrel & smokebox
PECK/6/1/J1642 Drawing of Gresham no. 6 combination injector R & LH
PECK/6/1/J1645 Drawing of oil fuel fittings
PECK/6/1/J1646 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve
PECK/6/1/J1653 Drawing of foundation ring
PECK/6/1/J1671 Drawing of arrangement & details of everlasting blow-down valve
PECK/6/1/J1672 Drawing of 91/2" x 14", eng. nos. 2133-4
PECK/6/1/J1708 Drawing of details of handrails & handrail carriers & brackets on boiler barrel
PECK/6/1/J1714 Drawing of packing cases
PECK/6/1/J1716 Drawing of brake block
PECK/6/1/J1717 Drawing of electric light switchboard, headlamp brackets & turbo-generator wood base
PECK/6/1/J1719 Drawing of electric light switchboard, cab roof light & turbo-generator wood base
PECK/6/1/J1753 Drawing of nested drawbar spring
PECK/6/1/J1756 Drawing of phosphor bronze connecting & coupling rod brasses & crosshead shoe, crosshead gudgeon pin
PECK/6/1/J1757 Drawing of foundation ring without drop corners
PECK/6/1/J1772 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/J1782 Drawing of assembly & position of central buffer on beams
PECK/6/1/J1789 Drawing of packing cases
PECK/6/1/J1794 Drawing of electric light switchboard, cab roof light & turbo generator wood base
PECK/6/1/J1798 Drawing of front & rear electric lighting lamp brackets
PECK/6/1/J1800 Drawing of standard steam brake valve modified
PECK/6/1/J1804 Drawing of boiler sling stay tee steel (cast steel grade 1)
PECK/6/1/J1816 Drawing of wheel boss thrust plate
PECK/6/1/J1826 Drawing of packing cases
PECK/6/1/J1830 Drawing of cast steel axlebox guides, horse shoe type
PECK/6/1/J1833 Drawing of assembly of sandbox & sander (Lambert wet sanding)
PECK/6/1/J1842 Drawing of cast steel central buffer
PECK/6/1/J1844 Drawing of connecting rod length & adjusting piece for Alfloc chemical feed pump - for welding on
PECK/6/1/J1850 Drawing of nameplates on cab sides
PECK/6/1/J1852 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding
PECK/6/1/J1856 Drawing of adjustable connecting rod for Alfloc chemical feed pump
PECK/6/1/J1857 Drawing of tyres to finished dimensions
PECK/6/1/J1868 Drawing of reservoir steam pipes
PECK/6/1/J1869 Drawing of charging pipes & flexible connections
PECK/6/1/J1872 Drawing of cast steel horse shoe axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/J1874 Drawing of welded tender tank
PECK/6/1/J1880 Drawing of arrangement & details of everlasting blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/J1883 Drawing of adjustable connecting rod for Alfloc chemical feed pump
PECK/6/1/J1885 Drawing of carrier for Duplex steam sanding valve
PECK/6/1/J1896 Drawing of battery lighting switchboard, fittings, headlamp brackets & adapter
PECK/6/1/J1900 Drawing of arrangement of diamond tube cleaner
PECK/6/1/J1901 Drawing of double regulator handle
PECK/6/1/J1918 Drawing of axles (forging & finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/J1919 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/J1934 Drawing of crank axle (forging & finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/J1941 Drawing of leading particulars of standard gauge locomotives
PECK/6/1/J1946 Drawing of rod brasses
PECK/6/1/J1949 Drawing of phosphor bronze bearing
PECK/6/1/J1975 Drawing of cast steel engine & tender rubbing blocks
PECK/6/1/J1979 Drawing of cast steel axlebox
PECK/6/1/J1984 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/J1990 Drawing of smokebox steam pipes (steel)
PECK/6/1/J1993 Drawing of eccentric rod
PECK/6/1/J2032 Drawing of combination lever, pins & bushes
PECK/6/1/J2033 Drawing of regulator steam pipes and injector pipes
PECK/6/1/J2033[A] Drawing of regulator & injector steam pipes
PECK/6/1/J2043 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/J2070 Drawing of crank axle (machined sizes) - supersedes drg nos. 3935 & 4288
PECK/6/1/J2085[A] Drawing of side firebar (cast iron grade 10)
PECK/6/1/J2085[B] Drawing of side firebar (cast iron grade 12)
PECK/6/1/J2086 Drawing of connecting links
PECK/6/1/J2094 Drawing of radius rod
PECK/6/1/J2117 Drawing of radius rod
PECK/6/1/J2124 Drawing of radius rod
PECK/6/1/J2164 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/J2186 Drawing of front truck centre bearer
PECK/6/1/J2188 Drawing of steel; steam pipe
PECK/6/1/J2238 Drawing of lighting-up burner fitting & ferrule
PECK/6/1/J2240 Drawing of diamond soot blower fitting
PECK/6/1/J2281 Drawing of steel steam pipe
PECK/6/1/J2299 Drawing of crank pins (driving)
PECK/6/1/J2314 (2 copies) Drawing of smokebox steel steam pipe
PECK/6/1/J2318 Drawing of valve spindle
PECK/6/1/J2332 Drawing of injector steam, delivery & overflow pipes
PECK/6/1/J2346 Drawing of driving crank (forging sizes)
PECK/6/1/J2366 Drawing of crank pins (driving)
PECK/6/1/J2369 Drawing of inner firebox tubeplate
PECK/6/1/J2372 Drawing of spring equaliser beam (back)
PECK/6/1/J2380 Drawing of radius rod
PECK/6/1/J2411 Drawing of expansion link & die block
PECK/6/1/J2413 Drawing of inner firebox backplate
PECK/6/1/J2418 Drawing of packing case for piston rods
PECK/6/1/J2430 Drawing of packing case for piston rods
PECK/6/1/J2433 Drawing of inner firebox backplate
PECK/6/1/J2436 Drawing of inner firebox tubeplate
PECK/6/1/J2456 Drawing of connecting rod large end bush (fixed)
PECK/6/1/J2456A Drawing of bush forging (conn. rod large end - fixed)
PECK/6/1/J2489 Drawing of single throw crank shaft
PECK/6/1/J2505 Drawing of driving crank pin
PECK/6/1/J2518 Drawing of spindles for four-ring piston valve
PECK/6/1/J2544 Drawing of rocking grate bar (intermediate)
PECK/6/1/J2554 Drawing of firebar
PECK/6/1/J2562 Drawing of intermediate coupling rod
PECK/6/1/J2562F Drawing of intermediate coupling rod (forging sizes)
PECK/6/1/J2568 Drawing of combination lever, bushes & oil cup covers
PECK/6/1/J2577 Drawing of development of chimney liner
PECK/6/1/J2579 Drawing of bogie spring shafts (engine)
PECK/6/1/J2583 Drawing of piston valve spindle
PECK/6/1/J2587 Drawing of tank sieve
PECK/6/1/J2610 Drawing of draw bar (Gold Coast type)
PECK/6/1/J2612 Drawing of cylinder liners
PECK/6/1/J2624[A] Drawing of cylinder liners
PECK/6/1/J2624[B] Drawing of cylinder liners
PECK/6/1/J2634 Drawing of blast pipe
PECK/6/1/J2636 Drawing of packing case for piston rods on drg z2064
PECK/6/1/J2638 Drawing of piston rod
PECK/6/1/J2642 Drawing of bogie centre slide
PECK/6/1/J2644 Drawing of drilling dimensions for electro-magnet for msy
PECK/6/1/J2645 Drawing of electro-magnet for msy
PECK/6/1/J2649 Drawing of driving crank pin
PECK/6/1/J2651 Drawing of packing case for piston rod drg no. z2639
PECK/6/1/J2656 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/J2656F Drawing of connecting rod (forging sizes)
PECK/6/1/J2659 Drawing of radius bars
PECK/6/1/J2666 Drawing of spring saddle
PECK/6/1/J2668 Drawing of coupling rod (driving & intermediate)
PECK/6/1/J2668F Drawing of coupling rod (driving & intermediate) (forging sizes)
PECK/6/1/J2672 Drawing of driving crank pin
PECK/6/1/J2677 Drawing of driving coupling rod
PECK/6/1/J2677F Drawing of driving coupling rod (forging sizes)
PECK/6/1/J2678 Drawing of driving coupling rod bushes
PECK/6/1/J2690 Drawing of piston valve spindle & details
PECK/6/1/J2691 Drawing of top slide bar r.h. (item b)
PECK/6/1/J2692 Drawing of bottom slide bar l.h. (item c)
PECK/6/1/J2699 Drawing of tank sieve
PECK/6/1/J2700 Drawing of cylinder liner
PECK/6/1/J2704 Drawing of slide bar, top right hand ("w" class)
PECK/6/1/J2705 Drawing of slide bar, bottom ("w" class)
PECK/6/1/J2706 Drawing of top slide bars (item a)
PECK/6/1/J2707 Drawing of bottom slide bars (item b)
PECK/6/1/J2708 Drawing of return crank
PECK/6/1/J2709 Drawing of fabricated carrier for mechanical lubricator (16 feed)
PECK/6/1/J2722 Drawing of auxiliary pole piece for msy
PECK/6/1/J2727 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2728 Drawing of tender brake hangers (l.h.)
PECK/6/1/J2729 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2733 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2739 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2742 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2748 Drawing of hooks, shackles & chains
PECK/6/1/J2750 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2752 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2755 Drawing of crank pins (driving)
PECK/6/1/J2757 Drawing of injector pipes
PECK/6/1/J2758 Drawing of front cylinder cover
PECK/6/1/J2759 Drawing of dished end plate for smokebox door
PECK/6/1/J2764 Drawing of spring link
PECK/6/1/J2765 Drawing of valve spindle
PECK/6/1/J2769 Drawing of steam pipe (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2770 Drawing of weigh shaft levers
PECK/6/1/J2772 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2774 Drawing of eccentric rod
PECK/6/1/J2779 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2797 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2814 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2815 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2819 Drawing of connecting rod straps
PECK/6/1/J2820 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2823 Drawing of firebars
PECK/6/1/J2824 Drawing of detail of connecting rod cotter
PECK/6/1/J2825 Drawing of steam pipes (copper)
PECK/6/1/J2827 Drawing of detail of connecting rod big end strap
PECK/6/1/J2839[A] Drawing of details of slide valve
PECK/6/1/J2839[B] Drawing of details of slide valve
PECK/6/1/J2840 Drawing of firebars
PECK/6/1/J2866A Drawing of detail of valve spindle
PECK/6/1/J2868 Drawing of detail copper steam pipes
PECK/6/1/J2869 Drawing of detail copper steam pipes
PECK/6/1/J2871 Drawing of cast iron horn block
PECK/6/1/J2874[A] Drawing of injector copper pipes (rh)
PECK/6/1/J2874[B] Drawing of injector copper pipes (rh)
PECK/6/1/J2875 Drawing of wheel centre
PECK/6/1/J2878 Drawing of detail of steam pipes
PECK/6/1/J478 Drawing of design for boiler
PECK/6/1/J479 Drawing of buffer & draw bar springs
PECK/6/1/J488 Drawing of outline of 0-4-0 side tank locomotive, 3'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/J520 Drawing of connecting & coupling rod ends
PECK/6/1/J530 Drawing of brake drum
PECK/6/1/J532 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/J549 Drawing of tender draw-bar spring
PECK/6/1/J550 Drawing of oil fuel tank (welded)
PECK/6/1/J558 Drawing of central buffer (steel castings)
PECK/6/1/J564 Drawing of proposed compensation gear
PECK/6/1/J596 Drawing of crank shaft
PECK/6/1/J625 Drawing of wheels & axles
PECK/6/1/J654 Drawing of back cover of cylinder
PECK/6/1/J752 Drawing of cast steel axleboxes & guides
PECK/6/1/J753 Drawing of cast steel axleboxes & guides
PECK/6/1/J761 Drawing of boiler mounting spindles & plugs
PECK/6/1/J767 Drawing of bearing springs
PECK/6/1/J778 Drawing of foundation ring
PECK/6/1/J790 Drawing of cast steel water gauge
PECK/6/1/J793 Drawing of copper firebox
PECK/6/1/J825 Drawing of layout of Newallite clothing blocks
PECK/6/1/J861 Drawing of swing firedoor arrangement & details
PECK/6/1/J863 Drawing of cast steel axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/J874 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/J875 Drawing of cast steel horse shoe axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/J893 Drawing of brake-block (special)
PECK/6/1/J896 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/J897 Drawing of cast steel axleboxes
PECK/6/1/J903 Drawing of steam sanding details
PECK/6/1/J921 Drawing of 2" pop safety valves
PECK/6/1/J926 Drawing of copper tube plate & smokebox tube & front plate
PECK/6/1/J927 Drawing of cast iron regulator steam pipe
PECK/6/1/J932 Drawing of leading dimensions of standard lifting jacks
PECK/6/1/J941 Drawing of cast steel horse shoe axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/J983 Drawing of window guard for eyeglass drg no. 6035
PECK/6/1/J984 Drawing of steam brake regulator & carrier
PECK/6/1/KL 201 Drawing of "M5 Special Brake Blocks Engine no1874. There is new tracing of shop print drg 7369" "British Industrial Sand Ltd"
PECK/6/1/L3/1 Drawing of Peckett loco., central automatic alliance coupler - Visco no. 2 head
PECK/6/1/L375/3 L2753/04 Drawing of swab ring
PECK/6/1/M.114.B Drawing of turned bolts
PECK/6/1/M.114B Part No. M114/15 Drawing of turned bolts
PECK/6/1/M.114B Part No. M114/23 Drawing of turned bolt
PECK/6/1/M115/B Part No.M.115/27 Drawing of turned bolt
PECK/6/1/N.119/62/LOC Drawing of axlebox and spring link tee
PECK/6/1/N.186/61/LOC 136/585L Item J Drawing of spring (cylinder relief valve)
PECK/6/1/N.186/61/LOC 46/585L Item J Drawing of asbestos joint ring
PECK/6/1/N.368/61/LOC 17/585L Letter X Drawing of roof stay nuts
PECK/6/1/N.368/61/LOC 449/997L Letter 'G' Drawing of gudgeon pin nut (unthreaded)
PECK/6/1/N/186/61/LOC 236/585/L Drawing of spherical pivot pin seating
PECK/6/1/S.1973 L 1168/01 Drawing of steel steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S.1973 L1168/01 Drawing of steel; steam pipe
PECK/6/1/R41/63[A] Drawing of standard gun metal mud plug
PECK/6/1/R41/63[B] Drawing of standard gun metal mud plug
PECK/6/1/N/186/61/LOC 29/585L Item D Drawing of gasket (housley plug)
PECK/6/1/N108/62/LOC 208/585L[A] Drawing of brake hanger (item 'c')
PECK/6/1/N108/62/LOC 208/585L[B] Drawing of brake hanger (item 'c')
PECK/6/1/N186/61/LOC 136/585 Item J Drawing of spring (cylinder relief valve)
PECK/6/1/N186/61/LOC 46/585L Item J Drawing of asbestos joint ring
PECK/6/1/N108/62/LOC 452/997 L Letter 'C' Drawing of die block (for reversing link)
PECK/6/1/N368/61/LOC 449/997L Letter G Drawing of gudgeon pin nut (unthreaded)
PECK/6/1/N368/61/LOC 452/997.L Letter 'C' Drawing of die block (for reversing link)
PECK/6/1/N368/61/LOC 452/997L Letter 'C' Drawing of die block (for reversing link)
PECK/6/1/N.186/61/LOC 357/1070.L Item D Drawing of spring (brake hanger)
PECK/6/1/N108/62/LOC 336/1070.L Drawing of felt pads ((coupled axlebox keeps)
PECK/6/1/N108/62/LOC 336/1070L Drawing of stud (sq. shank) (item 'o')
PECK/6/1/N108/62/LOC 357/1070.L Item D Drawing of spring (brake hanger)
PECK/6/1/N186/61/LOC 357/1070.L Item D Drawing of spring (brake hanger)
PECK/6/1/Order No. 11638 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/Order No. 12450 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/Order No. 13524 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/Order No. 14481 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/Order No. 8592 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/PP9409 Drawing of loco piston rods - class standard R4
PECK/6/1/R1226 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/S10 Drawing of boiler mounting engine nos. 1366 -7&8
PECK/6/1/S1001 Drawing of "Dunbar Slater" check valves
PECK/6/1/S1002 Drawing of steam brake cylinder drain valve
PECK/6/1/S1004 Drawing of wood buffer block
PECK/6/1/S1006 Drawing of injector name plates
PECK/6/1/S1007 Drawing of combined pressure gauge & test cock
PECK/6/1/S1008 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1011 Drawing of copper firebox stays
PECK/6/1/S1012 Drawing of buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S1015 Drawing of copper firebox stays
PECK/6/1/S1018 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1019 Drawing of axles
PECK/6/1/S1020 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/S1022 Drawing of cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/S1030 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/S1034 Drawing of wood buffer blocks
PECK/6/1/S1035 Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/S1039 Drawing of modifications to dome
PECK/6/1/S104 Drawing of slide valve buckle
PECK/6/1/S1041 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1044 Drawing of special brass boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S1045 Drawing of sand box lid
PECK/6/1/S1046 Drawing of special dome cover
PECK/6/1/S1047 Drawing of travelling drawbar
PECK/6/1/S105 Drawing of bearing spring (engine no. 1030)
PECK/6/1/S1050 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S1055 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S1059 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S106 Drawing of bearing spring (special) - engine no. 1354
PECK/6/1/S1060 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1062 Drawing of axlebox brass
PECK/6/1/S1063 Drawing of special brass boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S1068 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1070 Drawing of brake release spring
PECK/6/1/S1075 Drawing of internal firebox (steel)
PECK/6/1/S1076 Drawing of boiler tubes fitted with steel ferrules
PECK/6/1/S1077 Drawing of Bissel truck control spring
PECK/6/1/S1079 Drawing of rubber buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S108 Drawing of steel internal firebox (engine no. 1271)
PECK/6/1/S1085 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S1087 Drawing of copper tube for fuel oil
PECK/6/1/S1090 Drawing of modification to boiler back for oil fuel
PECK/6/1/S1091 Drawing of external steam supply to oil fuel injectors
PECK/6/1/S1094 Drawing of steel dogspike & fishplate bolt
PECK/6/1/S1095 Drawing of flat bottom rail
PECK/6/1/S1097 Drawing of massey 10cwt. steam hammer no. b8359
PECK/6/1/S1098 Drawing of oil fuel stop cock & warmer coil connection
PECK/6/1/S1099 Drawing of hydraulic lifting jack (20 tons)
PECK/6/1/S11 Drawing of boiler mounting engine nos. 1362 & 3
PECK/6/1/S110 Drawing of mud plug tap
PECK/6/1/S1106 Drawing of screw pump shafts (forging sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1108 Drawing of adapters for water gauges
PECK/6/1/S111 Drawing of mud plug tap
PECK/6/1/S1112 Drawing of sight hole cover for oil fuel furnace door
PECK/6/1/S1114 Drawing of screw pump shaft (forging sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1116 Drawing of packing case for tubes & ferrules
PECK/6/1/S1118 Drawing of drawbar
PECK/6/1/S1120 Drawing of drawbar
PECK/6/1/S1121 Drawing of position of foundation ring mud doors
PECK/6/1/S1122 Drawing of forgings for size 111 screw pump shaft
PECK/6/1/S1123 Drawing of forgings for size 70 screw pump shaft
PECK/6/1/S1125 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1133 Drawing of lighting up burner flexible metallic hose
PECK/6/1/S1139 Drawing of firebricks for smiths forge
PECK/6/1/S114 Drawing of duplicate parts (miscellaneous), 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive, outside cylinders 10" dia bore x 15" stroke
PECK/6/1/S1142 Drawing of firebox arch bricks
PECK/6/1/S1145 Drawing of smoketube ferrule
PECK/6/1/S1146 Drawing of corner mud door for loco no.5
PECK/6/1/S1149 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S114A Drawing of duplicate parts
PECK/6/1/S115 Drawing of duplicate brass fittings
PECK/6/1/S1152 Drawing of forgings for size 111 screw pump shaft
PECK/6/1/S1153 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S1154 Drawing of 1/4" bore steam cock
PECK/6/1/S1155 Drawing of disc forgings
PECK/6/1/S1159 Drawing of cast steel clack box seat
PECK/6/1/S116 Drawing of duplicate engine parts
PECK/6/1/S1160 Drawing of standard tyre profile
PECK/6/1/S1162 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes given)
PECK/6/1/S1163 Drawing of chimney copper top segments
PECK/6/1/S1165 Drawing of forgings for size 111 screw pump shaft
PECK/6/1/S1166 Drawing of forgings for size 95 screw pump shaft
PECK/6/1/S1169 Drawing of standard brake blocks
PECK/6/1/S117 Drawing of duplicate parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S1172 Drawing of drawbar spring
PECK/6/1/S1174 Drawing of copper flange
PECK/6/1/S1178 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S117A Drawing of duplicate parts
PECK/6/1/S118 Drawing of duplicate parts
PECK/6/1/S1181 Drawing of external steam supply valve
PECK/6/1/S1182 Drawing of brass elbow to suit steam valve dwg. no. 4100
PECK/6/1/S1183 Drawing of copper plate for firebox
PECK/6/1/S1188 Drawing of slidebar lubrication check-valve
PECK/6/1/S118A Drawing of component parts (draw gear, brake details etc.)
PECK/6/1/S118B Drawing of duplicate parts
PECK/6/1/S119 Drawing of duplicate parts
PECK/6/1/S1197 Drawing of jet nozzle for "Davis" patent Duplex lighting up burner and liquid fuel injector D.L. pattern
PECK/6/1/S1199 Drawing of eye glass for windows in cab front
PECK/6/1/S12 Drawing of smokebox tube plate (new boiler for eng. nos. 845, 880, 1058
PECK/6/1/S120 Drawing of duplicate brass fittings
PECK/6/1/S1200 Drawing of axlebox bearing & journal sizes
PECK/6/1/S1204 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1206 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S1207 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1208 Drawing of cast steel spring pillar guide bracket
PECK/6/1/S121 Drawing of duplicate engine parts
PECK/6/1/S1211 Drawing of crank pins (fitted to wheels & axles dwg. no. 4000)
PECK/6/1/S1212 Drawing of boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S1213 Drawing of standard 2'-6" firebar
PECK/6/1/S1215 Drawing of A & B Duplex steam sanding valve details E sand ejector steam jet nozzle
PECK/6/1/S1217 Drawing of cast iron axlebox keep
PECK/6/1/S1218 Drawing of copper stud for firebox repairs
PECK/6/1/S1219 Drawing of saddle tank inspection door
PECK/6/1/S122 Drawing of duplicate parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S1221 Drawing of arrangement of palm stays
PECK/6/1/S1224 Drawing of steel boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S1225 Drawing of steel ferrules (fabricated)
PECK/6/1/S123 Drawing of duplicate parts
PECK/6/1/S1230 Drawing of spiral drawbar spring
PECK/6/1/S1232 Drawing of steam brake clamp lever
PECK/6/1/S1234 Drawing of split cotters for eccentrics
PECK/6/1/S1235[A] Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S1235[B] Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S1236 Drawing of dome cover & safety valves
PECK/6/1/S1237 Drawing of steam sanding gear details
PECK/6/1/S1238 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1239 Drawing of firebar (coke burning)
PECK/6/1/S124 Drawing of component parts
PECK/6/1/S1241 Drawing of cast iron axlebox keep
PECK/6/1/S1243 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes), leading, driving & third wheels
PECK/6/1/S1244 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes), radial wheels
PECK/6/1/S1245 Drawing of breeches pipe extension piece
PECK/6/1/S1246 Drawing of steam brake 3-way connection
PECK/6/1/S1251 Drawing of arrangement of palm stays
PECK/6/1/S1267 (2 copies) Drawing of hydraulic press cylinder
PECK/6/1/S1270 Drawing of regulator cylinder & steam chest lubrication combined check valves & oil test valves
PECK/6/1/S1274 Drawing of special taps (for Pearn tapper)
PECK/6/1/S1275 Drawing of standard tyre profile (engine wheels)
PECK/6/1/S1276 Drawing of standard tyre profile (bogie wheels)
PECK/6/1/S1277 Drawing of standard tyre profile
PECK/6/1/S1278 Drawing of steel stud for firebox repairs
PECK/6/1/S1279 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S1281 Drawing of gun metal ram eye for crosshead pump
PECK/6/1/S1284 Drawing of copper patch screw for firebox repairs
PECK/6/1/S1289 Drawing of steel stud for firebox repairs
PECK/6/1/S1292 Drawing of steam sanding gear details
PECK/6/1/S1294 Drawing of clackbox
PECK/6/1/S13 Drawing of crosshead pin for engine no. 1115
PECK/6/1/S130 Drawing of safety valve spring
PECK/6/1/S1300 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S1301 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S1302 Drawing of component parts (engine details) & lamps
PECK/6/1/S1303 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S1304 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S1305 Drawing of component parts (brake details, buffers & draw gear)
PECK/6/1/S1306 Drawing of steam sanding components
PECK/6/1/S1307 Drawing of s.b. tubeplate
PECK/6/1/S1308 Drawing of special mud door
PECK/6/1/S1309 Drawing of manzel lubricator check valve components to duplicate empire lubricator check valve components
PECK/6/1/S131 Drawing of copper firebox fire-hole plate (engine no. 273)
PECK/6/1/S1311 Drawing of axlebox lubrication details
PECK/6/1/S1312 Drawing of manzel lubricator check valve components for oil pipes in smokebox
PECK/6/1/S1313 Drawing of drawbar links & shackle
PECK/6/1/S1314 Drawing of steel steam pipe (to the BSS no. 494 of 1933)
PECK/6/1/S1318 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S1321 Drawing of injector delivery pipe
PECK/6/1/S1322 Drawing of bright hard steel bar for rod cotters
PECK/6/1/S1324 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1330 Drawing of cast iron axlebox keep
PECK/6/1/S1332 Drawing of wagon bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1333 Drawing of cast steel spring pin guide bracket
PECK/6/1/S1335 Drawing of slidebar forging
PECK/6/1/S1336 Drawing of copper tubeplate modifications
PECK/6/1/S1337 Drawing of reversing lever & sector
PECK/6/1/S1343 Drawing of dome & upright c.i. steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S1346 Drawing of LNER pony truck spring link
PECK/6/1/S135 Drawing of spare tyres
PECK/6/1/S1351 Drawing of tyre rolled sizes
PECK/6/1/S1355 Drawing of tyre rolled sizes
PECK/6/1/S136 Drawing of special buffer beam (engine no. 475)
PECK/6/1/S1364 Drawing of copper firebox tubeplate
PECK/6/1/S1366 Drawing of tyre rolled sizes
PECK/6/1/S1368 Drawing of copper firebox tubeplate
PECK/6/1/S137 Drawing of special bearing spring (engine no. 1051)
PECK/6/1/S1370 Drawing of firebox brick arch stud
PECK/6/1/S1373 Drawing of coupling rod coupling pin
PECK/6/1/S1382 Drawing of blanking disc for buffer plunger holes in buffer beam
PECK/6/1/S1383 Drawing of steel steam pipe (to BSS no. 494 of 1933)
PECK/6/1/S139 Drawing of copper firebox (engine no. 753)
PECK/6/1/S1390 Drawing of steel steam pipe (to bss no. 494 of 1933)
PECK/6/1/S1393 Drawing of copper patch screws
PECK/6/1/S14 Drawing of alterations to standard boiler (engine no. 1391)
PECK/6/1/S1400 Drawing of regulator rod lengths
PECK/6/1/S1405 Drawing of injector delivery pipe
PECK/6/1/S1406 Drawing of rubber buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S1407 Drawing of buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S141 Drawing of tube & tube plate modifications ( engine no. 1205)
PECK/6/1/S1411 Drawing of modifications to axlebox brass
PECK/6/1/S1413 Drawing of tyre section (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1417 Drawing of tyre section (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1419 Drawing of tyre section (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S142 Drawing of copper firebox (engine no. 1205)
PECK/6/1/S1421 Drawing of copper expansion joint
PECK/6/1/S1422 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S1425 Drawing of tyre section (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1426 Drawing of cat steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/S1428 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1429 Drawing of copper patch screws
PECK/6/1/S1430 Drawing of pressure gauge & test cock
PECK/6/1/S1431 Drawing of steel wheel
PECK/6/1/S1437 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S144 Drawing of hydraulic wall crane
PECK/6/1/S1440 Drawing of draw-bar spring
PECK/6/1/S1446 Drawing of special steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/S1447 Drawing of fusible plug tap
PECK/6/1/S1449 Drawing of window frame
PECK/6/1/S145 Drawing of bearing spring (engine no. 1354)
PECK/6/1/S1451 Drawing of standard firebar
PECK/6/1/S1457 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1458 Drawing of top leaf for spring
PECK/6/1/S1459 Drawing of top leaf for spring
PECK/6/1/S146 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous) 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive 12" x 18" outside cylinder
PECK/6/1/S1460 Drawing of Bissel truck control spring
PECK/6/1/S1464 Drawing of modification to cab back plates
PECK/6/1/S1466 Drawing of boards for cab tropical roof
PECK/6/1/S146R Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S147 Drawing of component brass fittings 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive 12" x 18" outside cylinders
PECK/6/1/S1471 Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/S1472 Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/S1473 Drawing of eye bolt for lifting compressed air reservoir
PECK/6/1/S1477 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S148 Drawing of component engine parts
PECK/6/1/S1481 Drawing of special drawbar
PECK/6/1/S1482 Drawing of cast steel wheel
PECK/6/1/S1484 Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead liner
PECK/6/1/S1486 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S1489 Drawing of connecting & coupling rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S149 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S1490 Drawing of axlebox brasses
PECK/6/1/S1493 Drawing of special blower elbow for stop valve connection
PECK/6/1/S15 Drawing of spare spring buckles (engine no. 1354)
PECK/6/1/S150 Drawing of component parts (brake details - draw gear & buffers etc.)
PECK/6/1/S1500 Drawing of blower pipe coupling (for 3/4" bore copper & iron pipes)
PECK/6/1/S1506 Drawing of elbow for blow off cock
PECK/6/1/S1507 Drawing of special mud plug spanner
PECK/6/1/S1509 Drawing of tyre securing screw
PECK/6/1/S151 Drawing of standard steam-brake valve
PECK/6/1/S1511 Drawing of blank tyre
PECK/6/1/S1512 Drawing of choke valve union for sight feed lubricator
PECK/6/1/S152 Drawing of weights of standard brasses
PECK/6/1/S1523 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S1525 Drawing of head lamp
PECK/6/1/S1527 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S153 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S1532 Drawing of cast iron wheel centre
PECK/6/1/S1539 Drawing of steam sanding gear details
PECK/6/1/S154 Drawing of component parts
PECK/6/1/S1540 Drawing of iron blower pipe
PECK/6/1/S1542 Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/S1543 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1544 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1546 Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/S155 Drawing of component engine parts & lamps
PECK/6/1/S1553 Drawing of cylinder turned bolts
PECK/6/1/S1558 Drawing of clack valve & seat
PECK/6/1/S1559 Drawing of copper tubeplate ferrules - method of reducing copper firebox expanded tubeholes back to standard size
PECK/6/1/S156 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S157 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S1572 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S1576 Drawing of smokebox tubeplate tee steel stiffener modification
PECK/6/1/S157A Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S158 Drawing of component parts (brake details, buffers & draw gear)
PECK/6/1/S1580 Drawing of chimney top segments
PECK/6/1/S1584 Drawing of coil spring
PECK/6/1/S1585 Drawing of special screws for wheel boss thrust collar
PECK/6/1/S159 Drawing of steel internal firebox (engine no. 518)
PECK/6/1/S1590 Drawing of saddle tank fill hole strainer
PECK/6/1/S1591 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S1594 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S1598 Drawing of quartering machine bearing blocks
PECK/6/1/S16 Drawing of bearing spring (eng. nos. 1544, 1637, 1648)
PECK/6/1/S1602 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S1607 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S1609 Drawing of blower elbow & union
PECK/6/1/S1610 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1611 Drawing of drawbar nuts, mild steel class a
PECK/6/1/S1612 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1613 Drawing of flange & drilling of Everlasting blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/S162 Drawing of cast steel buffer head
PECK/6/1/S1621 Drawing of "Duplex" steam sanding valve union
PECK/6/1/S1626 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1627 Drawing of index to brass fittings & bearings
PECK/6/1/S1628 Drawing of steam brake tee piece & pipe coupling
PECK/6/1/S1629 Drawing of index to brass fittings & bearings
PECK/6/1/S1630 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S1631 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S1632 Drawing of clackbox valve (gunmetal)
PECK/6/1/S1633 Drawing of draw bar
PECK/6/1/S1634 Drawing of hydraulic stop valve
PECK/6/1/S1638 Drawing of special roofbar bolt & ferrule
PECK/6/1/S164 Drawing of cylinder cocks right & left hand
PECK/6/1/S1647 Drawing of union for injector pipes
PECK/6/1/S165 Drawing of trailing spring buckle (engine no. 876)
PECK/6/1/S1654 Drawing of tank cover handle (cast steel)
PECK/6/1/S1656 Drawing of index to brass fittings & bearings
PECK/6/1/S166 Drawing of standard piston & rings
PECK/6/1/S1661 Drawing of cast steel spring pin guide bracket
PECK/6/1/S1662 Drawing of boring bar fitted with microbore cutter
PECK/6/1/S1663 Drawing of sizing tap for brake screw nuts (brake screw nuts made from class "D" steel)
PECK/6/1/S1665 Drawing of clackbox seat & modification to hole in boiler barrel
PECK/6/1/S1666 Drawing of copper firebox tubeplate
PECK/6/1/S1669 Drawing of special drawbar & hook
PECK/6/1/S167 Drawing of cylinder glands & neck rings
PECK/6/1/S1670 Drawing of smokebox door angle rings
PECK/6/1/S1673 Drawing of brass dome case for side tank locos
PECK/6/1/S1676 Drawing of flanged mounting for pressure gauge cock
PECK/6/1/S168 Drawing of copper tube plate
PECK/6/1/S1682 Drawing of volute spring
PECK/6/1/S1684 Drawing of trailing bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1687 Drawing of clackbox seat & modification to hole in boiler barrel
PECK/6/1/S1688 Drawing of drawbar spiral spring
PECK/6/1/S169 Drawing of cast steel central buffer & draw box
PECK/6/1/S1697 Drawing of wood buffer block
PECK/6/1/S1698 Drawing of blower elbow & union (for 3/4" bore iron blower pipe)
PECK/6/1/S1699 Drawing of palm stays & neck stays
PECK/6/1/S17 Drawing of spring for 21/2" dia pop safety valve for blowing -off pressures up to 180 p.s.i.
PECK/6/1/S170 Drawing of drilling & tapping of firebox mountings (engine no. 1576)
PECK/6/1/S1701 Drawing of crane pinion wheels
PECK/6/1/S1704 Drawing of driving crank pin fitted with screwed collar
PECK/6/1/S1709 Drawing of tank fill hole sieve (galvanised)
PECK/6/1/S171 Drawing of drilling & tapping of firebox mountings (eng. nos. 1574-5)
PECK/6/1/S1712 Drawing of tyre profile (rolled size)
PECK/6/1/S1720 Drawing of cast steel spring pin guide bracket
PECK/6/1/S1721 Drawing of monel metal removable valve & seat
PECK/6/1/S1723 Drawing of mud plug reamer
PECK/6/1/S1724 Drawing of flangeless tyre profile
PECK/6/1/S1728 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S173 Drawing of draw hook & links
PECK/6/1/S1730 Drawing of wiring diagram for wall crane control circuit
PECK/6/1/S1737 Drawing of modified pawl etc for no.7 gear case
PECK/6/1/S1739 Drawing of modification to axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/S174 Drawing of copper tube plate modifications (engine no. 600)
PECK/6/1/S1741 Drawing of flanged copper ferrule
PECK/6/1/S1742 Drawing of copper ferrule for reducing copper firebox expanded tubeholes back to standard size
PECK/6/1/S1743 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S1744 Drawing of component parts (cylinders & motion details)
PECK/6/1/S1745 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S1746 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S1747 Drawing of component parts (brake details etc.)
PECK/6/1/S1748 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S175 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S1750 Drawing of position of clackbox seat & detail of hole in boiler barrel
PECK/6/1/S1751 Drawing of standard tyre profile
PECK/6/1/S1754 Drawing of brass boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S1755 Drawing of special mud door
PECK/6/1/S1760 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1761 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1764 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1768 Drawing of boiler barrel angle ring (un-machined)
PECK/6/1/S1770 Drawing of boiler barrel angle ring (un-machined)
PECK/6/1/S1773 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1774 Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/S1775 Drawing of special brake bock
PECK/6/1/S1776 Drawing of special tyre profile (51/2" wide)
PECK/6/1/S1777 Drawing of monel metal removable valve & seat
PECK/6/1/S178 Drawing of steel tyre
PECK/6/1/S1781 Drawing of buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S1785 Drawing of st 1?" dia plug tap (for 3/4" injector sv)
PECK/6/1/S1786 Drawing of brake block
PECK/6/1/S1788 Drawing of tie rods (steam crane)
PECK/6/1/S1793 Drawing of connecting rod small end bolt
PECK/6/1/S1795 Drawing of "Duplex" steam sanding valve union for ?" bore copper pipe
PECK/6/1/S1796 Drawing of turbo-generator exhaust & steam unions
PECK/6/1/S1797 Drawing of standard; clinker shovel with bent handle
PECK/6/1/S1799 Drawing of index to brass fittings & bearings
PECK/6/1/S18 Drawing of dome case (eng. nos. 1195, 1346-7)
PECK/6/1/S1801 Drawing of modification to phosphor bronze crosshead shoes
PECK/6/1/S1808 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1809 Drawing of cast steel buffer plunger
PECK/6/1/S1810 Drawing of 1" dia bore copper pipe coupling
PECK/6/1/S1811 Drawing of standard knobs
PECK/6/1/S1812 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1819 Drawing of cast steel buffer head (1'-2" dia)
PECK/6/1/S182 Drawing of safety valve spring
PECK/6/1/S1820 Drawing of firebox roof stay setscrews
PECK/6/1/S1821 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1822 Drawing of brass dome case & fittings
PECK/6/1/S1823 Drawing of index to brass fittings & bearings
PECK/6/1/S1827 Drawing of brass cap nuts
PECK/6/1/S183 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings) 16" x 14" outside cylinder 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/S1836 Drawing of cylinder tallow cock
PECK/6/1/S1839 Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/S184 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S1843 Drawing of slide valves machined to special dimensions
PECK/6/1/S1849 Drawing of crosshead pin
PECK/6/1/S185 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S1851 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S1858 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S1859 Drawing of tyre profile (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S186 Drawing of component parts (brake details & draw gear & lamps)
PECK/6/1/S1860 Drawing of leading crank pin
PECK/6/1/S1866 Drawing of water gauge cock adapter
PECK/6/1/S1867 Drawing of copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S187 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S1870 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S1873 Drawing of (tyre finished dimensions given)
PECK/6/1/S1875 Drawing of copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S1878 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S189 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S1890 Drawing of patch screws for firebox repairs
PECK/6/1/S1892 Drawing of fusible plug taper tap, high speed steel ground thread
PECK/6/1/S1895 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S19 Drawing of tube plates for new boiler (eng. nos. 794, 795)
PECK/6/1/S190 Drawing of head lamp
PECK/6/1/S1905 Drawing of boiler tube ferrule
PECK/6/1/S1906 Drawing of copper patch screw
PECK/6/1/S191 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings), 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive outside cylinders 15" bore x 21" stroke
PECK/6/1/S1913 Drawing of standard tyre profile
PECK/6/1/S1914 Drawing of tube expander adapter
PECK/6/1/S1917 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S192 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S1920 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1921 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1922 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1925 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S1926 Drawing of drawbar links
PECK/6/1/S1927 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S1928 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1929 Drawing of copper tubeplate ferrule - method of reducing copper firebox expanded tubeholes back to standard size
PECK/6/1/S193 Drawing of component parts (brake details, buffers & draw gear & lamps)
PECK/6/1/S1930 Drawing of patch screws for firebox repairs
PECK/6/1/S1937 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S1938 Drawing of tyre (finished dimensions)
PECK/6/1/S194 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S1940 Drawing of internal steel firebox
PECK/6/1/S1942 Drawing of standard tyre finished dimensions
PECK/6/1/S1943 Drawing of locomotive boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S1944 Drawing of tyre (finished dimensions)
PECK/6/1/S1945 Drawing of tyre (finished dimensions)
PECK/6/1/S195 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S1950 Drawing of patch screws for firebox repairs
PECK/6/1/S1957 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S1958 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S1959 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S195R Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S196 Drawing of rubber buffer springs
PECK/6/1/S1965 Drawing of steam chest sighting plugs
PECK/6/1/S1966 Drawing of motion pins (pin no. 71)
PECK/6/1/S1966A Drawing of motion pins
PECK/6/1/S1967 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S1967A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S1968 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S1968A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S1969 Drawing of driving axlebox collar pin (F)
PECK/6/1/S1970 Drawing of eccentric crank castle nut
PECK/6/1/S1971 Drawing of rigging pin (l)
PECK/6/1/S1972 Drawing of rigging pin (K)
PECK/6/1/S1973 Drawing of steel steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S1974 Drawing of eccentric crank bolt nut casehardened
PECK/6/1/S1978 Drawing of tender brake pins
PECK/6/1/S198 Drawing of chain drive to transmit 80 h.p at 100 revs per minute. type:- inverted tooth (silent)
PECK/6/1/S1980 Drawing of bearing housing
PECK/6/1/S1982 Drawing of nut guard casting
PECK/6/1/S1985 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S1987 Drawing of copper water space stays
PECK/6/1/S1988 Drawing of standard boiler washing out nozzle
PECK/6/1/S199 Drawing of copper firebox plates
PECK/6/1/S1996 Drawing of spring link cotter
PECK/6/1/S1999 Drawing of regulator pilot valve
PECK/6/1/S20 Drawing of firebox stays
PECK/6/1/S2001 Drawing of mild steel crank
PECK/6/1/S2002 Drawing of trigger pin & washer
PECK/6/1/S2003 Drawing of rocking plate screw
PECK/6/1/S2004 Drawing of steel pipe joint rings
PECK/6/1/S2005 Drawing of cast iron ball joint rings
PECK/6/1/S2008/2 Drawing of motion pin no. 12
PECK/6/1/S2008A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2009 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2009A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S201 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S2010 Drawing of side firebar
PECK/6/1/S2012 Drawing of roof stay nut
PECK/6/1/S2013[A] Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2013[B] Drawing of bright cotter
PECK/6/1/S2015 Drawing of facing washer
PECK/6/1/S2016 Drawing of drawbar nut
PECK/6/1/S2018 Drawing of piston valve retaining set screw
PECK/6/1/S202 Drawing of tube plate modifications
PECK/6/1/S2023 Drawing of metallic packing rings
PECK/6/1/S2024 Drawing of copper firebox stay
PECK/6/1/S2026 Drawing of drawbar nut
PECK/6/1/S2030 Drawing of tyre (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2037 Drawing of milling cutter
PECK/6/1/S2040 Drawing of compensating beam pin
PECK/6/1/S2041 Drawing of swing link pin (l)
PECK/6/1/S2042 Drawing of swing link pin (J)
PECK/6/1/S2048 Drawing of compensating beam (main pin) bush
PECK/6/1/S2049 Drawing of compensating beam bush
PECK/6/1/S2051 Drawing of axlebox top plate liner
PECK/6/1/S2052 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S2053 Drawing of bright steel washer
PECK/6/1/S2057 Drawing of slidebar bolts
PECK/6/1/S2059 Drawing of blower valve lock nuts
PECK/6/1/S2060 Drawing of slide bar bolt nut
PECK/6/1/S2061 Drawing of syphon oil cap
PECK/6/1/S2062 Drawing of coupling rod oil nipple (lead: inter: & trail)
PECK/6/1/S2063 Drawing of coupling rod oil nipple (driving)
PECK/6/1/S2073 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S2075 Drawing of cylinder cock gear pins
PECK/6/1/S2078 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S2079 Drawing of crosshead cotter
PECK/6/1/S208 Drawing of replacement of coupling rod brasses (to customer's dimensions)
PECK/6/1/S2081 Drawing of tender brake gear pins
PECK/6/1/S2084 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S2087 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2089 Drawing of mud door & details
PECK/6/1/S209 Drawing of replacement of coupling rod brasses (to customer's dimensions)
PECK/6/1/S2090 Drawing of slidebar bolt
PECK/6/1/S2091 Drawing of castle nuts
PECK/6/1/S2092 Drawing of pin & collar
PECK/6/1/S2097 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2098 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2098A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2099 Drawing of spherical pivot pins (bogie spring beam)
PECK/6/1/S21 Drawing of metallic packing springs
PECK/6/1/S210 Drawing of replacement of coupling rod brasses (to customer's dimensions)
PECK/6/1/S2103A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2104 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2104A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2105 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2105A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2106 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2106A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2107 Drawing of cotter for mechanical lubricator driving crank
PECK/6/1/S2108 Drawing of bright steel castle nuts
PECK/6/1/S211 Drawing of replacement of connecting rod brasses (to customer's dimensions)
PECK/6/1/S2110 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2110A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2111 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2111A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2112 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2112A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2113 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2113A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2114 Drawing of connecting rod flute milling cutter
PECK/6/1/S2116 Drawing of bright steel slotted nuts
PECK/6/1/S2118 Drawing of leading & driving spring
PECK/6/1/S2120 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2120A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2121 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2121A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2122 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2122A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2126 Drawing of crown stay lock nuts
PECK/6/1/S2127 Drawing of special driving axleboxes
PECK/6/1/S2128 Drawing of copper screwed rivets
PECK/6/1/S2130 Drawing of pneumatic hammer top block pellet
PECK/6/1/S2132 Drawing of firehole ring
PECK/6/1/S2133 Drawing of crown stay nuts
PECK/6/1/S2133M Drawing of crown stay nuts
PECK/6/1/S2134 Drawing of crown stay nut
PECK/6/1/S2138 Drawing of slide bar hind bolts
PECK/6/1/S2139 Drawing of oil cups (cast iron)
PECK/6/1/S214 Drawing of smokebox tube plate
PECK/6/1/S2140 Drawing of blower connection on smokebox
PECK/6/1/S2141 Drawing of nut (injector steam pipe & elbows)
PECK/6/1/S2142 Drawing of compensating beam bracket bushes
PECK/6/1/S2143 Drawing of spring buckle centre pin
PECK/6/1/S2145 Drawing of firehole door handle
PECK/6/1/S2148 Drawing of spring yoke seat
PECK/6/1/S2149 Drawing of plate snifting valve
PECK/6/1/S2149A Drawing of plate (snifting valve) (top plate)
PECK/6/1/S2151 Drawing of axles for rail wheels
PECK/6/1/S2152 Drawing of crank pin washer (inter. & trail.)
PECK/6/1/S2153 Drawing of bushes for truck pivot pin
PECK/6/1/S2154 Drawing of bushes radial arm carrier
PECK/6/1/S2155 Drawing of pivot pin split cotter (bright)
PECK/6/1/S2156 Drawing of cylinder cock gear lever
PECK/6/1/S2161 Drawing of spring cover
PECK/6/1/S2162 Drawing of vibrating cup
PECK/6/1/S2163 Drawing of washers (crank pin)
PECK/6/1/S2166 Drawing of monel metal removable valve & seat
PECK/6/1/S2167 Drawing of fly crank bolts
PECK/6/1/S2168 Drawing of slide bar hind bolts
PECK/6/1/S2175 Drawing of spring link bushes
PECK/6/1/S2178 Drawing of oil syphon cap
PECK/6/1/S2179 Drawing of knuckle pine oil syphon cap
PECK/6/1/S2180 Drawing of spring hanger cotter
PECK/6/1/S2181 Drawing of slidebar studs
PECK/6/1/S2182 Drawing of valve spindle cotter
PECK/6/1/S2183[A] Drawing of steel steam pipe (material cold drawn weldless steel)
PECK/6/1/S2183[B] Drawing of steel steam pipe (material cold drawn weldless steel)
PECK/6/1/S2185 Drawing of spring hanger cotter
PECK/6/1/S219 Drawing of standard steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/S2190 Drawing of spring hanger cotter
PECK/6/1/S2191 Drawing of copper patch screw
PECK/6/1/S2192 Drawing of combination lever oil plug
PECK/6/1/S2193 Drawing of cylinder cock gear pins
PECK/6/1/S2194 Drawing of reversing link die block
PECK/6/1/S2195 Drawing of spring hanger cotter
PECK/6/1/S2196 Drawing of knuckle pin nuts
PECK/6/1/S22 Drawing of valve spindle guides & guide box
PECK/6/1/S220 Drawing of cast steel buffer head
PECK/6/1/S2200 Drawing of die block
PECK/6/1/S2204 Drawing of piston valve spindle nut
PECK/6/1/S2205 Drawing of equalising link bush - leading wheel brakes
PECK/6/1/S2206 Drawing of brake pull rod bush (leading)
PECK/6/1/S2207 Drawing of brake hanger bracket bush
PECK/6/1/S2209 Drawing of mud door & cover
PECK/6/1/S2210 Drawing of "Kermode" oil burner bracket
PECK/6/1/S2214 Drawing of injector steam pipe flange (t)
PECK/6/1/S2219 Drawing of knuckle pin key
PECK/6/1/S2222 Drawing of spring link bush
PECK/6/1/S2223 Drawing of spring link bush
PECK/6/1/S2225 Drawing of lever brake hind tender (item k)
PECK/6/1/S2227 Drawing of oil fuel steam stop valve distance piece
PECK/6/1/S2228 Drawing of reversing link die block
PECK/6/1/S2232 Drawing of die block
PECK/6/1/S2233 Drawing of link plates equalizing (brake driving)
PECK/6/1/S2234 Drawing of link plates equalizing (engine brake gear)
PECK/6/1/S2235 Drawing of screws adjusting brake release spring
PECK/6/1/S2236 Drawing of coupling rod blower valve (spindle tube)
PECK/6/1/S2248 Drawing of Flannery stay bolt
PECK/6/1/S2254 Drawing of piston valve retaining setscrew
PECK/6/1/S2255 Drawing of stud for ashpan door support
PECK/6/1/S2256 Drawing of dowel pins
PECK/6/1/S2257 Drawing of distance piece for brake gear
PECK/6/1/S2258 Drawing of distance piece for brake gear
PECK/6/1/S2259 Drawing of brake pin for equalising link plate
PECK/6/1/S2260 Drawing of brake lever pin
PECK/6/1/S2261 Drawing of steam brake piston rod pin
PECK/6/1/S2262 Drawing of pin fir brake release spring shackle
PECK/6/1/S2263 Drawing of steam brake gland stud
PECK/6/1/S2264 Drawing of washers for brake gear
PECK/6/1/S2265 Drawing of washer for brake lever pin
PECK/6/1/S2266 Drawing of washer for steam brake piston rod pin
PECK/6/1/S2267 Drawing of stud for reg. stuffing box gland
PECK/6/1/S2270 Drawing of crank pin nuts (intermediate & trailing)
PECK/6/1/S2275 Drawing of bright steel nuts
PECK/6/1/S2275 Z6706/104 Z9104/171 Drawing of bright steel nuts
PECK/6/1/S2276 Drawing of regulator stuffing box gland
PECK/6/1/S2277 Drawing of rocking grate pin
PECK/6/1/S2278 Drawing of nut for shafts
PECK/6/1/S2280 Drawing of eye bolt
PECK/6/1/S2282 Drawing of tyre (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2284 Drawing of knuckle pin nut
PECK/6/1/S2286 Drawing of knuckle pin bushes
PECK/6/1/S2287 Drawing of knuckle pin bushes
PECK/6/1/S2289 Drawing of knuckle pin nut
PECK/6/1/S2290 Drawing of leading rod knuckle pin
PECK/6/1/S2291 Drawing of knuckle pin nut
PECK/6/1/S2293 Drawing of link spring washer
PECK/6/1/S2294 Drawing of cylinder drain cock valve
PECK/6/1/S2297 Drawing of washer for brake pull rod pin
PECK/6/1/S23 Drawing of longitudinal stays & tube plates (engine no. 1218)
PECK/6/1/S2300 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2300A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2301 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2301A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2302 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2302A Drawing of motion pin machined for casehardening
PECK/6/1/S2303 Drawing of modifications to b2 firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/S2304 Drawing of tyre (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2307 Drawing of countersunk boiler patch stud
PECK/6/1/S2308 Drawing of copper water space stays
PECK/6/1/S2309 Drawing of longstrand steel water space stays
PECK/6/1/S231 Drawing of safety valve seating - cast iron
PECK/6/1/S2310 Drawing of monel metal water space stays
PECK/6/1/S2311 Drawing of lamp bracket
PECK/6/1/S2319 Drawing of axlebox liner screws
PECK/6/1/S2320 Drawing of bearing spring centre pin
PECK/6/1/S2321 Drawing of spring link pin
PECK/6/1/S2322 Drawing of spring tee link
PECK/6/1/S2323 Drawing of spring link
PECK/6/1/S2325 Drawing of spring link bracket pin
PECK/6/1/S2327 Drawing of crank pin collar
PECK/6/1/S2328 Drawing of jack shaft crank pin collar
PECK/6/1/S233 Drawing of copper firebox
PECK/6/1/S2330 Drawing of die block
PECK/6/1/S2331 Drawing of oil syphon cap
PECK/6/1/S2334 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2335 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2336 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2337 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2338 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2339 Drawing of pin for brake hanger bracket
PECK/6/1/S234 Drawing of sight feed lubricator
PECK/6/1/S2341 Drawing of bush (frame & spring adjusting screw)
PECK/6/1/S2345 Drawing of brake block (cast iron)
PECK/6/1/S2348 Drawing of brake gear bush
PECK/6/1/S2349 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S235 Drawing of special tyres
PECK/6/1/S2350 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2354 Drawing of drawbar pins
PECK/6/1/S2356 Drawing of gudgeon pin nut
PECK/6/1/S2357 Drawing of countersunk boiler patch stud
PECK/6/1/S2358 Drawing of swing link casting sizes given
PECK/6/1/S236 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S2365 Drawing of crosshead cotter
PECK/6/1/S2368 Drawing of gudgeon pin key
PECK/6/1/S2373 Drawing of slide bar bolt (back)
PECK/6/1/S2374 Drawing of spring adjusting screw
PECK/6/1/S2375 Drawing of swab box (valve spindle)
PECK/6/1/S2376 Drawing of exhaust pipe nipple nut
PECK/6/1/S2378 Drawing of brass oil box cover (crosshead block)
PECK/6/1/S2381 Drawing of brake hanger bush (driving)
PECK/6/1/S2382 Drawing of tender bogie centre pin
PECK/6/1/S2383 Drawing of fly crank bolts
PECK/6/1/S2386 Drawing of blow off cock gear pins
PECK/6/1/S2387 Drawing of bush for main pull rod (equalising link pins)
PECK/6/1/S2390 Drawing of bush for combination lever
PECK/6/1/S2392 Drawing of brake hanger bush
PECK/6/1/S2393 Drawing of bush for front spring cross beam
PECK/6/1/S2395 Drawing of motion pins
PECK/6/1/S2396/3 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2399 Drawing of brake hanger bush
PECK/6/1/S24 Drawing of case hardening pot
PECK/6/1/S2401 Drawing of brake release spring eyebolt & link
PECK/6/1/S2402 Drawing of engine brake gear bush
PECK/6/1/S2403 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2404 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2405 Drawing of crosshead cotter (Bright)
PECK/6/1/S2406 Drawing of coupled spring link bush
PECK/6/1/S2407 Drawing of spring link cotter
PECK/6/1/S2408 Drawing of motion girder oil cup connection
PECK/6/1/S2409 Drawing of sidebar oil cup connection
PECK/6/1/S241 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S2419 Drawing of cotter for mech. lubricator
PECK/6/1/S242 Drawing of boiler stay tube
PECK/6/1/S2421 Drawing of key for coupled axle
PECK/6/1/S2422 Drawing of connection oil coupled axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/S2423 Drawing of flute milling cutter
PECK/6/1/S2424 Drawing of flanged copper ferrule
PECK/6/1/S2426 Drawing of internal steel steam pipes
PECK/6/1/S2427 Drawing of drawbar cotter (bright)
PECK/6/1/S243 Drawing of modifications to tube plates
PECK/6/1/S2432 Drawing of pivot pin casting bush
PECK/6/1/S2440 Drawing of yoke support bush
PECK/6/1/S2444 Drawing of countersunk boiler patch stud
PECK/6/1/S2446 Drawing of brake hanger bush
PECK/6/1/S2447 Drawing of reach rod roller
PECK/6/1/S2448 Drawing of pivot pin casting bush
PECK/6/1/S2450 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2452 Drawing of lever bush (item h)
PECK/6/1/S2453 Drawing of stud, by-pass valve
PECK/6/1/S2454 Drawing of stud, by-pass valve
PECK/6/1/S2455 Drawing of stud cylinder front cover
PECK/6/1/S2457 Drawing of type 3 turned bolts
PECK/6/1/S2458 Drawing of type 3 turned bolts
PECK/6/1/S2459 Drawing of brake release spring fixed shackle
PECK/6/1/S246 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S2461 Drawing of pin cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/S2464 Drawing of bogie swing link pin (top)
PECK/6/1/S2468 Drawing of reversing wheel handle
PECK/6/1/S2469 Drawing of bush for coupled spring, link adjusting screw & frame
PECK/6/1/S247 Drawing of modification to cab back
PECK/6/1/S2470 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2470A Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2475 Drawing of pull rod (cylinder cock gear)
PECK/6/1/S2478 Drawing of fly crank key
PECK/6/1/S248 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S2481 Drawing of flexible stay cap
PECK/6/1/S2482 Drawing of pin mech.: lubricator (Wakefield)
PECK/6/1/S2483 Drawing of cotter snub
PECK/6/1/S2484 Drawing of wedge pin for tender rubbing block
PECK/6/1/S2486 Drawing of buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S2487 Drawing of tyre (profile "machined" - bore left "unmachined")
PECK/6/1/S2488 Drawing of flanged copper ferrule
PECK/6/1/S249 Drawing of studs for United States metallic packing
PECK/6/1/S2490 Drawing of pin cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/S2491 Drawing of safety link pin (engine & tender)
PECK/6/1/S2494 Drawing of reversing link die block
PECK/6/1/S2495 Drawing of bush for spring compensating beam
PECK/6/1/S2496 Drawing of bush for spring compensating beam, alt. 1
PECK/6/1/S2497 Drawing of brake hanger bracket bush
PECK/6/1/S2498 Drawing of oilbox protector bar (x-head)
PECK/6/1/S25 Drawing of tube plates (engine no. 1269)
PECK/6/1/S2503 Drawing of engine brake gear bush
PECK/6/1/S2506 Drawing of crosshead slipper bolts
PECK/6/1/S2508 Drawing of ring, ashpan door chain
PECK/6/1/S2512 Drawing of dead grate front carrier (outer)
PECK/6/1/S2513 Drawing of dead grate front carrier (inner)
PECK/6/1/S2514 Drawing of dead grate hind carrier (outer)
PECK/6/1/S2515 Drawing of grease well cover
PECK/6/1/S2516 Drawing of nipple for turbo exhaust
PECK/6/1/S2516A Drawing of nipple for turbo exhaust (ordering sheet only)
PECK/6/1/S2517 Drawing of buffer face pivot pin
PECK/6/1/S2519 Drawing of type 3 turned bolts 1" nom dia.
PECK/6/1/S252 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes given)
PECK/6/1/S2520 Drawing of engine brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2522 Drawing of engine brake gear bush
PECK/6/1/S2525 Drawing of cylinder drain cock body
PECK/6/1/S2527 Drawing of slidebar (forgings only)
PECK/6/1/S2528 Drawing of nut for crosshead arm pin (bright)
PECK/6/1/S2532 Drawing of mushroom valve (snifting valve)
PECK/6/1/S2533 Drawing of valve guide for snifting valve (phosphor bronze)
PECK/6/1/S2534 Drawing of stud & nut for snifting valve
PECK/6/1/S2535 Drawing of washer for snifting valve
PECK/6/1/S2536 Drawing of knuckle pin key
PECK/6/1/S2539 Drawing of pin for cab window details (item j)
PECK/6/1/S254 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes given)
PECK/6/1/S2541 Drawing of pin engine brake gear
PECK/6/1/S2542 Drawing of oil syphon cap
PECK/6/1/S2548 Drawing of slotted nut
PECK/6/1/S2549 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2549A Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S255 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes given)
PECK/6/1/S2555 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2556 Drawing of spring hanger nut
PECK/6/1/S2566 Drawing of fly crank split cotter
PECK/6/1/S257 Drawing of standard tyre profile
PECK/6/1/S2570 Drawing of adapter for nipples of gudgeon pin
PECK/6/1/S2572 Drawing of spring link bushes
PECK/6/1/S2573 Drawing of spring link bushes
PECK/6/1/S2575 Drawing of bush for hind cross beam (coupled spring)
PECK/6/1/S2576 Drawing of bush for front cross beam (coupled spring)
PECK/6/1/S258 Drawing of arrangement of buffers & draw bar
PECK/6/1/S2580 Drawing of oil box cover retaining spring
PECK/6/1/S2585 Drawing of flexible stay
PECK/6/1/S2588 Drawing of adjusting spring rod
PECK/6/1/S2589 Drawing of reversing link die block
PECK/6/1/S2590 Drawing of spring adjusting rod pin
PECK/6/1/S2594 Drawing of brake screw nut & washers
PECK/6/1/S2595 Drawing of reversing lever catch rod
PECK/6/1/S2597 Drawing of nuts (water, space stays) item g. alt 1
PECK/6/1/S2599 Drawing of motion pin - pin no.1
PECK/6/1/S26 Drawing of tube plates (engine no. 1037)
PECK/6/1/S2600 Drawing of motion pin - pin no. 3
PECK/6/1/S2601 Drawing of motion pin - pin no.3
PECK/6/1/S2604 Drawing of stud for cylinder drain cock adapter
PECK/6/1/S2605 Drawing of spring link bushes
PECK/6/1/S2606 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2607 Drawing of motion pin
PECK/6/1/S2608 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2609 Drawing of delivery pipe flange (brazing metal) item l
PECK/6/1/S2611 Drawing of fly crank bolt
PECK/6/1/S2613 Drawing of brake gear bushes
PECK/6/1/S2615 Drawing of bush for brake lever
PECK/6/1/S262 Drawing of copper tube plate
PECK/6/1/S2627 Drawing of internal steel steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S2628 Drawing of bush for spring yoke bracket pin
PECK/6/1/S2630 Drawing of steel plug for axlebox crown
PECK/6/1/S2631 Drawing of special tyre (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2631A Drawing of special tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2632 Drawing of drilling modification to standard: buffer case
PECK/6/1/S2633 Drawing of bright steel cotter (mill's std type e.322)
PECK/6/1/S2635 Drawing of bogie side spring adjusting screw
PECK/6/1/S2637/3 Drawing of motion pin connecting link to crosshead arm - pin no. 12
PECK/6/1/S2637A Drawing of motion pin connecting link to crosshead arm - pin no. 12
PECK/6/1/S264 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S2640 Drawing of flexible stay sleeves
PECK/6/1/S2642 Drawing of crosshead arm studs
PECK/6/1/S2643 Drawing of screwed copper washer for longitudinal stays
PECK/6/1/S2646 Drawing of blower pipe nut for 3/4" dia pipe
PECK/6/1/S2647 Drawing of collar, mech. lub. lever
PECK/6/1/S2648 Drawing of pin, mech. lub. lever
PECK/6/1/S2652[A] Drawing of lever whistle valve
PECK/6/1/S2652[B] Drawing of lever whistle valve
PECK/6/1/S2654 Drawing of wearing plates for bracket bearer item g
PECK/6/1/S2654A Drawing of wearing plates for bracket bearer item g
PECK/6/1/S2657 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S2658 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S266 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S2669 Drawing of palm stay for boiler drg no. 4826
PECK/6/1/S2670 Drawing of modifications to std coupling rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S2671 Drawing of ivorine plates (planing machine)
PECK/6/1/S2673 Drawing of bolt for crosshead body
PECK/6/1/S2674 Drawing of crosshead (top) slipper bolt
PECK/6/1/S2675 Drawing of clip for axlebox oil pipe (item f1)
PECK/6/1/S2676 Drawing of countersunk set screw
PECK/6/1/S2679 Drawing of oil cup cover
PECK/6/1/S268 Drawing of wrot steel buffer
PECK/6/1/S2680 Drawing of oil cup cover
PECK/6/1/S2681 Drawing of intermediate buffer sleeve
PECK/6/1/S2683 Drawing of oil syphon caps (11 t.p.i.)
PECK/6/1/S2684 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2687 Drawing of steel pipe joint ring
PECK/6/1/S2688 Drawing of spring hanger nut
PECK/6/1/S2689 Drawing of brass rivet (crosshead side liners)
PECK/6/1/S2693 Drawing of steam pipe expansion joint ring
PECK/6/1/S2695 Drawing of stud for hornstay
PECK/6/1/S2696 Drawing of collar
PECK/6/1/S2697 Drawing of bush (reversing screw)
PECK/6/1/S2698 Drawing of lubricating pad holder
PECK/6/1/S27 Drawing of tube plates (engine no. 1118)
PECK/6/1/S2702 Drawing of tender brake pin
PECK/6/1/S2711 Drawing of fly crank bolt
PECK/6/1/S2712 Drawing of case hardened nut for eccentric crank bolt
PECK/6/1/S2716 Drawing of gasket (housley plug)
PECK/6/1/S2718 Drawing of blower valve stuffing box
PECK/6/1/S2719 Drawing of valve seat
PECK/6/1/S2723 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2724 Drawing of spherical pivot pin seating
PECK/6/1/S2726 Drawing of crosshead arm stud
PECK/6/1/S273 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S2735 Drawing of steam brake piston rod
PECK/6/1/S2736 Drawing of hinge & ferrule
PECK/6/1/S2737 Drawing of hinge & ferrule
PECK/6/1/S274 Drawing of tyres
PECK/6/1/S2743 Drawing of cotter locking screw
PECK/6/1/S2744 Drawing of adapter, cylinder drain cock
PECK/6/1/S2745 Drawing of smokebox door clamp
PECK/6/1/S2747 Drawing of engine wheel tyres (finished sizes except bore)
PECK/6/1/S2749 Drawing of nut & bolt
PECK/6/1/S275 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2754 Drawing of roof stay nuts
PECK/6/1/S276 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S2766 Drawing of atomiser steam valve
PECK/6/1/S277 Drawing of crank pins (machined all over)
PECK/6/1/S2776 Drawing of cylinder cock body
PECK/6/1/S278 Drawing of modification to crank pins
PECK/6/1/S2782 Drawing of wearing plate screws
PECK/6/1/S2784 Drawing of pin (tender brake gear)
PECK/6/1/S2786 Drawing of nut (for pivot pin)
PECK/6/1/S2787 Drawing of pipe for x-head oil box
PECK/6/1/S2788[A] Drawing of inner packing ring
PECK/6/1/S2788[B] Drawing of stud (sq. shank) (item 'o')
PECK/6/1/S2789 Drawing of tyre (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/S279 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S2790 Drawing of roller bearing ring
PECK/6/1/S2791 Drawing of crosshead cotter
PECK/6/1/S2795 Drawing of pin (cylinder cock gear)
PECK/6/1/S2796 Drawing of cotter
PECK/6/1/S2797 Drawing of spring (for whistle item 'f')
PECK/6/1/S2799 Drawing of tyre (leading & trailing - finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/S28 Drawing of copper stays for ebbw vale
PECK/6/1/S2800 Drawing of tyre (driving) (finished sizes)
PECK/6/1/S2802 Drawing of brake pins
PECK/6/1/S2803 Drawing of brake pins
PECK/6/1/S2804 Drawing of brake pins
PECK/6/1/S2805 Drawing of pin (triple valve release)
PECK/6/1/S2806 Drawing of distance ferrule
PECK/6/1/S2807 Drawing of bush
PECK/6/1/S2809 Drawing of cotter locking screw
PECK/6/1/S2813 Drawing of fly crank nut (std.)
PECK/6/1/S2817 Drawing of engine spring adjusting screw
PECK/6/1/S2822 Drawing of bushes (brake gear)
PECK/6/1/S2826 Drawing of washers
PECK/6/1/S2828 Drawing of brake blocks
PECK/6/1/S2829 Drawing of bush details (en.8. steel)
PECK/6/1/S283 Drawing of standard smokebox tube plate
PECK/6/1/S2832 Drawing of driving crank pins
PECK/6/1/S2836 Drawing of regulator valve
PECK/6/1/S2838 Drawing of firebox stays
PECK/6/1/S284 Drawing of oil fuel tank (welded)
PECK/6/1/S2841 Drawing of leading crank pins
PECK/6/1/S2844 Drawing of crosshead pin
PECK/6/1/S2845 Drawing of detail of slide bar liner
PECK/6/1/S2846 Drawing of detail of copper pipe
PECK/6/1/S2849 Drawing of profile of tyre
PECK/6/1/S285 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S2852 Drawing of steam pipes
PECK/6/1/S2854 Drawing of dtl. brake block pin
PECK/6/1/S2855 Drawing of brake block
PECK/6/1/S2856 Drawing of slide bar liner
PECK/6/1/S2857 Drawing of cotter pin
PECK/6/1/S286 Drawing of modifications to smokebox door
PECK/6/1/S2860 Drawing of oil pipe from back pressure valve to steam regulator
PECK/6/1/S2863 Drawing of detail of brake shaft
PECK/6/1/S2867 Drawing of detail of firebox stays
PECK/6/1/S288 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S289 Drawing of 3" whistle, outside view
PECK/6/1/S29 Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/S291 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S293 Drawing of pressure gauge cock
PECK/6/1/S294 Drawing of Bissel truck control springs
PECK/6/1/S295 Drawing of modifications to fixing on cab front
PECK/6/1/S296 Drawing of studs for united states metallic packing
PECK/6/1/S297 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S298 Drawing of draw hook & shackle
PECK/6/1/S299 Drawing of material for chimney copper top
PECK/6/1/S30 Drawing of spring for 2" pop safety valves for blowing-off pressures up to 180 p.s.i.
PECK/6/1/S301 Drawing of spare axle box brasses
PECK/6/1/S302 Drawing of spare rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S303 Drawing of W1 firebars
PECK/6/1/S305 Drawing of mud doors, mud and fusible plugs
PECK/6/1/S307 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes given)
PECK/6/1/S31 Drawing of springs for metallic packing
PECK/6/1/S313 Drawing of boiler filling plug
PECK/6/1/S314 Drawing of special valves & seats
PECK/6/1/S315 Drawing of crank pin
PECK/6/1/S320 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S321 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S322 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S323 Drawing of copper tube plate
PECK/6/1/S324 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S328 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S329 Drawing of draw hook
PECK/6/1/S32[A] Drawing of standard lamp bracket
PECK/6/1/S32[B] Drawing of standard lamp bracket
PECK/6/1/S33 Drawing of smokebox door centre casting (iron)
PECK/6/1/S330 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S331 Drawing of copper top for chimney
PECK/6/1/S332 Drawing of copper top for chimney
PECK/6/1/S333 Drawing of copper top for chimney
PECK/6/1/S334 Drawing of Bissel truck control spring
PECK/6/1/S335 Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/S336 Drawing of whistle valve
PECK/6/1/S338 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S339 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S34 Drawing of girder stays on firebox roof
PECK/6/1/S340 Drawing of dome & barrel drilling for same
PECK/6/1/S344 Drawing of blower pipe
PECK/6/1/S345 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S346 Drawing of Bissel truck control spring
PECK/6/1/S348 Drawing of connecting & coupling rod eyes
PECK/6/1/S350 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S351 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S352 Drawing of volute draw bar spring
PECK/6/1/S354 Drawing of Wakefield's lubricator details
PECK/6/1/S355 Drawing of Wakefield's lubricator details
PECK/6/1/S357 Drawing of clack box valve
PECK/6/1/S36 Drawing of valve & valve seat
PECK/6/1/S360 Drawing of pony truck bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S362 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S364 Drawing of regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/S365 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S367 Drawing of eye bolt, link & hook
PECK/6/1/S37 Drawing of tube plates (engine no. 1443)
PECK/6/1/S373 Drawing of gwr type 0-4-0t for swansea docks
PECK/6/1/S375 Drawing of Wakefield's lubricator details
PECK/6/1/S376 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/S378 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S38 Drawing of combined pressure gauge and test cock
PECK/6/1/S381 Drawing of tyres (rolled size)
PECK/6/1/S384 Drawing of 2" dia. pop valves
PECK/6/1/S398 Drawing of draw hook
PECK/6/1/S400 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S402 Drawing of component parts brass fittings, 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive cylinders 14" dia bore x 22" stroke
PECK/6/1/S403 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S404 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S405 Drawing of component parts (running gear & lamps)
PECK/6/1/S406 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S407 Drawing of component parts brake details buffers & draw gear
PECK/6/1/S410 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S412 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S414 Drawing of component engine parts
PECK/6/1/S415 Drawing of component parts (rods, lamps etc)
PECK/6/1/S416 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S416A Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S417 Drawing of component parts brake details, buffers & draw gear
PECK/6/1/S417A Drawing of component parts brake details, buffers & draw gear
PECK/6/1/S418 Drawing of component parts miscellaneous
PECK/6/1/S418A Drawing of component parts miscellaneous
PECK/6/1/S419 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S42 Drawing of duplicate parts, 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive 14" x 20" outside cylinders
PECK/6/1/S420 Drawing of packing case for tubes & ferrules
PECK/6/1/S422 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S424 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S427 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S43 Drawing of duplicate brass fittings, 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive 14" x 20" outside cylinders
PECK/6/1/S430 Drawing of additions to mud plugs and palm stays
PECK/6/1/S432 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S44 Drawing of duplicate engine parts, 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive 14" x 20" outside cylinders
PECK/6/1/S442 Drawing of cylinder drain cock
PECK/6/1/S443 Drawing of Kermode's lighting up boiler
PECK/6/1/S445 Drawing of rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S45 Drawing of duplicate parts (running gear), 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive 14" x 20" outside cylinders
PECK/6/1/S451 Drawing of tube & tubeplate modifications
PECK/6/1/S455 Drawing of Furness lubricator
PECK/6/1/S457 Drawing of modifications to eccentric sheaves
PECK/6/1/S458 Drawing of tubeplate & firebox section
PECK/6/1/S459 Drawing of tee steel
PECK/6/1/S46 Drawing of duplicate parts, 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive 14" x 20" outside cylinders
PECK/6/1/S460 Drawing of tee steel
PECK/6/1/S465 Drawing of details of monel metal valves & seats & modifications to standard fittings
PECK/6/1/S466 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S468 Drawing of mild steel pins
PECK/6/1/S470 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings) 12" x 20" outside cylinders 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/S471 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S472 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S473 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S474 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S475 Drawing of component parts (brake details - draw gear & buffers)
PECK/6/1/S477 Drawing of chimney base
PECK/6/1/S48 Drawing of copper fire box for 15" loco
PECK/6/1/S481 Drawing of vacuum brake details
PECK/6/1/S484 Drawing of modification to firebox gusset stays
PECK/6/1/S485 Drawing of clackbox
PECK/6/1/S489 Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/S492 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/S493 Drawing of boat whistle modified to 10" high
PECK/6/1/S494 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S496 Drawing of modification to rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S498 Drawing of buffer & draw gear support springs
PECK/6/1/S499 Drawing of outline of whistle valve
PECK/6/1/S50 Drawing of tube plates & longitudinal stays (engine no. 1114)
PECK/6/1/S500 Drawing of tyres
PECK/6/1/S501 Drawing of oilbox for axlebox lubrication
PECK/6/1/S504 Drawing of spring for 11/2" pop safety valve
PECK/6/1/S505 Drawing of weight s of steel and copper plates
PECK/6/1/S509 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/S51 Drawing of cast steel levers for cylinder cock gears
PECK/6/1/S510 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S511 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S512 Drawing of component parts (brake details etc.)
PECK/6/1/S513 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S514 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S515 Drawing of axlebox for engine no. 482
PECK/6/1/S517 Drawing of practical method of finding the radius of an existing curve
PECK/6/1/S521 Drawing of steel dome
PECK/6/1/S522 Drawing of copper firebox
PECK/6/1/S525 Drawing of modifications to tubes
PECK/6/1/S526 Drawing of drawbar spring
PECK/6/1/S528 Drawing of patch on barrel plate on l.h. side
PECK/6/1/S53 Drawing of foundation ring (cast steel) - eng. nos. 1474-5
PECK/6/1/S531 Drawing of outline of 12"x20" outside cylinder locomotive
PECK/6/1/S534 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S535 Drawing of tyres
PECK/6/1/S538 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S539 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S54 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S542 Drawing of boiler barrel angle ring (unmachined sizes)
PECK/6/1/S545 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S55 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S551 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S552 Drawing of engine & tender buffer blocks
PECK/6/1/S553 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S554 Drawing of brass sheets for dome case
PECK/6/1/S557 Drawing of cast steel crank
PECK/6/1/S56 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S560 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S566 Drawing of sketch shewing setting out of "dead" bumpers required
PECK/6/1/S568 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S569 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S57 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S570 Drawing of mud door and details
PECK/6/1/S571 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S572 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S576 Drawing of rubber buffer springs
PECK/6/1/S579 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S58 Drawing of axleboxes (engine no. 494)
PECK/6/1/S581 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S583 Drawing of safety chain hooks
PECK/6/1/S584 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S586 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S587 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S590 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S591 Drawing of lifting beam shackle
PECK/6/1/S592 Drawing of hydraulic accumulator ram
PECK/6/1/S593 Drawing of blower pipe
PECK/6/1/S595 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S597 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S598 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S599 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S600 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S601 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S602 Drawing of component parts (brake details - draw gear & buffer)
PECK/6/1/S608 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S609 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S61 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S610 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S611 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S612 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S613 Drawing of component parts (brake details - draw gear & buffer)
PECK/6/1/S621 Drawing of 1 pint sight feed jet lubricator for locomotives
PECK/6/1/S622 Drawing of drain valve
PECK/6/1/S623 Drawing of standard buffer
PECK/6/1/S624 Drawing of axle shaft for coke crane
PECK/6/1/S627 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S630 Drawing of modification to copper tubeplate
PECK/6/1/S631 Drawing of crane tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S632 Drawing of position of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/S633 Drawing of rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S634 Drawing of position of saddle tank fixing bolts
PECK/6/1/S635 Drawing of strap for connecting rod
PECK/6/1/S636 Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/S637 Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/S638 Drawing of slide bar support block
PECK/6/1/S639 Drawing of draw bar spring
PECK/6/1/S64 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S640 Drawing of axlebox brass
PECK/6/1/S641 Drawing of axlebox brass
PECK/6/1/S642 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S643 Drawing of cast steel guide bracket (spring pillars)
PECK/6/1/S644 Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/S645 Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/S646 Drawing of hydraulic press cylinder
PECK/6/1/S647 Drawing of standard bell
PECK/6/1/S648 Drawing of driving coupling rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S649 Drawing of leading coupling rod brasses
PECK/6/1/S650 Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/S651 Drawing of connecting rod brasses (big end)
PECK/6/1/S657 Drawing of tank filler
PECK/6/1/S659 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S66 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S660 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S661 Drawing of wheels & axle
PECK/6/1/S662 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S663 Drawing of special rod brass (leading coupling rod)
PECK/6/1/S664 Drawing of special connecting rod brass
PECK/6/1/S665 Drawing of special connecting rod brass
PECK/6/1/S668 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S669 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/S67 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S671 Drawing of tube expanders
PECK/6/1/S672 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S677 Drawing of tyre rolled sizes
PECK/6/1/S68 Drawing of drilling of spare 21/2" pop safety valves
PECK/6/1/S680 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S681 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S682 Drawing of component parts (engine details)
PECK/6/1/S683 Drawing of component parts (running gear & lamps)
PECK/6/1/S684 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S685 Drawing of component parts brake details buffers & draw gear
PECK/6/1/S69 Drawing of cast steel foundation ring
PECK/6/1/S691 Drawing of bogie wheel centre
PECK/6/1/S692 Drawing of engine & bogie wheel tyres
PECK/6/1/S693 Drawing of steam tee pipe
PECK/6/1/S697 Drawing of spring for 2" pop safety valve (180 p.s.i.)
PECK/6/1/S698 Drawing of central buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S699 Drawing of safety draw bar spring
PECK/6/1/S700 Drawing of Bissel truck control spring
PECK/6/1/S702 Drawing of draw link
PECK/6/1/S703 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S706 Drawing of oil cup (for valve rod guide bearing)
PECK/6/1/S707 Drawing of cylinder cock
PECK/6/1/S709 Drawing of combined steam admission & drain cock
PECK/6/1/S710 Drawing of cylinder tallow cock
PECK/6/1/S713 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S714 Drawing of draw hook
PECK/6/1/S717 Drawing of index to brass fittings & bearings
PECK/6/1/S72 Drawing of studs for united states metallic packing
PECK/6/1/S725 Drawing of hydraulic tests
PECK/6/1/S726 Drawing of boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S727 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S728 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S73 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S732 Drawing of position of mud door on boiler crown
PECK/6/1/S735 Drawing of position of mud doors
PECK/6/1/S736 Drawing of bearing springs
PECK/6/1/S74 Drawing of drilling of tube plates (eng. nos. 1490-1-2-3)
PECK/6/1/S741 Drawing of injector water feed cock
PECK/6/1/S743 Drawing of trailing bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S745 Drawing of boiler tube
PECK/6/1/S748 Drawing of crane tyre rolled sizes
PECK/6/1/S749 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/S75 Drawing of dome cover (steel plate)
PECK/6/1/S750 Drawing of side rod bearings
PECK/6/1/S756 Drawing of cast steel pressure gauge cock
PECK/6/1/S758 Drawing of modifications to axlebox
PECK/6/1/S759 Drawing of cast steel stop valve for firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/S76 Drawing of cast steel buffer plunger
PECK/6/1/S765 Drawing of brass crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/S768 Drawing of modification to tubes
PECK/6/1/S769 Drawing of tyres
PECK/6/1/S77 Drawing of cast steel buffer plunger
PECK/6/1/S773 Drawing of stop valve
PECK/6/1/S780 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S781 Drawing of dome case
PECK/6/1/S79 Drawing of buffer spring (conical helical)
PECK/6/1/S791 Drawing of cast steel dome
PECK/6/1/S794 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S796 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S801 Drawing of steam brake piston
PECK/6/1/S803 Drawing of modified crank pins
PECK/6/1/S804 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S805 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S810 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S811 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S815 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S816 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S819 Drawing of tank fill hole sieve (galvanised)
PECK/6/1/S82 Drawing of longitudinal stay (engine no. 1380)
PECK/6/1/S821 Drawing of drawhook & links
PECK/6/1/S824 Drawing of brass elbow
PECK/6/1/S826 Drawing of modification to crank pins
PECK/6/1/S827 Drawing of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/S829 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S83 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S830 Drawing of steam brake exhaust
PECK/6/1/S832 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S836 Drawing of 130 hp diesel-electric locomotive
PECK/6/1/S837 Drawing of 260 hp diesel-electric locomotive
PECK/6/1/S84 Drawing of firebricks for smiths forge
PECK/6/1/S841 Drawing of internal steel firebox
PECK/6/1/S843 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S855 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S856 Drawing of fusible plug
PECK/6/1/S86 Drawing of draw-bar spring (volute)
PECK/6/1/S860 Drawing of brass sheets for dome case
PECK/6/1/S862 Drawing of position of mud doors in boiler back plate
PECK/6/1/S865 Drawing of asbestos clothing for smokebox & chimney
PECK/6/1/S866 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S868 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S869 Drawing of longitudinal stay
PECK/6/1/S870 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S876 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S877 Drawing of foundation ring corner mud doors
PECK/6/1/S878 Drawing of packing case for tubes & ferrules
PECK/6/1/S879 Drawing of drawbar washer
PECK/6/1/S880 Drawing of component parts (brass fittings)
PECK/6/1/S881 Drawing of component parts (cylinders & motion details)
PECK/6/1/S882 Drawing of component parts (running gear)
PECK/6/1/S883 Drawing of component parts (brake details etc.)
PECK/6/1/S884 Drawing of component parts (miscellaneous)
PECK/6/1/S885 Drawing of component parts (water feed & oil fuel details)
PECK/6/1/S888 Drawing of standard 1?" dia mud plug tap 11 t.p.i.
PECK/6/1/S889 Drawing of tap follower
PECK/6/1/S890 Drawing of copper tube plate modifications
PECK/6/1/S891 Drawing of packing case for tubes
PECK/6/1/S892 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S894 Drawing of smokebox tubeplate
PECK/6/1/S895 Drawing of copper firebox tubeplate
PECK/6/1/S898 Drawing of injector steam valve with monel valve & seat
PECK/6/1/S899 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/S902 Drawing of table for w4b vertical boring mill
PECK/6/1/S905 Drawing of chuck jaw & screw
PECK/6/1/S906 Drawing of 3 way connection for Wakefield lubrication
PECK/6/1/S907 Drawing of crank pins (avonside loco "bryn" no. 1874
PECK/6/1/S908 Drawing of modifications to tube plate
PECK/6/1/S909 Drawing of buffer socket
PECK/6/1/S910 Drawing of rubber buffer springs
PECK/6/1/S911 Drawing of buffer spring (conical helical)
PECK/6/1/S914 Drawing of foundation ring corner mud doors
PECK/6/1/S915 Drawing of cast iron brake block
PECK/6/1/S925 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S928 Drawing of avonside buffer spring
PECK/6/1/S931 Drawing of crosshead brass liner
PECK/6/1/S934 Drawing of internal steel firebox
PECK/6/1/S938 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S939 Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/S946 Drawing of locking set screws
PECK/6/1/S947 Drawing of brass dome case
PECK/6/1/S949 Drawing of tyres (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S95 Drawing of standard eye-glass
PECK/6/1/S950 Drawing of 21/2" whistle
PECK/6/1/S951 Drawing of drawbar & links
PECK/6/1/S952 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S953 Drawing of Gibson ring
PECK/6/1/S955 Drawing of valve motion details external modifications
PECK/6/1/S957 Drawing of draw bar links & shackle
PECK/6/1/S9595 Drawing of half ball
PECK/6/1/S96 Drawing of spring buckles (engine no. 1134)
PECK/6/1/S960 Drawing of drawhook & links
PECK/6/1/S964 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S965 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/S966 Drawing of spares
PECK/6/1/S969 Drawing of injector steam valve with stainless steel valves & seats
PECK/6/1/S970 Drawing of blower valve with stainless steel valve & seat
PECK/6/1/S971 Drawing of stainless steel valves & seats for steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/S972 Drawing of flanged dome
PECK/6/1/S974 Drawing of stainless steel regulator valve
PECK/6/1/S975 Drawing of stop valve with stainless steel valve & seats
PECK/6/1/S976 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/S978 Drawing of roof bar bolt
PECK/6/1/S979 Drawing of wagon bearing spring
PECK/6/1/S980 Drawing of whistle valve with stainless steel valve & seat
PECK/6/1/S981 Drawing of steam valve for weir pump
PECK/6/1/S985 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/S987 Drawing of buffer socket
PECK/6/1/S988 Drawing of rubber buffer springs
PECK/6/1/S991 Drawing of modifications to regulator pipe
PECK/6/1/S994 Drawing of regulator copper steam pipe
PECK/6/1/SDC 150/W Drawing of peckett diesel locomotive 150 hp
PECK/6/1/SDG 200/6 Drawing of peckett diesel locomotive 200 hp (wheels 3'-7" dia)
PECK/6/1/SDO 3124 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/ST5/2 Drawing of chart see z9184/92
PECK/6/1/T15/62/LOC 128/L939 Drawing of gudgeon pin nut
PECK/6/1/T85/61/LOC 336/1070.L Drawing of felt pads (coupled axlebox keeps)
PECK/6/1/T86/61/LOC Drawing of blast pipe top
PECK/6/1/T974 Drawing of stamped "William Jessop & Sons Ltd, Sheffield"
PECK/6/1/TS10 Drawing of boiler lagging sheets
PECK/6/1/TS11 Drawing of cylinder lagging sheets
PECK/6/1/TS12 Drawing of hydraulic brake tests at ironbridge generating station
PECK/6/1/TS13 Drawing of boiler test measurements
PECK/6/1/TS14 Drawing of test pieces
PECK/6/1/TS15 Drawing of saddle tank hand rail & cab pillars
PECK/6/1/TS16 Drawing of firebox stays & foundation & firehole ring rivets
PECK/6/1/TS17 Drawing of curves for maintained h.p. & t.f. at rail
PECK/6/1/TS18 Drawing of boiler shop speeds and feeds for use with "Speedicut" high speed drills
PECK/6/1/TS19 Drawing of speeds for sandstone grinder
PECK/6/1/TS20 Drawing of brass sheets 16.i.s.w.g. for dome cases
PECK/6/1/TS21 Drawing of cast steel crossheads
PECK/6/1/TS23 Drawing of internal fireboxes
PECK/6/1/TS24 Drawing of steam pipes in dome
PECK/6/1/TS25 Drawing of steam pipes in dome
PECK/6/1/TS26 Drawing of Whitworth gas threads
PECK/6/1/TS27 Drawing of brake & reversing shaft brackets
PECK/6/1/TS28 Drawing of engine cylinder rings, steam brake piston rings
PECK/6/1/TS30 Sheets 1 & 2 Drawing of instructions for working holden's liquid fuel injector with auxiliary feed
PECK/6/1/TS31 Sheets 1,2,& 3 Drawing of instructions for working holden's liquid fuel injector with auxiliary fuel feed
PECK/6/1/TS34 Drawing of smokebox doors
PECK/6/1/TS36 Drawing of appendix a. list of finished steel products
PECK/6/1/TS36A Drawing of steel for gas undertakings
PECK/6/1/TS37 Drawing of oil fuel steam raising test
PECK/6/1/TS38 Drawing of weights of dressed steel castings
PECK/6/1/TS39 Drawing of comparison of connecting & coupling rod bearing sizes and pressures
PECK/6/1/TS40 Drawing of cast steel wheel centres
PECK/6/1/TS41 Drawing of cast steel axleboxes & guides
PECK/6/1/TS42 Drawing of cast steel horseshoe hornblocks
PECK/6/1/TS44 Drawing of bearing spring tests (copy)
PECK/6/1/TS46 Drawing of locomotive wheel seat press fits
PECK/6/1/TS48 Drawing of locomotive outside cranks & crank pin press fits
PECK/6/1/TS52 Drawing of 11.t.p.i. water space stays
PECK/6/1/TS53 Drawing of 12 t.p.i. taps & die nuts
PECK/6/1/TS54 Drawing of firebox stay lengths
PECK/6/1/TS55 Drawing of 11 t.p.i. taps - dies & die nuts
PECK/6/1/TS56 Drawing of spec: taps, dies, & die nuts
PECK/6/1/TS57 Drawing of class 'd' bushes. 's' sheets
PECK/6/1/TS57A Drawing of class 'd' bushes. 's' sheets
PECK/6/1/TS58 Drawing of class 'd' bushes. 's' sheets
PECK/6/1/TS59 Drawing of class 'D' bushes. 'S' sheets
PECK/6/1/TS60 Drawing of gib headed cotter
PECK/6/1/TS61 Drawing of straight cotters
PECK/6/1/TS62 Drawing of american tapered pipe threads (taps)
PECK/6/1/TS63 Drawing of class 'a' bushes 's' sheets, bushes 2" dia and over
PECK/6/1/TS64 Drawing of b.s.f. taps
PECK/6/1/W21117S116 [English Electric Co. No.] Drawing of ion chamber handling machine, balance weight
PECK/6/1/W21117S184 [English Electric Co. No.] Drawing of ion chamber handling machine, shielding
PECK/6/1/W21117S185 [English Electric Co. No.] Drawing of ion chamber handling machine, shielding
PECK/6/1/Z 7503/5 Drawing of miscellaneous bogie details
PECK/6/1/Z 7503/8 Drawing of brakework details
PECK/6/1/Z 9406/46 Drawing of brake gear details (sheet 1)
PECK/6/1/Z 9406/47 Drawing of brake gear details (sheet 2)
PECK/6/1/Z.9102/67 Drawing of Thackray washer
PECK/6/1/Z 9305/74 Drawing of arrangement of bogie retaining bracket & details
PECK/6/1/Z 9104/499 (part) - Item A Drawing of rod
PECK/6/1/Z1298M Drawing of design of 16 x 24 outside cylinder locomotive
PECK/6/1/Z1361 Drawing of peckett 12" x 20" loco inside 20 ton rotary tippler - Croydon electricity drg no. 8484/77
PECK/6/1/Z1396 Drawing of piston rod
PECK/6/1/Z1552M Drawing of design of 16 x 24 outside cylinder locomotive
PECK/6/1/Z1606 Drawing of brake pull rod with r & l hand adjusting nut
PECK/6/1/Z1620 Drawing of dimensions from rail to top of chimney
PECK/6/1/Z1729 Drawing of special crank pins
PECK/6/1/Z9055/1 Drawing of crossheads
PECK/6/1/Z9022/2[A] Drawing of details of studs, bolts and pins
PECK/6/1/Z9022/2[B] Drawing of hind steam chest cover
PECK/6/1/Z9055/2 Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/Z 7300/3 Drawing of standard coupler details
PECK/6/1/Z9022/4 Drawing of eccentric crank
PECK/6/1/Z 7501/9 Drawing of bogie brake detail
PECK/6/1/Z9023/12 Drawing of arrangement of buffing and drawgear
PECK/6/1/Z9000/13 Drawing of firebox ridge and flexible roof stays
PECK/6/1/Z9000/21 Drawing of firebars and fixed firebars
PECK/6/1/Z24877/29? (part) Drawing of hand brake details
PECK/6/1/Z9102/67 Drawing of brake block
PECK/6/1/Z9025/87 Drawing of crosshead sheet 1
PECK/6/1/Z9025/88 Drawing of crosshead sheet II
PECK/6/1/Z9025/89 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/Z9025/94 Drawing of combination lower connecting link and lifting link
PECK/6/1/Z9025/95 Drawing of correcting rod and valve spindle
PECK/6/1/Z9025/96 Drawing of eccentric crank and rod
PECK/6/1/Z9025/126 Drawing of tender bogie top and bottom centre etc
PECK/6/1/Z4330/131[A] Drawing of flexible steam brake pipe & connections (items b-c)
PECK/6/1/Z4330/131[B] Drawing of [flexible bronze hose]
PECK/6/1/Z9104/140 Drawing of rubbing blocks
PECK/6/1/Z9104/152 Drawing of piston valve rod and crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9104/153 Drawing of piston rod
PECK/6/1/Z2685 Z1225/174 Item A & B Drawing of cast steel wheel centre & special tyre
PECK/6/1/Z1944/193 Drawing of valve spindle & crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z1944/199 Drawing of connecting rod & slidebars
PECK/6/1/Z2055 Drawing of spring link
PECK/6/1/Z366 Drawing of design of 14" x 22" outside cylinder locomotive 4 wheels coupled
PECK/6/1/Z453M Drawing of design of 12" x 20" outside cylinder locomotive
PECK/6/1/Z6678/179 (parts) Drawing of detail of bottom slide bars bars slide crosshead bottom
PECK/6/1/Z9008 Drawing of coupling rods for side tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/Z9065 Drawing of bolts for 751 class locomotive
PECK/6/1/Z9103 Drawing of radius rod
PECK/6/1/Z9139/11 Drawing of fire bar carrier
PECK/6/1/Z9139/14 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/Z9139/25 Drawing of hind steam chest cover
PECK/6/1/Z9139/26 Drawing of valve spindle and crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9139/29 Drawing of eccentric crank
PECK/6/1/Z9139/30 Drawing of reversing link
PECK/6/1/Z9104/36 Drawing of smokebox details
PECK/6/1/Z9139/40[A] Drawing of cast steel axlebox
PECK/6/1/Z9139/40[B] Drawing of coupled axlebox
PECK/6/1/Z9104/43 Drawing of steam pipe and flanges
PECK/6/1/Z9139/43 Drawing of front truck bearing spring
PECK/6/1/Z9139/46 Drawing of sanding gear arrangement
PECK/6/1/Z9104/75 Drawing of steam stand (front)
PECK/6/1/Z9104/77 Drawing of steam stand spindles and carriers
PECK/6/1/Z9104/132 Drawing of breathing plates
PECK/6/1/Z9104/155 Drawing of piston
PECK/6/1/Z9104/159 Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9104/162 Drawing of slide bars
PECK/6/1/Z9104/164 Drawing of reversing shaft bracket
PECK/6/1/Z9104/166 Drawing of lifting and connecting links
PECK/6/1/Z9104/167 Drawing of eccentric crank
PECK/6/1/Z9104/168 Drawing of combination lever
PECK/6/1/Z9104/171 Drawing of reversing screw details
PECK/6/1/Z9104/175 Drawing of reversing spring details
PECK/6/1/Z9104/189 Drawing of bogie axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/Z9104/190 Drawing of hind truck axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/Z9104/191 Drawing of hornclips and coupled axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/Z9104/203 Drawing of spring link and details
PECK/6/1/Z9104/210 Drawing of front truck centre bearing
PECK/6/1/Z9104/211 Drawing of front truck centre casting
PECK/6/1/Z9104/248 Drawing of brake piston rod and bridle
PECK/6/1/Z9104/250 Drawing of brake crossbeam and equalising links
PECK/6/1/Z9104/301 Drawing of steam turret
PECK/6/1/Z9104/304 Drawing of oil burner
PECK/6/1/Z9104/328 Drawing of rubbing blocks
PECK/6/1/Z9104/353 Drawing of hand brake pillar, brake shaft and details
PECK/6/1/Z9104/363 Drawing of bogie frame stretches etc
PECK/6/1/Z9104/364 Drawing of bogie axlebox guides, liners etc
PECK/6/1/Z9104/409 Drawing of injector steam valve on firebox side
PECK/6/1/Z9104/415 Drawing of steam stand (rear)
PECK/6/1/Z9104/441 Drawing of cylinder relief valve
PECK/6/1/Z9104/444 Drawing of piston valve rod & crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9104/454 Drawing of coupled axlebox guides
PECK/6/1/Z9104/456 Drawing of hornclips
PECK/6/1/Z9104/476 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/Z9104/499 Drawing of intermediate drawbar gear safety links and pins
PECK/6/1/Z9105 Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/Z9109 Drawing of outside connecting rod
PECK/6/1/Z9135 Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9136 Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9145/4 Drawing of boiler flanging & plates
PECK/6/1/Z9148/6 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/Z9139/7 Drawing of stay diagram
PECK/6/1/Z9143/ 11 Drawing of boiler and firebox plates
PECK/6/1/Z9143/11 Drawing of Iraq State Railways metre gauge eng. no 71-80 2-8-2 type superheater
PECK/6/1/Z9148/18 Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9148/19 Drawing of combination lever lefting & connecting links
PECK/6/1/Z9143/23 Drawing of foundation ring
PECK/6/1/Z9160/29 Drawing of frame stretcher
PECK/6/1/Z9144/44 Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/Z9139/49 Drawing of sanding pipe clips
PECK/6/1/Z9160/52 Drawing of spring links (hind truck)
PECK/6/1/Z9139/54 Drawing of bogie spring beam details cross stay and brackets
PECK/6/1/Z9144/104 Drawing of steam ball joint
PECK/6/1/Z9143/115 Drawing of cyl liners sidebars byepass valve and cyl label
PECK/6/1/Z9143/118 Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/Z9143/120 Drawing of valve conn. rod conn. link lifting link and crosshead arm
PECK/6/1/Z9161/122 Drawing of tender compensating beam and bearing pad
PECK/6/1/Z9161/125 Drawing of piston
PECK/6/1/Z9161/125F Drawing of bright mild steel studs
PECK/6/1/Z9143/127 Drawing of reversing link and combination lever
PECK/6/1/Z9143/129 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/Z9143/130 Drawing of coupling rods leading and trailing
PECK/6/1/Z9161/130 Drawing of reversing gear arrangement
PECK/6/1/Z9143/131 Drawing of coupling rods inter and driving
PECK/6/1/Z9161/131 Drawing of eccentric crank
PECK/6/1/Z9161/132 Drawing of eccentric rod
PECK/6/1/Z9144/135 Drawing of compensating beams
PECK/6/1/Z9161/136 Drawing of coupling rod leading and trailing
PECK/6/1/Z9161/142[A] Drawing of thackeray washer (steel)
PECK/6/1/Z9161/142[B] Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/Z9144/144 Drawing of pivot side bracket & details
PECK/6/1/Z9161/147 Drawing of steam pipe to cylinder and flanges
PECK/6/1/Z9161/153 Drawing of spring saddle spring links and details
PECK/6/1/Z9161/155 Drawing of comp beam and links between truck and coupled wheels
PECK/6/1/Z9144/160 Drawing of hand brake & brake release details
PECK/6/1/Z9144/161 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/Z9144/186 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/Z9144/191 Drawing of reversing links
PECK/6/1/Z9144/200 Drawing of crankpins eccentric crank & piston rod
PECK/6/1/Z9144/228 Drawing of outer bogie axlebox guides & hornclips
PECK/6/1/Z9161/231 Drawing of handbrake pillar screw & vac brake cylinder carrier
PECK/6/1/Z9161/235 Drawing of brake hanger and carrier
PECK/6/1/Z9144/240 Drawing of mechanical lubricator drive details
PECK/6/1/Z9144/256 Drawing of steam exhaust water pipe flanges
PECK/6/1/Z9144/257 Drawing of steel pipes (steam exhaust water pipe)
PECK/6/1/Z9156[A] Drawing of drawbar castle nut
PECK/6/1/Z9156[B] Drawing of details - b.s.f. screwed drawbar to suit loco & tender
PECK/6/1/Z9168/3 Drawing of connecting rods
PECK/6/1/2236/7 P.M.155B Alt 1 Part No. PM155/4 Drawing of coupling rod bush
PECK/6/1/2236/7 P.M.155B Part No. PM155/4 Drawing of coupling rod bush
PECK/6/1/3139/4 N.S.128.R. Drawing of crosshead slipper (top)
PECK/6/1/4375/3 L 2753/04 Part. No. 19861 Drawing of swab ring
PECK/6/1/4375/3 L2753/04 Drawing of swab ring
PECK/6/1/4615/4 Z6706 Item 'B' Drawing of smokebox rolled angle ring
PECK/6/1/5009/4 BL.116A Drawing of flexible stay cap
PECK/6/1/676/4 25319 Item D[A] Drawing of buffer washer
PECK/6/1/676/4 25319 Item D[B] Drawing of buffer washers
PECK/6/1/Z9168/4 Drawing of coupling rods leading
PECK/6/1/1514/5 Drawing of copper firebox for loco no. 524
PECK/6/1/3996/5 Enquiry Drawing of copper level pipe, flange, plug & boss
PECK/6/1/Z9168/5 Drawing of coupling rods trailing
PECK/6/1/4834/6 P.M. 252A Drawing of split cone
PECK/6/1/2236/7 Drawing of coupling rod bush
PECK/6/1/27914/7 Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/3434/8 Item No.6 Drawing of bush
PECK/6/1/1730D/1 119118 Ref.A.15/10 Drawing of flexible staybolt cap
PECK/6/1/Z9166/10 Drawing of tender bogie axlebox
PECK/6/1/3858/1 Z6883/14 Item 'A' Drawing of flexible stay
PECK/6/1/Z9163/14 Drawing of bolster spring links guides and parting plates
PECK/6/1/16A Drawing of boiler stays
PECK/6/1/4310/3 Z5395/16 Item J Drawing of slide wearing plate
PECK/6/1/3574/1 Z9148/18 Alt. 1 Drawing of brass rivet (crosshead side liners)
PECK/6/1/19VB Drawing of detail of steam cylinder valve and cylinder cover for loco Wrekin
PECK/6/1/20-9420 Drawing of general arrangement compound
PECK/6/1/Z9163/20 Drawing of axlebox cover (speedo generator) and liners
PECK/6/1/4740/4 Z.9163/23 Drawing of bush & pin
PECK/6/1/Z9163/23 Drawing of spring hanger end shoe and washers
PECK/6/1/Z9168/24 Drawing of jackshaft bearing
PECK/6/1/25-10189 Drawing of arrangement of water pick-up apparatus
PECK/6/1/25-10247 Drawing of pipe & rod arrangement
PECK/6/1/536c/3 Z9259/26 Item 'B' Drawing of spring shoe
PECK/6/1/536c/3 Z9259/26 Item 'C' Drawing of spring link washer
PECK/6/1/3487/2 M115B Alt.4 Part No. M115/27 Drawing of turned bolt
PECK/6/1/Z9182/29 Drawing of spring links and details
PECK/6/1/Z9418/29 Drawing of intermediate drawbar & buffer
PECK/6/1/16569 4380/1 Z.4588/30 Drawing of smokebox front
PECK/6/1/2481/1 M.115.B. Alt 4 Part No. M115/35 Drawing of turned bolt (type 3)
PECK/6/1/2039/1 Z.9259/36 Drawing of connecting rods
PECK/6/1/2039/1 Z.9259/37 Drawing of leading coupling rods
PECK/6/1/3735/2 20274.18/37 Drawing of brake pins
PECK/6/1/2039/1 Z.9259/38 Drawing of intermediate coupling rods
PECK/6/1/3735/2 20274.18/39 Drawing of brake pins
PECK/6/1/Z9172/39 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/3173/1 Z6706/40 Item B Drawing of smokebox rolled angle ring
PECK/6/1/3735/2 20274.18/40 Drawing of brake pins
PECK/6/1/42 T 281 Drawing of layout of wheels & couplings for shunting loco
PECK/6/1/3487/2 M 115 b Alt 4 Part No. M115/43 Drawing of turned bolt
PECK/6/1/Z9172/50 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/Z9161/52 Drawing of spring links (hind truck)
PECK/6/1/Z9173/53 Drawing of valve spindle combination lever
PECK/6/1/Z9173/54 Drawing of valve connecting and eccentric rods and lifting links
PECK/6/1/Z9161/56 Drawing of comp beam & spring links between truck and coupled wheels
PECK/6/1/Z9163/59 Drawing of brake shoe adjusting link
PECK/6/1/Z9173/60 Drawing of steam brake details
PECK/6/1/Z9173/63 Drawing of inter drawgear buffers and safety links and pins
PECK/6/1/Z9161/64 Drawing of hind truck fulcrum pin and wearing plate
PECK/6/1/Z9163/67 Drawing of brake pins and bushes
PECK/6/1/Z9161/71 Drawing of break block and hanger
PECK/6/1/Z9173/72 Drawing of tank feedwell injector pipe flanges and fittings
PECK/6/1/2283/2 Z.4267/85 Items B & C Drawing of brake shaft brackets
PECK/6/1/Z9184/88 Drawing of brake shaft and levers
PECK/6/1/Z9184/92 Drawing of brake gear pins & washers and brake
PECK/6/1/4704/2 Z.6333/103 Item 'C' Drawing of pivot collar liner
PECK/6/1/104 Drawing of special B3
PECK/6/1/2863/1 Z.6652/109 Item E Drawing of bush (spring yoke bracket)
PECK/6/1/2863/1 Z6652/109 Item E Drawing of bush (spring yoke bracket)
PECK/6/1/114 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/Z9182/129[A] Drawing of fan shaft and details
PECK/6/1/Z9182/129[B] Drawing of fan shaft and details
PECK/6/1/Z9182/130 Drawing of fan shaft bearing assembly
PECK/6/1/6687/1 Z6885/131 Drawing of wearing plates for side bracket bearer
PECK/6/1/1288/14 Z6885/134 Item G Drawing of shoe
PECK/6/1/2547/3 Z.6875/145 Item 'D' Drawing of mech. lub. crank
PECK/6/1/2787/6 Z9161/155 Alt 2 Drawing of rod forgings
PECK/6/1/1162/12 Z.6678/173 Drawing of Reversing Screw Details
PECK/6/1/Z9182/175 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/Z9182/176 Drawing of trailing coupling rod
PECK/6/1/2330/1 Z6706/177 Drawing of yoke support brackets c hind trucks
PECK/6/1/Z9182/177 Drawing of intermediate coupling rod
PECK/6/1/3237/5 Z.1225/178 Drawing of screw & link
PECK/6/1/Z9182/178 Drawing of leading coupling rod
PECK/6/1/2/M/193 Drawing of fire bricks
PECK/6/1/Z9410/205 Drawing of spring saddle and brake hanger bracket
PECK/6/1/221[A] Drawing of water gauge cock and cylinder grease cock
PECK/6/1/221[B] Drawing of glass gauge cock
PECK/6/1/4435/3 Z.6706/233 Alt.1. Item X Drawing of main pull rod
PECK/6/1/3091/1 part 6829/247 Drawing of hand brake pillar
PECK/6/1/3237/5 Z9161/281 Item 5 Drawing of handbrake screw
PECK/6/1/346 Drawing of stop cock and blow off cock
PECK/6/1/349 Drawing of feed pump
PECK/6/1/374[A] Drawing of cast iron footplate
PECK/6/1/374[B] Drawing of cast iron footplate
PECK/6/1/382 Drawing of whistle and pressure gauge cock and seating
PECK/6/1/383 Drawing of cross head and slide bars
PECK/6/1/384 Drawing of injector steam and warming cocks
PECK/6/1/388 Drawing of fire door
PECK/6/1/392 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/393 Drawing of brake gear details
PECK/6/1/394 Drawing of brake screw and pillar
PECK/6/1/398 Drawing of injector carrier
PECK/6/1/405 Drawing of pump feed cock and strainer
PECK/6/1/424 Drawing of piston and rod
PECK/6/1/444 Drawing of cab and handrail pillars
PECK/6/1/452 Drawing of lamp brackets
PECK/6/1/455 Drawing of stop valve for injector feed
PECK/6/1/468 Drawing of weight shaft
PECK/6/1/497 Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/5806/4 Item No. 4/501[A] Drawing of bright steel castellated nut
PECK/6/1/5806/4 Item No. 4/501[B] Drawing of bright steel castellated nut
PECK/6/1/5873/1 4/501-1[A] Drawing of bright steel castellated nut
PECK/6/1/5873/1 4/501-1[B] Drawing of bright steel castellated nut
PECK/6/1/1000 Drawing of firebox back
PECK/6/1/1001 Drawing of loco B1 X W
PECK/6/1/1002 Drawing of driving axle, leading and trailing axle
PECK/6/1/1004 Drawing of dome and safety valve
PECK/6/1/1007 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/1009 Drawing of wheel
PECK/6/1/1011 Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/57/1030 Drawing of single feed vacuum type lubricator
PECK/6/1/57/1039 Drawing of general arrangement of 3 feed, 4 pint- right hand, direct lever drive lubricator
PECK/6/1/1042[A] Drawing of clackbox 1 off right hand 1 off left hand
PECK/6/1/1042[B] Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/1061 Drawing of pillar and casing for whistle
PECK/6/1/1068 Drawing of tank support on boiler
PECK/6/1/1069 Drawing of cab and side plates
PECK/6/1/1070 Drawing of expansion bracket
PECK/6/1/1073 Drawing of reversing handle sector rod
PECK/6/1/1074 Drawing of seating for brass mountings
PECK/6/1/1075 Drawing of clothing arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/1078 Drawing of injector carrier
PECK/6/1/1088 Drawing of ashpan arrangement
PECK/6/1/1089 Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/1090 Drawing of ashpan details
PECK/6/1/1102 Drawing of weather board details
PECK/6/1/1112 Drawing of pet cock gear
PECK/6/1/1141 Drawing of wheel
PECK/6/1/1146 Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/1243 Drawing of sealing and union for regulation lubricator
PECK/6/1/1313 Drawing of pins
PECK/6/1/1326 Drawing of bolt sheet no 1
PECK/6/1/1327 Drawing of bolt sheet no 2
PECK/6/1/1365 Drawing of no. 5 injector class A
PECK/6/1/1376 Drawing of brake shaft
PECK/6/1/1378 Drawing of cab and side plates
PECK/6/1/1384 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/1387 Drawing of casing for slide bars
PECK/6/1/1391 Drawing of horn plate stay
PECK/6/1/1412 Drawing of eye glass and frame
PECK/6/1/1422 Drawing of handrail and stud on smokebox
PECK/6/1/1478 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/1479 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/1480 Drawing of tyre (rolled sizes)
PECK/6/1/1504 Drawing of valve rod guide
PECK/6/1/1511 Drawing of front sandbox
PECK/6/1/1513 Drawing of boiler and fire box
PECK/6/1/1519 Drawing of tube plate
PECK/6/1/1522 Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/1524 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/1525 Drawing of sandbox details
PECK/6/1/1527 Drawing of clothing arrangement
PECK/6/1/1532 Drawing of brake shaft
PECK/6/1/1533 Drawing of cab and handrails
PECK/6/1/1534 Drawing of driving axle
PECK/6/1/1536 Drawing of seating for brass mountings
PECK/6/1/1538 Drawing of footstep
PECK/6/1/1539 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/1544 Drawing of clothing arrangement
PECK/6/1/1545 Drawing of carrier for injector on firebox
PECK/6/1/1547 Drawing of smoke-box end and fire-box back
PECK/6/1/1550 Drawing of regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/1551 Drawing of fire door
PECK/6/1/1554 Drawing of expansion bracket
PECK/6/1/1559 Drawing of tank support on boiler
PECK/6/1/1561 Drawing of dripper for gauge cocks
PECK/6/1/1575 Drawing of loco Q
PECK/6/1/1578 Drawing of tool box
PECK/6/1/1596 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/1601 Drawing of tube plate
PECK/6/1/1605 Drawing of firebox back
PECK/6/1/1607 Drawing of hind cylinder cover
PECK/6/1/1615 Drawing of driving axle guides
PECK/6/1/1616 Drawing of bearing spring
PECK/6/1/1619 Drawing of spring brackets
PECK/6/1/1620 Drawing of steam pipes in boiler
PECK/6/1/1621 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/1622 Drawing of expansion bracket
PECK/6/1/1625 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/1626 Drawing of life guard
PECK/6/1/1629 Drawing of frames
PECK/6/1/1634 Drawing of regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/1635 Drawing of weigh shaft and carrier
PECK/6/1/1636 Drawing of expansion bracket
PECK/6/1/1640 Drawing of arrangement of mud door and plugs in fire box
PECK/6/1/1642 Drawing of reversing rod
PECK/6/1/1643 Drawing of injector feed cock
PECK/6/1/1652 Drawing of cylinder cocks
PECK/6/1/1656 Drawing of sand box
PECK/6/1/1662 Drawing of handrail details
PECK/6/1/1666 Drawing of smokebox
PECK/6/1/1667 Drawing of support for tank on footplate
PECK/6/1/1670 Drawing of ashpan arrangement
PECK/6/1/1698 Drawing of pump
PECK/6/1/1699 Drawing of stay for cab roof
PECK/6/1/1701 Drawing of pet cock details
PECK/6/1/1737 Drawing of boiler and firebox
PECK/6/1/1738 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/1739 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/1740 Drawing of brake hanger and block
PECK/6/1/1741 Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/1743 Drawing of roof stay bar
PECK/6/1/1753 Drawing of pipes, cylinder cocks and sandbox arrangement
PECK/6/1/1754 Drawing of cab and handrails
PECK/6/1/1770 202.Q.2150 Item 9 Drawing of cast steel brake hangers
PECK/6/1/1770 772.580301 Drawing of cast steel spring rigging seats item 7
PECK/6/1/1770 772.Q.8340 Item 24 Drawing of spring rigger hanger seats
PECK/6/1/1770 772.S.30154 Item 5 Drawing of cast steel spring rigging driving box saddles
PECK/6/1/1770 772.S8030 Item 7 Drawing of cast steel spring rigging seats
PECK/6/1/1984L Drawing of steel steam pipe
PECK/6/1/2051Z Drawing of list of tyres for locos
PECK/6/1/2128 Drawing of whistle pressure gauge injector and warming cock arrangement
PECK/6/1/2129 Drawing of steel screwed rivets
PECK/6/1/2232 Drawing of tanks
PECK/6/1/2233 Drawing of tube plate
PECK/6/1/2234 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/2242 Drawing of drawbar and chains
PECK/6/1/2244 Drawing of trailing axle box
PECK/6/1/2245 Drawing of trailing spring
PECK/6/1/2248 Drawing of firebar arrangement
PECK/6/1/2249 Drawing of roof stay bars and fire door
PECK/6/1/2251 Drawing of fire box back
PECK/6/1/2253 Drawing of hind spring details
PECK/6/1/2257 Drawing of fire box
PECK/6/1/2259 Drawing of trailing horn plate stay
PECK/6/1/2261 Drawing of arrangement
PECK/6/1/2264 Drawing of break gear
PECK/6/1/2266 Drawing of break shaft and carriers
PECK/6/1/2270 Drawing of regulator stuffing box handle and c
PECK/6/1/2286 Drawing of handrail details
PECK/6/1/2292 Drawing of injector water cock
PECK/6/1/2297 Drawing of distance piece for tank connection pipe
PECK/6/1/2315 Drawing of driving spring link bracket
PECK/6/1/2445 Drawing of 3/4 inch aside self-alignment lifting links to permit self adjustment of valve gear links and ecc rods to driving axle side movements
PECK/6/1/2762 Drawing of cross section thro' tippler showing limited dimensions for replacement loco Bristol Gas Co. Stapleton Road Works
PECK/6/1/2800 Drawing of bunkers 1-5 lhs 1-1 1/2 rhs
PECK/6/1/2936 Drawing of welding procedure for vessels to BS 1500 part 1, 1958 and ASME Code Section VIII
PECK/6/1/3069 Drawing of firebar carriers etc.
PECK/6/1/3071 Drawing of easing gear for safety valve
PECK/6/1/3072 Drawing of footsteps
PECK/6/1/3073[A] Drawing of coupling rod
PECK/6/1/3073[B] Drawing of coupling rod
PECK/6/1/3074 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/3075 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3080 Drawing of boiler tank etc. to work at 140 lb. per sq. in. for Bleanarvon Iron Co., no.8 loco
PECK/6/1/3091 Drawing of boiler no.5
PECK/6/1/3110 Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/3120 Drawing of loco R2 R1 M4 M5
PECK/6/1/3123[A] Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/3123[B] Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/3125 Drawing of brass mountings
PECK/6/1/3141 3446 Drawing of suggested modification of spring ends
PECK/6/1/3141[A] Drawing of springs and gear
PECK/6/1/3141[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/3145 Drawing of sand box and details
PECK/6/1/3159 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3163 Drawing of firebox mountings and cab
PECK/6/1/3200 Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/3218 Drawing of blow off cock and handle
PECK/6/1/3232 Drawing of wheel
PECK/6/1/3253 Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/3255 Drawing of dome and safety valves
PECK/6/1/3255 (part) Drawing of dome and safety valves
PECK/6/1/3256 Drawing of ash pan
PECK/6/1/3272 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3277 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3279[A] Drawing of standard whistle
PECK/6/1/3279[B] Drawing of standard whistle
PECK/6/1/3289 3393A Drawing of spring - leading and driving
PECK/6/1/3289 3393B Drawing of spring- trailing
PECK/6/1/3294[A] Drawing of slide bars and piston rod
PECK/6/1/3294[B] Drawing of slide bars and piston rod
PECK/6/1/3299 Drawing of sand box arrangement
PECK/6/1/3323 Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/3340 Drawing of Z304 sectional elevation and plan and outside end view
PECK/6/1/3345 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3346 Drawing of loco L1 order no. 1368
PECK/6/1/3347 Drawing of loco L1 order no. 1368
PECK/6/1/3348[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/3348[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/3349 Drawing of loco R1 order no. 1368
PECK/6/1/3351 Drawing of loco R1 order no. 1368
PECK/6/1/3352 Drawing of piston rod crosshead and slide bars
PECK/6/1/3358 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3361 Drawing of loco R1 order no. 1368
PECK/6/1/3362 Drawing of dome and safety valves
PECK/6/1/3364 Drawing of loco R1 order no. 1368
PECK/6/1/3365 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/3366 Drawing of leading and driving spring gear
PECK/6/1/3367 Drawing of ash pan
PECK/6/1/3368 Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/3369 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/3370 Drawing of valve motion
PECK/6/1/3371 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3372 Drawing of whistle
PECK/6/1/3373 Drawing of bunker
PECK/6/1/3374 Drawing of valve and valve spindle
PECK/6/1/3375 Drawing of regulatior
PECK/6/1/3377 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/3378[A] Drawing of blow off cock
PECK/6/1/3378[B] Drawing of blow off cock
PECK/6/1/3379 Drawing of couplings and crank pins
PECK/6/1/3381[A] Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/3381[B] Drawing of right hand clack box
PECK/6/1/3381[C] Drawing of right hand clack box
PECK/6/1/3381[D] Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/3384 Drawing of injector feed cock and handle
PECK/6/1/3386 Drawing of brake pillar and handle
PECK/6/1/3388 Drawing of fire box back and mountings
PECK/6/1/3391 Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3392 Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3399 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/3412 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/3413 Drawing of wheel
PECK/6/1/3414 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3416 Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/3417 Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3418 Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3420 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 519
PECK/6/1/3422 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/3425 Drawing of valve and valve spindle
PECK/6/1/3427 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3428 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/3429 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/3433 Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/3434 Drawing of piston and rod
PECK/6/1/3436 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/3444 Drawing of fire box mountings
PECK/6/1/3446[A] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/3446[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/3447[A] Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3447[B] Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3448[A] Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3448[B] Drawing of cylinder
PECK/6/1/3451 Drawing of fire box mountings
PECK/6/1/3452 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/3453 Drawing of valve motion
PECK/6/1/3455 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3456[A] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/3456[B] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/3457 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/3459 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/3461[A] Drawing of piston rod crosshead and slide bars
PECK/6/1/3461[B] Drawing of piston rod crosshead and slide bars
PECK/6/1/3470 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3476 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/3478 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3479 Drawing of fire box mountings
PECK/6/1/3480 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/3482 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/3499 Drawing of foundation ring
PECK/6/1/3500 Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/3501 Drawing of boiler for no.1 loco
PECK/6/1/3502 Drawing of ash pan and details
PECK/6/1/3503 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/3505 Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/3518[A] Drawing of blow off cock
PECK/6/1/3518[B] Drawing of blow off cock
PECK/6/1/3518[C] Drawing of blow off cock
PECK/6/1/3518[D] Drawing of blow off cock
PECK/6/1/3518[E] Drawing of blow-off cock
PECK/6/1/3523[A] Drawing of drawbars and links
PECK/6/1/3523[B] Drawing of loco W5 and others
PECK/6/1/3524 Drawing of Sept. 1951 order no. 33414-5 engine no. 688, 581, injector feed pipe to red, clack box drawing no. 5603
PECK/6/1/3530 Drawing of seating and mountings
PECK/6/1/3538B Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/3539 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/3540[A] Drawing of steam brake
PECK/6/1/3540[B] Drawing of steam brake
PECK/6/1/3543 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3548 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/3554 Drawing of fire box mountings
PECK/6/1/3559 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 584
PECK/6/1/3560 Drawing of cylinder cock
PECK/6/1/3572 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/3575 Drawing of loco W5 W6 B2 E F W7
PECK/6/1/3592[A] Drawing of crosshead and slide blocks
PECK/6/1/3592[B] Drawing of crosshead and slide blocks
PECK/6/1/3593 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/3596 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/3597[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3597[B] Drawing of part of boiler Drawing
PECK/6/1/3605 Drawing of steam brake valve box
PECK/6/1/3609 Drawing of foot step
PECK/6/1/3613 Drawing of hand rails
PECK/6/1/3617 Drawing of details of link motion also showing alterations from engine no. 629 and further alterations from engine no. 794
PECK/6/1/3618 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/3620[A] Drawing of outside view of injector water feed cock
PECK/6/1/3620[B] Drawing of injector feed cock
PECK/6/1/3620[C] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3620[D] Drawing of cock
PECK/6/1/3621 Drawing of valve motion also showing alterations from engine no. 629
PECK/6/1/3622 Drawing of smoke door
PECK/6/1/3623 Drawing of slide valve etc.
PECK/6/1/3624 Drawing of slide bars
PECK/6/1/3626 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/3628 Drawing of regulator also showing alterations from engine no. 629
PECK/6/1/3629 Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/3630[A] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/3630[B] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/3635[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3635[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/3637 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3638 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/3643 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3644 Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/3647 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3650 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3658 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3659 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3663[A] Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/3663[B] Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/3665 Drawing of buffer blocks
PECK/6/1/3667 Drawing of present steam arrangement for vacuum brake of loco 'Margaret' (in black) to be altered as in red
PECK/6/1/3670 Drawing of copper tube plate
PECK/6/1/3687[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3687[B] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3687[C] Drawing of valve
PECK/6/1/3691 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/3692 Drawing of ash pan
PECK/6/1/3695 Drawing of spring etc.
PECK/6/1/3697 Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/3700 Drawing of driving axle
PECK/6/1/3713 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3716A Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/3720 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3723 Drawing of furnace boiler
PECK/6/1/3724 Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/3725[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3725[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3732 Drawing of boiler loco Roland
PECK/6/1/3733 Drawing of boiler loco Max
PECK/6/1/3734 Drawing of boiler loco Colly
PECK/6/1/3740 Drawing of foundation ring
PECK/6/1/3741 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 644
PECK/6/1/3742[A] Drawing of steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/3742[B] Drawing of steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/3742[C] Drawing of steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/3746 Drawing of loco W4 S
PECK/6/1/3748 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3752 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3753[A] Drawing of firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/3753[B] Drawing of firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/3757 Drawing of loco M2 engine no. 297
PECK/6/1/3761A Drawing of dome?
PECK/6/1/3762 Drawing of connecting and side rods
PECK/6/1/3763 Drawing of valve motion
PECK/6/1/3765[A] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/3765[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/3767 Drawing of tank and cab
PECK/6/1/3774 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 634 796 to red
PECK/6/1/3775 Drawing of fittings
PECK/6/1/3779 Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/3783 Drawing of cab
PECK/6/1/3784 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 676
PECK/6/1/3804 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 699/873
PECK/6/1/3805 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 699/873
PECK/6/1/3806 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/3809 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3813[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3813[B] Drawing of injector delivery pipe
PECK/6/1/3813[C] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3819 Drawing of steam break arrangement
PECK/6/1/3821 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3826 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/3829 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3831 Drawing of brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/3834[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/3834[B] Drawing of firebox mounting assembly
PECK/6/1/3836 Drawing of steam brake layout
PECK/6/1/3838 Drawing of firebox mounting assembly
PECK/6/1/3840 Drawing of liquid fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/3845 Drawing of brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/3846 Drawing of trailing sand box
PECK/6/1/3851 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3852 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3859 Drawing of boiler, tank, cab etc - loco mavis
PECK/6/1/3861 Drawing of arrangement of bell
PECK/6/1/3865[A] Drawing of boiler - loco Judith
PECK/6/1/3865[B] Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/3873 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 783/784
PECK/6/1/3874 Drawing of wheel and leading and trailing pins
PECK/6/1/3875 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 783/784
PECK/6/1/3876 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 741
PECK/6/1/3877 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 783/784
PECK/6/1/3880 Drawing of manually operated worm drive
PECK/6/1/3881[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3881[B] Drawing of boiler, external
PECK/6/1/3881[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3884[A] Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/3884[B] Drawing of copper plates for firebox
PECK/6/1/3887 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3889 Drawing of dome?
PECK/6/1/3892[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3892[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/3895 Drawing of new steam brake cylinder fitted with standard R4 engine piston rings
PECK/6/1/3915 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/3917[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3917[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/3921 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 798/799/800/1129
PECK/6/1/3923 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 798/799/800
PECK/6/1/3926 Drawing of boiler, external
PECK/6/1/3928 Drawing of clack box and seat
PECK/6/1/3932 Drawing of pump
PECK/6/1/3934 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/3935 Drawing of driving axle
PECK/6/1/3940 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3944 Drawing of pump arrangement
PECK/6/1/3949 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3951 Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/3953 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 770
PECK/6/1/3959 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3962 Drawing of axle box and guides
PECK/6/1/3964 Drawing of axles, leading, driving
PECK/6/1/3967[A] Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3967[B] Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3972 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3975 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 797
PECK/6/1/3977 Drawing of derailing beams
PECK/6/1/3980 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 829
PECK/6/1/3983 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3984 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/3985 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/3988[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/3988[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/3989 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3995AL Drawing of outline of asbestos clothed boiler
PECK/6/1/3995[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/3995[B] Drawing of boiler, external
PECK/6/1/3995[C] Drawing of fire door slides
PECK/6/1/3997 Drawing of loco X
PECK/6/1/4001 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/4007 Drawing of loco X
PECK/6/1/4014 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4018 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4020[A] Drawing of reversing quadrant
PECK/6/1/4020[B] Drawing of reversing quadrant
PECK/6/1/4023[A] Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4023[B] Drawing of coupling rod
PECK/6/1/4026 Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/4026 (part) Drawing of longitudinal stays for old "Peckett" boiler, loco 1037
PECK/6/1/4027 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/4028 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4031 Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/4032[A] Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/4032[B] Drawing of injector steam cock
PECK/6/1/4034[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4034[B] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4036 Drawing of injector feed cock and handle
PECK/6/1/4038[A] Drawing of dome and safety valves
PECK/6/1/4038[B] Drawing of dome?
PECK/6/1/4039 Drawing of steam brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/4042[A] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4042[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4043 Drawing of derailing beams
PECK/6/1/4045[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4045[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4049 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4050[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4050[B] Drawing of boiler, smoke-box door, fire door, fire bars
PECK/6/1/4050[C] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4053[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4053[B] Drawing of standard brass fitting
PECK/6/1/4060[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4060[B] Drawing of general arrangement of alterations
PECK/6/1/4064 Drawing of wheel
PECK/6/1/4065 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4073[A] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4073[B] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4074 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4075 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 915
PECK/6/1/4076 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4079 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4080 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4081 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4083 Drawing of tank cab etc
PECK/6/1/4084 Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4095 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4098 Drawing of cab
PECK/6/1/4100 Drawing of injector steam valve
PECK/6/1/4102 Drawing of loco R1 R2
PECK/6/1/4106 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4107 Drawing of valve motion
PECK/6/1/4109 Drawing of sand boxes
PECK/6/1/4111 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4113 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4114 Drawing of valve motion
PECK/6/1/4115 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 968/1066
PECK/6/1/4116 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 968/1066
PECK/6/1/4117 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 968/ 1066
PECK/6/1/4118 Drawing of wheels, leading, driving
PECK/6/1/4120[A] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4120[B] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4122 Drawing of seating and mounting
PECK/6/1/4124 Drawing of leading sand boxes
PECK/6/1/4125 Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/4130 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 948/1069/1086
PECK/6/1/4131 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 948
PECK/6/1/4133 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4134 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/4137 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/4138 Drawing of ash pan
PECK/6/1/4140 Drawing of Johnston's patent radial buffer. n.g.r. pattern.
PECK/6/1/4141 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 936
PECK/6/1/4147 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4150M Drawing of tyre section
PECK/6/1/4155 Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4156 Drawing of large size clinker shovel
PECK/6/1/4158 Drawing of leading and driving axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/4160[A] Drawing of leading and driving axlebox
PECK/6/1/4160[B] Drawing of leading and driving axlebox
PECK/6/1/4162 Drawing of engine no. 970
PECK/6/1/4163 Drawing of footsteps
PECK/6/1/4164 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4167 Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4170 Drawing of loco E
PECK/6/1/4172 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/4176 Drawing of loco R1 M4 M5 R2
PECK/6/1/4178 Drawing of coupling and spring
PECK/6/1/4179 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 699
PECK/6/1/4182 Drawing of injector and brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/4183 Drawing of buffer beam and coupling - leading end
PECK/6/1/4184 Drawing of buffer beam and coupling - trailing end
PECK/6/1/4185 Drawing of loco W4
PECK/6/1/4189[A] Drawing of 3/4 water gauges asbestos packed
PECK/6/1/4189[B] Drawing of 3/4 water gauges asbestos packed
PECK/6/1/4191[A] Drawing of 5/8 water gauges asbestos packing
PECK/6/1/4191[B] Drawing of 5/8 water gauges asbestos packing
PECK/6/1/4193 Drawing of Roscoe's lubricator
PECK/6/1/4194 Drawing of loco W5 B2 B1 W4
PECK/6/1/4195 Drawing of loco W4 engine nos. 933-4 953-4
PECK/6/1/4196 Drawing of Roscoe's lubricator
PECK/6/1/4197[A] Drawing of trailing axle box
PECK/6/1/4197[B] Drawing of trailing axle box
PECK/6/1/4197[C] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4207 Drawing of springs, leading, driving, spring gear, brake work, brake shaft, drag plate
PECK/6/1/4208 Drawing of cylinder piston rod and slide bars
PECK/6/1/4211 Drawing of blast pipe, valve motion, weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/4216 Drawing of wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/4218[A] Drawing of leading and driving spring gear
PECK/6/1/4218[B] Drawing of leading and driving spring gear
PECK/6/1/4218[C] Drawing of loco X X2 E
PECK/6/1/4227 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/4228 Drawing of 2" whistle
PECK/6/1/4229 Drawing of cab
PECK/6/1/4230 Drawing of angle steel required
PECK/6/1/4231 Drawing of loco x
PECK/6/1/4234 Drawing of sand boxes
PECK/6/1/4235 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4237 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4239 Drawing of axlebox bearing?
PECK/6/1/4242 Drawing of tank 1380 gallons
PECK/6/1/4243 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4245 Drawing of cylinders 18"x24"
PECK/6/1/4246 Drawing of cylinder?
PECK/6/1/4247 Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/4249 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/4251 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4252 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4253 Drawing of piston and crosshead
PECK/6/1/4254 Drawing of piston, cylinder and slide vale assembly
PECK/6/1/4255 Drawing of frames, stays, buffer beams and cab
PECK/6/1/4256 Drawing of snow plough
PECK/6/1/4263 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4266 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4267 Drawing of angle steel required
PECK/6/1/4270 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4272 Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/4273 Drawing of sand boxes and gear
PECK/6/1/4274 Drawing of injector feed cock
PECK/6/1/4277 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4278[A] Drawing of boiler, smoke-box door, fire bars
PECK/6/1/4278[B] Drawing of loco 7x10
PECK/6/1/4279 Drawing of loco 7x10 2-0 gauge
PECK/6/1/4280[A] Drawing of connecting rod, coupling rod, wheels, leading, driving
PECK/6/1/4280[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4281 Drawing of valve motion, eccentric rods, eccenric straps and sheaves, expansion and lifting link, weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/4282 Drawing of steam brake cylinder 5 bore
PECK/6/1/4284 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4286 Drawing of loco 7x 10 2-0 gauge
PECK/6/1/4287 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4288 Drawing of loco X
PECK/6/1/4290 Drawing of 1 1/2 valve
PECK/6/1/4291 Drawing of sand box
PECK/6/1/4294 Drawing of cast steel crosshead drawing no 6173 duplicates
PECK/6/1/4295[A] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4295[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4296[A] Drawing of cylinder 14"x20"
PECK/6/1/4296[B] Drawing of slide valve eng no 1072
PECK/6/1/4296[C] Drawing of cylinder 14"x20"
PECK/6/1/4297[A] Drawing of cylinder 14"x20"
PECK/6/1/4297[B] Drawing of cylinder 14"x20"
PECK/6/1/4298[A] Drawing of slide bars
PECK/6/1/4298[B] Drawing of slide bars
PECK/6/1/4298[C] Drawing of part of slide bars machined to the dimensions given unless otherwise corrected by you
PECK/6/1/4299MOD[A] Drawing of detail showing modification to coupling rod and connecting rod driving pin brasses
PECK/6/1/4299MOD[B] Drawing of detail showing modification to coupling rod and connecting rod driving pin brasses
PECK/6/1/4299[A] Drawing of coupling and connecting rods
PECK/6/1/4299[B] Drawing of coupling and connecting rods
PECK/6/1/4299[C] Drawing of coupling and connecting rods
PECK/6/1/4300[A] Drawing of right hand crank leads
PECK/6/1/4300[B] Drawing of right hand crank leads
PECK/6/1/4301 Drawing of loco B2
PECK/6/1/4302[A] Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/4302[B] Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/4303 Drawing of loco 7x10 2-0 gauge
PECK/6/1/4304[A] Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/4304[B] Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/4305 Drawing of side and front of cab
PECK/6/1/4306 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/4307 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4308 Drawing of sand boxes
PECK/6/1/4309 Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/4310[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4310[B] Drawing of loco B2 C
PECK/6/1/4311 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/4312[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4312[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4313[A] Drawing of pipe layout, rail washing?
PECK/6/1/4313[B] Drawing of pipe layout, rail washing?
PECK/6/1/4315 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/4316 Drawing of sand gear
PECK/6/1/4317 Drawing of handrails
PECK/6/1/4318 Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/4319 Drawing of no. 7 injector
PECK/6/1/4320 Drawing of no. 5 injector
PECK/6/1/4321 Drawing of no. 4 injector
PECK/6/1/4322[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/4322[B] Drawing of loco M5 and R2
PECK/6/1/4322[C] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/4323 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4324 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4325[A] Drawing of no. 5 injector
PECK/6/1/4325[B] Drawing of no. 5 injector
PECK/6/1/4326-4329 (part) Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/4326[A] Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/4326[B] Drawing of crank pins
PECK/6/1/4327[A] Drawing of feed cock for injector no. 7 - 87d
PECK/6/1/4327[B] Drawing of feed cock for injector no. 7 - 87d
PECK/6/1/4327[C] Drawing of feed cock for injector no.7 - 87d
PECK/6/1/4328 Drawing of no. 7 injector
PECK/6/1/4328/A Drawing of no. 7 injector
PECK/6/1/4329 Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4331[A] Drawing of no. 8 injector
PECK/6/1/4331[B] Drawing of no. 8 injector
PECK/6/1/4333[A] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4333[B] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4333[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4334 Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4335[A] Drawing of rods
PECK/6/1/4335[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4336 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/4337[A] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4337[B] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4338 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4339[A] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4339[B] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4340[A] Drawing of eccentric rods, expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/4340[B] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4341[A] Drawing of no. 6 injector
PECK/6/1/4341[B] Drawing of no. 6 injector
PECK/6/1/4342[A] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4342[B] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/4343 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 1044
PECK/6/1/4344 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4345 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4346 Drawing of ash pan and details
PECK/6/1/4346[A] (part) Drawing of detail of firebar (cast iron)
PECK/6/1/4346[B] (part) Drawing of detail of cast iron firebar
PECK/6/1/4347 Drawing of sand and steam injector pipe layout
PECK/6/1/4348 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/4349 Drawing of footsteps
PECK/6/1/4350 Drawing of sand boxes
PECK/6/1/4351 Drawing of hand rails
PECK/6/1/4352[A] Drawing of loco W5
PECK/6/1/4352[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4352[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4353 Drawing of dome and safety valves
PECK/6/1/4354 Drawing of loco e
PECK/6/1/4355 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/4356 Drawing of loco W5
PECK/6/1/4360 Drawing of loco W5
PECK/6/1/4361 Drawing of valve spindle guide
PECK/6/1/4361[A] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/4361[B] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/4362[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/4362[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/4364[A] Drawing of brass patterns same as B2
PECK/6/1/4364[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4365[A] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/4365[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4367 Drawing of loco B2
PECK/6/1/4369 Drawing of loco showing pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/4370[A] Drawing of axleboxes and guides
PECK/6/1/4370[B] Drawing of axleboxes and guides
PECK/6/1/4371 Drawing of levers for injector feed cocks
PECK/6/1/4374 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4376 Drawing of tanks
PECK/6/1/4377 Drawing of sand boxes and gear
PECK/6/1/4378 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4379[A] Drawing of sand boxes and details
PECK/6/1/4379[B] Drawing of sand boxes and details
PECK/6/1/4380 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4381 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/4382 Drawing of brake gear
PECK/6/1/4383[A] Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/4383[B] Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/4392 Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/4398 Drawing of loco B2 C
PECK/6/1/4399 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 1069
PECK/6/1/4400 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4401 Drawing of loco B2 F
PECK/6/1/4406 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4407 Drawing of cylinders 17"x24", 4 wheels coupled
PECK/6/1/4408[A] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4408[B] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4408[C] Drawing of angle steels required angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4409 revised Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4409[A] Drawing of safety valve
PECK/6/1/4409[B] Drawing of safety valve
PECK/6/1/4412[A] Drawing of boiler, external
PECK/6/1/4412[B] Drawing of boiler, external
PECK/6/1/4412[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4413 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/4414[A] Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/4414[B] Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/4414[C] Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/4415 Drawing of slide valve buckle and spindle, valve spindle guide and guide box
PECK/6/1/4418 Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4421[A] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/4421[B] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/4423 Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4424 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4425 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4426[A] Drawing of loco F
PECK/6/1/4426[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4426[C] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4426[D] Drawing of cab
PECK/6/1/4430 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4431 Drawing of cylinders
PECK/6/1/4433 Drawing of central buffer
PECK/6/1/4434 Drawing of wheels and axle assembly
PECK/6/1/4435[A] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/4435[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4436 Drawing of valve motion
PECK/6/1/4437 Drawing of eccentric rods, eccentric straps and sheaves, expansion and lifting link
PECK/6/1/4438 Drawing of sand box
PECK/6/1/4440[A] Drawing of driving and trailing springs
PECK/6/1/4440[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4441[A] Drawing of bogie spring and spring beam
PECK/6/1/4441[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4443 Drawing of front and back views
PECK/6/1/4444[A] Drawing of Ramsbottom safety valves
PECK/6/1/4444[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4445 Drawing of loco W4 engine no. 1060
PECK/6/1/4446 Drawing of 4 wheeled bogie
PECK/6/1/4448[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4448[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4451 Drawing of brasses lined with white metal
PECK/6/1/4452 Drawing of piston rod and crosshead
PECK/6/1/4453A[A] Drawing of the steel plate will be made to Messers Liversey Son and Henderson's general reference specification no. d 700 (revised 1924) specification no.5. the rivets to be low moor iron 3/4 dia r 13/16 dia r drilled holes 2 pitch
PECK/6/1/4453A[B] Drawing of the steel plate will be made to Messers Liversey Son and Henderson's general reference specification no. d 700 (revised 1924) specification no.5. the rivets to be Low Moor iron 3/4 dia r 13/16 dia r drilled holes 2 pitch
PECK/6/1/4454 Drawing of brake linkage
PECK/6/1/4456 Drawing of ash pan
PECK/6/1/4457 Drawing of cylinder cock linkage
PECK/6/1/4458 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 1086
PECK/6/1/4459 Drawing of tube layout
PECK/6/1/4460[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4460[B] Drawing of firebox mounting assembly
PECK/6/1/4461 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/4461 modified Drawing of forging sizes
PECK/6/1/4461M Drawing of crank finished sizes
PECK/6/1/4461[A] (part) Drawing of tyre sections
PECK/6/1/4461[B] (part) Drawing of crank
PECK/6/1/4462 Drawing of central buffer
PECK/6/1/4463 Drawing of rods
PECK/6/1/4464[A] Drawing of metre gauge
PECK/6/1/4464[B] Drawing of metre gauge loco general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4465[A] Drawing of trailing axlebox
PECK/6/1/4465[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4466 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/4468 Drawing of loco arrangement special features
PECK/6/1/4470[A] Drawing of pipe and rod
PECK/6/1/4470[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4470[C] Drawing of sand gear}
PECK/6/1/4470[D] Drawing of pipe layout
PECK/6/1/4471[A] Drawing of crosshead, slide bars, piston and rod
PECK/6/1/4471[B] Drawing of crosshead, slide bars, piston and rod
PECK/6/1/4471[C] Drawing of crosshead slide bars piston and rod
PECK/6/1/4473 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4475 Drawing of sand box
PECK/6/1/4477 Drawing of class sands four wheels coupled cylinder 12x18 four wheeled bogie engine no. 1085 gauge 3-0
PECK/6/1/4478[A] Drawing of leading and driving spring gear
PECK/6/1/4478[B] Drawing of leading and driving spring gear
PECK/6/1/4479 Drawing of pipework
PECK/6/1/4480 Drawing of valve
PECK/6/1/4481[A] Drawing of right hand crank leads
PECK/6/1/4481[B] Drawing of tyre
PECK/6/1/4482[C] Drawing of loco general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4482[D] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4483[A] Drawing of cab and boiler
PECK/6/1/4483[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4484 Drawing of valve, piston, rod and crosshead
PECK/6/1/4485 Drawing of axle box and guides
PECK/6/1/4486 Drawing of frame, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4487 Drawing of regulator valve
PECK/6/1/4488 Drawing of brake and spring gear
PECK/6/1/4489 Drawing of sand boxes and gear
PECK/6/1/4490 Drawing of piston, rod and reversing gear
PECK/6/1/4491 Drawing of draw bar and buffers
PECK/6/1/4492 Drawing of feed cock for injector no. 5
PECK/6/1/4493 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4494[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/4494[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/4495 Drawing of ash pan
PECK/6/1/4496 Drawing of piston
PECK/6/1/4497 Drawing of lever
PECK/6/1/4498 Drawing of sand boxes
PECK/6/1/4499 Drawing of dome and valve
PECK/6/1/4499 revised Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4500 Drawing of controls
PECK/6/1/4501[A] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/4501[B] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/4502 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/4503 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4504 Drawing of cylinders 15"X21", wheelbase 6'-6", dia. of wheel 3'-7"
PECK/6/1/4507 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4508[A] Drawing of loco y
PECK/6/1/4508[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4509[A] Drawing of loco Y OY
PECK/6/1/4509[B] Drawing of loco Y
PECK/6/1/4510 Drawing of loco Y 1107-1135
PECK/6/1/4511[A] Drawing of loco Y
PECK/6/1/4511[B] Drawing of forcing sizes
PECK/6/1/4512 Drawing of loco Y
PECK/6/1/4513[A] Drawing of eccentric rods, expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/4513[B] Drawing of eccentric rods, expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/4514 Drawing of loco Y engine
PECK/6/1/4515[A] Drawing of loco Y engine no. 1271
PECK/6/1/4515[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4517 Drawing of weigh shaft
PECK/6/1/4518[A] Drawing of loco Y
PECK/6/1/4518[B] Drawing of axle box and keep
PECK/6/1/4519[A] Drawing of loco Y engine no. 1271
PECK/6/1/4519[B] Drawing of loco general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4520 Drawing of loco Y engine no. 1271
PECK/6/1/4521 Drawing of loco Y
PECK/6/1/4522[A] Drawing of draw bar, draw hook
PECK/6/1/4522[B] Drawing of ring and link
PECK/6/1/4523 Drawing of 7x10
PECK/6/1/4524 Drawing of loco y engine no. 1271
PECK/6/1/4525 Drawing of frame
PECK/6/1/4526 Drawing of ashpan details
PECK/6/1/4527 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4529 Drawing of frame and footplate?
PECK/6/1/4530 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/4531[A] Drawing of cylinder 16x22
PECK/6/1/4531[B] Drawing of cylinder 16"x 22"
PECK/6/1/4532[A] Drawing of cylinder 16x22
PECK/6/1/4532[B] Drawing of cylinder 16"x22"
PECK/6/1/4541 Drawing of firebars
PECK/6/1/4544 Drawing of side view
PECK/6/1/4545 Drawing of loco X2
PECK/6/1/4548 Drawing of 10"x15" loco and 880 gallons tender outline
PECK/6/1/4549 Drawing of 10"x15" side tank loco, 2'-0" gauge outline
PECK/6/1/4550 Drawing of 10"x15" side tank loco, 2'-0" gauge outline
PECK/6/1/4552 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4557 Drawing of cab, bunker, boiler and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4559[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4559[B] Drawing of design of loco
PECK/6/1/4564[A] Drawing of frame, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4564[B] Drawing of angle steel required
PECK/6/1/4566 Drawing of brakework and spring gear
PECK/6/1/4567 Drawing of wheel and axle assembly
PECK/6/1/4570 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4571 Drawing of ejector
PECK/6/1/4572 Drawing of axlebox?
PECK/6/1/4573 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4574 Drawing of relief valve?
PECK/6/1/4575 Drawing of frame?
PECK/6/1/4576 Drawing of linkage?
PECK/6/1/4577 Drawing of loco q engine no.1134
PECK/6/1/4588 Drawing of tank, 1410 gallons
PECK/6/1/4589[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4589[B] Drawing of design of loco
PECK/6/1/4590 Drawing of engine section at cylinder and section at trailing wheel
PECK/6/1/4591 Drawing of loco q engine nos.1134 1340
PECK/6/1/4592 Drawing of loco q engine no.1134
PECK/6/1/4593 Drawing of sand box, steam brake and whistle pipework?
PECK/6/1/4594 Drawing of loco q engine nos.1134 1340
PECK/6/1/4595 Drawing of pilot valve assembly?
PECK/6/1/4596 Drawing of loco q engine nos.1134 1340
PECK/6/1/4597 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/4599 Drawing of piston
PECK/6/1/4600 Drawing of ash pan
PECK/6/1/4601 Drawing of springs, draw hook and buffer
PECK/6/1/4602[A] Drawing of trailing axle box
PECK/6/1/4602[B] Drawing of trailing axlebox
PECK/6/1/4602[C] Drawing of spring to carry a load of 61/2 tons
PECK/6/1/4604 Drawing of loco q engine no. 1134 1340
PECK/6/1/4605 Drawing of 7"x12" engine nos. 1130-3 1145 11561157-81384
PECK/6/1/4606 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4607 Drawing of leading and trailing springs
PECK/6/1/4608 Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4609 Drawing of right hand crank leads
PECK/6/1/4610 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4611 Drawing of smoke door
PECK/6/1/4612 Drawing of cab, bunker and axlebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/4613 Drawing of reversing gear
PECK/6/1/4614 Drawing of loco X2 engine nos. 1121
PECK/6/1/4616[A] Drawing of wheel and axle assembly
PECK/6/1/4616[B] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/4617 Drawing of loco W5
PECK/6/1/4618 Drawing of details of wheels
PECK/6/1/4619 Drawing of connecting rod, coupling rod
PECK/6/1/4620 Drawing of loco W5 engine no. 1146
PECK/6/1/4621 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4622[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4622[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4625 Drawing of frame
PECK/6/1/4626 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4627 Drawing of loco B2 engine nos. 1093 1264 loco B1 engine no.459
PECK/6/1/4628 Drawing of lamp mounting
PECK/6/1/4629[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4629[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4630 Drawing of brake linkage?
PECK/6/1/4631[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4631[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4637 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4640 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/4642 Drawing of design of loco
PECK/6/1/4649 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4650 Drawing of no. 5 injector
PECK/6/1/4651 Drawing of 10"x15" loco outline
PECK/6/1/4652[A] Drawing of no. 9 injector
PECK/6/1/4652[B] Drawing of no. 9 injector
PECK/6/1/4655 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4656 Drawing of 15"x28" loco outline
PECK/6/1/4657 Drawing of buffer spring?
PECK/6/1/4658 Drawing of 15"x20" loco outline
PECK/6/1/4659 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4663[A] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/4663[B] Drawing of loco R2
PECK/6/1/4664[A] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/4664[B] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/4669 Drawing of design of loco
PECK/6/1/4670[A] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4670[B] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4671 Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/4673[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/4673[B] Drawing of boiler for 12"x18" locomotive
PECK/6/1/4673[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/4673[D] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/4675[A] Drawing of loco R2
PECK/6/1/4675[B] Drawing of loco R2
PECK/6/1/4676 Drawing of loco R2
PECK/6/1/4677[A] Drawing of loco R2
PECK/6/1/4677[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4678[A] Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/4678[B] Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/4679 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4680 Drawing of slide bars, crosshead
PECK/6/1/4682[A] Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/4682[B] Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/4684[A] Drawing of loco R2
PECK/6/1/4684[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4685[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/4685[B] Drawing of driving wheels and axle
PECK/6/1/4686[A] Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/4686[B] Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/4696[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4696[B] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4701[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4701[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4702 Drawing of order no.9858
PECK/6/1/4704[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/4704[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/4705[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/4705[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/4705[C] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/4706 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4707[A] Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/4707[B] Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/4709[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/4709[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/4710 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4711[A] Drawing of sand boxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/4711[B] Drawing of sand boxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/4712 Drawing of arrangement of sight feed lubricator
PECK/6/1/4712A Drawing of arrangement of sight feed lubricator
PECK/6/1/4714 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4716 Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4720 Drawing of footstep
PECK/6/1/4723 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4728 Drawing of loco M4 engine no. 1189/ 1288
PECK/6/1/4729 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4733 Drawing of arrangement and details of sight feed lubricator
PECK/6/1/4734 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4735 Drawing of loco outline
PECK/6/1/4737 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4741 Drawing of order no.10276
PECK/6/1/4742 Drawing of 3/4 water gauges asbestos packed
PECK/6/1/4743[A] Drawing of boiler (external)
PECK/6/1/4743[B] Drawing of boiler (external)
PECK/6/1/4743[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4746 Drawing of front elevation, back elevation and sections at cylinder, driving wheel, firebox and trailing wheel
PECK/6/1/4747[A] Drawing of 16X24 loco OY OX1 OX2
PECK/6/1/4747[B] Drawing of loco OY OX1 OX2
PECK/6/1/4748[A] Drawing of 16X24 loco OY OX1 OX2
PECK/6/1/4748[B] Drawing of OY OX1 OX2
PECK/6/1/4749 Drawing of loco OY OX1 to red 1354-1662 1700-1670 1745
PECK/6/1/4750 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4751 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4752 Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/4753[A] Drawing of loco OY connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4753[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4754 Drawing of wheels and axles, l. and d.
PECK/6/1/4755[A] Drawing of piston and rod
PECK/6/1/4755[B] Drawing of slide bars
PECK/6/1/4756 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4757 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4758[A] Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4758[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/4759 Drawing of loco OY OX to red 1354 1662 1670 1700 1745
PECK/6/1/4760[A] Drawing of engine no. 1275 class OY order no. 4655/f "thos bolton"
PECK/6/1/4760[B] Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4761 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4762 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4763 Drawing of ash pan and details
PECK/6/1/4764 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4765 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4766[A] Drawing of springs
PECK/6/1/4766[B] Drawing of springs
PECK/6/1/4767 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4768 Drawing of blast pipe
PECK/6/1/4770 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4771 Drawing of boiler and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4772[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4772[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4773[A] Drawing of ejector
PECK/6/1/4773[B] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/4774[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4774[B] Drawing of pipework
PECK/6/1/4775 Drawing of piston valve, rod, links, sheaves etc.
PECK/6/1/4776 Drawing of brake and spring gear
PECK/6/1/4777 Drawing of wheels, axles, connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4778 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4779 Drawing of piston, rod, slide valve bars, crosshead etc.
PECK/6/1/4780 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4784[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4784[B] Drawing of boiler and tanks
PECK/6/1/4785 Drawing of wheels, axles and cranks
PECK/6/1/4786 Drawing of frame, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4787 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4788 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/4789 Drawing of axles, leading/driving, crank pins
PECK/6/1/4790 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 1208
PECK/6/1/4791 Drawing of axles, leading/driving, crank pins
PECK/6/1/4792 Drawing of piston and rod
PECK/6/1/4793[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4793[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4794 Drawing of tank
PECK/6/1/4795 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4796 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/4797[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4797[A](part) Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4797[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4797[B](part) Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4799 Drawing of cylinder cock controls
PECK/6/1/4801 Drawing of valve, piston and crosshead
PECK/6/1/4805 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4806 Drawing of loco OY
PECK/6/1/4807 Drawing of loco outline
PECK/6/1/4808 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4809 Drawing of sheet steel dome
PECK/6/1/4810 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4811 Drawing of frame, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4815 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/4816 Drawing of springs and brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/4817[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4817[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4817[C] Drawing of boiler, cab and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4820 Drawing of Janney automatic couplers
PECK/6/1/4822(part) Drawing of part of firebox
PECK/6/1/4822[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4822[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4822[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4822[D] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4823 Drawing of 2 " lock up valve
PECK/6/1/4824 Drawing of brass fittings brass bell
PECK/6/1/4826[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4826[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4826[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4827 M Drawing of . order no. 4570/F loco W6 engine no. 1791 "office copy"
PECK/6/1/4827 mod Drawing of plate
PECK/6/1/4827[A] Drawing of details of bunker?
PECK/6/1/4827[B] Drawing of details of bunker?
PECK/6/1/4827[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/4827[D] Drawing of boiler (external)
PECK/6/1/4827[E] Drawing of boiler (external)
PECK/6/1/4829 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4831 Drawing of wheels and crank axle
PECK/6/1/4841 Drawing of 7x7 1/2 cast steel axle box
PECK/6/1/4842 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4844[A] Drawing of loco W5
PECK/6/1/4844[B] Drawing of loco W5
PECK/6/1/4848[A] Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/4848[B] Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/4851 Drawing of details of Westinghouse brake
PECK/6/1/4852[A] Drawing of 800 gallons tank
PECK/6/1/4852[B] Drawing of 800 gallons tank
PECK/6/1/4853[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4853[B] Drawing of design of loco
PECK/6/1/4854 Drawing of loco X2 engine nos. 1178 and 1206
PECK/6/1/4855[A] Drawing of the Westinghouse brake
PECK/6/1/4855[B] Drawing of the Westinghouse brake
PECK/6/1/4855[C] Drawing of the Westinghouse brake
PECK/6/1/4860 Drawing of general arrangement front elevation
PECK/6/1/4863 Drawing of loco B2 engine no. 1093
PECK/6/1/4866 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4867[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4867[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4868 Drawing of 15"x21"
PECK/6/1/4869 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4870 Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4872 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4877 Drawing of part valve and valve seat
PECK/6/1/4880 Drawing of fitting of cab backplate for engines in stock only
PECK/6/1/4882 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4884 Drawing of felt lagging
PECK/6/1/4889 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4890A Drawing of brass fittings only
PECK/6/1/4890[A] Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 969 order no. 11862/12083
PECK/6/1/4890[B] Drawing of asbestos lagging
PECK/6/1/4891[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4891[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4893 Drawing of regulator?
PECK/6/1/4894[A] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/4894[B] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/4895 Drawing of loco B2
PECK/6/1/4898 Drawing of 16"x24"
PECK/6/1/4899 Drawing of locos B2 W5 X2 E R2 M5 7"x10" engine 1340 Q FA
PECK/6/1/4900 Drawing of 17"x24"
PECK/6/1/4901[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4901[B] Drawing of dome}
PECK/6/1/4903[A] Drawing of brake
PECK/6/1/4903[B] Drawing of brake
PECK/6/1/4904 Drawing of blow off valve
PECK/6/1/4905 Drawing of loco B2 engine no. 1253
PECK/6/1/4906 Drawing of boiler mountings and smoke box
PECK/6/1/4907[A] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/4907[B] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/4907[C] Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/4908 Drawing of 2" pop safety valve
PECK/6/1/4909 Drawing of boiler - external view
PECK/6/1/4910 Drawing of 7x10 2-0 gauge engine no. 1008 1119 1216 1270 1327 1412 1632
PECK/6/1/4911 Drawing of 7x10 engine no. 1008 1119 1216
PECK/6/1/4912 Drawing of weigh shaft, reversing handle, reversing sector
PECK/6/1/4913[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4913[B] Drawing of angle steel required
PECK/6/1/4914 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4915 Drawing of sand box, blower cock
PECK/6/1/4916 Drawing of layout of 7"x10" loco, 2'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/4917[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4917[B] Drawing of firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/4918 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/4919 part Drawing of cylinder lagging
PECK/6/1/4919[A] Drawing of cylinder 10"x15"
PECK/6/1/4919[B] Drawing of cylinder 10"x15"
PECK/6/1/4919[C] Drawing of cylinders 10"x15"
PECK/6/1/4920 Drawing of cab
PECK/6/1/4921[A] Drawing of feed pipes
PECK/6/1/4921[B] Drawing of dome cover and safety valve cover
PECK/6/1/4922 Drawing of loco Y engine no. 1271
PECK/6/1/4923 Drawing of safety valves, dome casing
PECK/6/1/4924[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4924[B] Drawing of asbestos lagging
PECK/6/1/4925 Drawing of piston rod, gland and crosshead
PECK/6/1/4926[A] Drawing of frame, buffer beam and footplate
PECK/6/1/4926[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4927 Drawing of cast iron chimney
PECK/6/1/4928[A] Drawing of clack box
PECK/6/1/4928[B] Drawing of ball valve
PECK/6/1/4929 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/4930 Drawing of loco Y engine no. 1271
PECK/6/1/4931 Drawing of ejector tube?
PECK/6/1/4932 Drawing of pipework
PECK/6/1/4933 Drawing of pipework
PECK/6/1/4934 Drawing of 10"x15"
PECK/6/1/4937 Drawing of standard drawbar?
PECK/6/1/4938 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4940[A] Drawing of 16"x22"
PECK/6/1/4940[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4941 Drawing of standard drawbar?
PECK/6/1/4943[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4943[B] Drawing of boiler, cab and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/4944 Drawing of frame, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/4945 Drawing of wheels, crank and axle
PECK/6/1/4946 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/4947 Drawing of pop safety valves and dome
PECK/6/1/4948 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4949[A] Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/4949[B] Drawing of cylinder cock gear details
PECK/6/1/4949[C] Drawing of cylinder cock gear details
PECK/6/1/4951 Drawing of 2" pop safety valve
PECK/6/1/4952[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4953[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4953[B] Drawing of 8"x12"
PECK/6/1/4953[C] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4954[B] Drawing of angle steel required
PECK/6/1/4955[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4955[B] Drawing of outline of M5 general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4957 Drawing of no tile 10"x15"
PECK/6/1/4959 Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4960[A] Drawing of M5 10"x15"
PECK/6/1/4960[B] Drawing of M5 general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4963[A] Drawing of safety valves, dome casing
PECK/6/1/4963[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4964[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4965 Drawing of feed pump
PECK/6/1/4966 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 1160
PECK/6/1/4970 Drawing of buffer springs?
PECK/6/1/4972 Drawing of rear bogie arrangement
PECK/6/1/4977 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4978 Drawing of bogie details
PECK/6/1/4979[A] Drawing of wheels axles and springs
PECK/6/1/4979[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/4981[A] Drawing of brake details?
PECK/6/1/4981[B] Drawing of hand brake screw and nut
PECK/6/1/4981[C] Drawing of brake details?
PECK/6/1/4982(tracing from) Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4982[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4982[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/4983[A] Drawing of frames
PECK/6/1/4983[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/4984 Drawing of dome casing, chimney
PECK/6/1/4985 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/4986 Drawing of loco R2 3-6 gauge engine no. 1312
PECK/6/1/4988[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4988[B] Drawing of R2 general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4989[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4989[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/4991 Drawing of loco R2 3-0 gauge engine no. 1317
PECK/6/1/4993 Drawing of central buffer
PECK/6/1/4994[A] Drawing of wheel and axle
PECK/6/1/4994[B] Drawing of wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/4995[A] Drawing of frames, draw-bar, draw hook, buffers
PECK/6/1/4995[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/4996 Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/5000 Drawing of mud plugs, draw-bar, draw hook, buffers
PECK/6/1/5002 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5003[B] Drawing of angle steel list
PECK/6/1/5004 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5005 Drawing of loco R2 engine no. 1312 3-6 gauge 1317 3-0 gauge
PECK/6/1/5007[A] Drawing of asbestos lagging
PECK/6/1/5007[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5008 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5009 Drawing of springs, draw gear and buffer
PECK/6/1/5010 Drawing of leading and trailing wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/5011 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/5012 Drawing of axlebox
PECK/6/1/5013 Drawing of loco W5 engine no. 1298 1381
PECK/6/1/5014[A] Drawing of frame and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5014[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/5015 Drawing of arrangement of linkage
PECK/6/1/5016 Drawing of loco Q engine no. 1340
PECK/6/1/5017 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5018 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5020 Drawing of footstep
PECK/6/1/5022 Drawing of piston/crosshead assembly
PECK/6/1/5023 Drawing of loco Q engine no. 1340
PECK/6/1/5024 Drawing of firebars and ashpan
PECK/6/1/5025 Drawing of central buffer and link
PECK/6/1/5026 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5027 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5029 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/5030 Drawing of sand gear assembly
PECK/6/1/5031 Drawing of blow off valve
PECK/6/1/5033[A] Drawing of 7" dia x 8" long journals
PECK/6/1/5033[B] Drawing of 7" dia x 8" long journals
PECK/6/1/5034[A] Drawing of dome casing
PECK/6/1/5034[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5035[A] Drawing of frame, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5035[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/5036[A] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins, with cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/5036[B] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins, with cast steel wheel centre
PECK/6/1/5037[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5037[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5038 Drawing of tank and smokebox details
PECK/6/1/5039 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5040 Drawing of rods
PECK/6/1/5041[A] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/5041[B] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/5042[A] Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/5042[B] Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/5043 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5044 Drawing of connecting rod, coupling rod
PECK/6/1/5045[A] Drawing of springs
PECK/6/1/5045[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5046 Drawing of central buffer
PECK/6/1/5047 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/5048 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5049 Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5051 Drawing of vacuum brake details
PECK/6/1/5052 Drawing of class S&S 4 wheels coupled, cyl 12"x18", four wheeled bogie, gauge 3 - 0
PECK/6/1/5053 Drawing of vacuum brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/5054 Drawing of cab tanks and bunker
PECK/6/1/5056 Drawing of cylinder cock controls ?
PECK/6/1/5060 Drawing of blast pipe
PECK/6/1/5061 Drawing of bogie arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5062 Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5063 Drawing of wheels, axles and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5064 Drawing of new parts supplied to convert engine 1284 from 3'-0" gauge to 3'-3?" gauge
PECK/6/1/5065[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5065[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5068 Drawing of general arrangement front view and back view
PECK/6/1/5069 Drawing of blast pipe
PECK/6/1/5070 Drawing of weigh shaft, wheels, leading, driving
PECK/6/1/5071[A] Drawing of frames
PECK/6/1/5071[B] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/5072 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5073 Drawing of end and side views
PECK/6/1/5074 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5075 Drawing of special W5 special B2
PECK/6/1/5076 Drawing of trailing sand gear arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5078[A] Drawing of outline of M5 general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5078[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5080 Drawing of wheels and axle assembly
PECK/6/1/5081 Drawing of Westinghouse automatic brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/5082 Drawing of oil tank and fittings
PECK/6/1/5084 Drawing of loco B2 engine no. 1311 1550
PECK/6/1/5085 Drawing of brake
PECK/6/1/5086 Drawing of class S&S metre gauge engine no. 1362 1363
PECK/6/1/5087 Drawing of no tile M5 outline and specification
PECK/6/1/5088 Drawing of central buffers
PECK/6/1/5089 Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5090 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/5097[A] Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/5097[B] Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/5098 Drawing of loco W5
PECK/6/1/5101 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5102 Drawing of brake details and trailing spring gear
PECK/6/1/5103[A] Drawing of frames
PECK/6/1/5103[B] Drawing of angle steels required per loco
PECK/6/1/5104 Drawing of blower cock, cab
PECK/6/1/5105 Drawing of 6 wheeled R2
PECK/6/1/5106 Drawing of loco R2 engine no. 1391-1675
PECK/6/1/5107[A] Drawing of 12" dia x 18" stroke 6 wheeled coupled
PECK/6/1/5107[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5108[A] Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/5108[B] Drawing of ci chimney
PECK/6/1/5109 Drawing of wheels and axles for 6 coupled R2
PECK/6/1/5110 Drawing of 6 wheeled R2
PECK/6/1/5112[A] Drawing of 2 1/2 " pop safety valve to blow off at 160 lbs sq inch
PECK/6/1/5112[B] Drawing of 2 1/2 dia pop safety valve to blow off at 160 lbs sq inch
PECK/6/1/5113[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5113[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5114[A] Drawing of dome cover and casing
PECK/6/1/5114[B] Drawing of dome cover and casing
PECK/6/1/5114[C] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5114[D] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5115M Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5115[A] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5115[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5116 Drawing of Furness lubricator
PECK/6/1/5118 Drawing of loco B2 engine no. 1402
PECK/6/1/5119 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5122 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5123[A] Drawing of R2 engine no. 1405-1975
PECK/6/1/5123[B] Drawing of angle steels required per loco
PECK/6/1/5124 Drawing of spring gear, brake work, brake shaft
PECK/6/1/5126 Drawing of Earl's metallic packing
PECK/6/1/5127[A] Drawing of standard R2 commencing engine no. 1389 to red commencing engine no. 1806-7
PECK/6/1/5127[B] Drawing of standard R2 commencing engine no. 1389 to red commencing engine no. 1806-7
PECK/6/1/5127[C] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5128(part) Drawing of connecting and coupling rod brasses - left hand
PECK/6/1/5128[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rod brasses - left hand
PECK/6/1/5128[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rod brasses - left hand
PECK/6/1/5129 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5131 Drawing of piston, cylinder and slide valve assembly
PECK/6/1/5132 Drawing of wheels, axles and brakework
PECK/6/1/5133[A] Drawing of frames and stays 3'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/5133[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5134 Drawing of connecting rods, coupling rods and crosshead
PECK/6/1/5135 Drawing of reversing shaft, eccentric rods, slide valve etc.
PECK/6/1/5136 Drawing of ejector
PECK/6/1/5137 Drawing of 9"x14" loco, 3'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/5138 Drawing of sand injection and cylinder cock gears
PECK/6/1/5140 Drawing of fire door
PECK/6/1/5143 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5144 Drawing of loco R2 engine no. 1389
PECK/6/1/5146 Drawing of mechanical lubrication arrangement
PECK/6/1/5147[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5147[B] Drawing of W5 general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5148 Drawing of blast pipe
PECK/6/1/5149 Drawing of sight feed lubricator, capacity 1 pint
PECK/6/1/5150[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5150[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5152 part Drawing of steam brake
PECK/6/1/5152[A] Drawing of steam brake
PECK/6/1/5152[B] Drawing of steam brake arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5153[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5153[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5155 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5156 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5160 Drawing of boiler, safety valves, fire bars
PECK/6/1/5162 Drawing of firedoor arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5164 Drawing of draw hook and buffer beam
PECK/6/1/5165 Drawing of saddle tank and water cock
PECK/6/1/5166 Drawing of loco R2 engine no. 1430
PECK/6/1/5167 Drawing of draw bar, draw hook, buffers
PECK/6/1/5168 Drawing of draw bar, draw hook
PECK/6/1/5170 Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/5171 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5172[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5172[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5173[A] Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/5173[B] Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/5174 Drawing of leading and trailing wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/5175 Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/5176 Drawing of spring gear details
PECK/6/1/5177[A] Drawing of frame and buffer beam arrangement
PECK/6/1/5177[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5178 Drawing of buffers
PECK/6/1/5179 Drawing of outline of 10" dia x 15" stroke outside cylinder locomotive
PECK/6/1/5180 Drawing of boiler fitted with steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/5182 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/5183 Drawing of cab and bunker arrangement
PECK/6/1/5184 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5185 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5186 Drawing of cast iron chimney
PECK/6/1/5187 Drawing of piston and crosshead
PECK/6/1/5188 Drawing of loco q engine nos. 1476 1511
PECK/6/1/5189 Drawing of reversing shaft slide valve and buckle
PECK/6/1/5190 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 1208 1030
PECK/6/1/5191 Drawing of loco q engine nos. 1476
PECK/6/1/5192 Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/5193 Drawing of ashpan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5194 Drawing of cylinder cock and injector gears
PECK/6/1/5195 Drawing of arrangement of sand gear and details
PECK/6/1/5196 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5197 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5199 Drawing of mechanical lubricator and details
PECK/6/1/5200 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/5201 Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5205 Drawing of boiler, mud plugs
PECK/6/1/5207[A] Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/5207[B] Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/5207[C] Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/5208 Drawing of special clack box
PECK/6/1/5209 Drawing of loco R2 3-0 gauge engine no. 1498
PECK/6/1/5210 Drawing of case steel buffers
PECK/6/1/5211 Drawing of 7"x10" 3' 0" gauge order no. 17696
PECK/6/1/5213[A] Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/5213[B] Drawing of smoke-box door
PECK/6/1/5214[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5214[B] Drawing of pipe and rod
PECK/6/1/5215 Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/5216[A] Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/5216[B] Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/5218[A] Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/5218[B] Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/5219 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubrication 9 feeds
PECK/6/1/5220 Drawing of details of mechanical lubrication
PECK/6/1/5222 (part) Drawing of firebox wrapper?
PECK/6/1/5222[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5222[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5223 Drawing of boiler fitted with steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/5224 Drawing of draw bar, draw hook, buffers
PECK/6/1/5225 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5226 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5227 Drawing of boiler fitted with steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/5229 Drawing of draw bar, draw hook, buffers
PECK/6/1/5231 Drawing of loco R1
PECK/6/1/5233 Drawing of cast steel buffers
PECK/6/1/5235 Drawing of pump arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5238 Drawing of cab, bunker and buffer blocks
PECK/6/1/5239 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5240[A] Drawing of frames and stays, 2'-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/5240[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5241 Drawing of wheels, axles and cranks, reversing shaft and brake details
PECK/6/1/5242 Drawing of saddle tank and cab assembly
PECK/6/1/5243[A] Drawing of axlebox, guides and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5243[B] Drawing of axlebox, guides, spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5244 Drawing of piston, cylinder and slide valve assembly
PECK/6/1/5246 Drawing of connecting rods and coupling rods, crosshead, slidebars, piston and rod
PECK/6/1/5247 Drawing of valve motion arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5248 Drawing of 9"x14" loco, 2'-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/5249 Drawing of injector and sand gear arrangement
PECK/6/1/5250 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5251 Drawing of loco X engine no. 483 order no. 2686 to red engine no. 540 order no. 29325 to red engine no. 540 order no. 19353
PECK/6/1/5252 Drawing of 13/4" boat or organ whistle and push whistle valve
PECK/6/1/5253 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5254[A] Drawing of wheels and axles for 16 X 24 locomotive engine nos 1559-60
PECK/6/1/5254[B] Drawing of wheels and axles for 16 X 24 locomotive engine nos 1559-60
PECK/6/1/5255[A] Drawing of 5-6 gauge frames and stays
PECK/6/1/5255[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5256 Drawing of arrangement of buffers and draw gear 5-6 gauge
PECK/6/1/5257 Drawing of 5-6 gauge cab arrangement
PECK/6/1/5258 Drawing of feed pipes
PECK/6/1/5259 Drawing of valve motion
PECK/6/1/5260 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5263 Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5267 Drawing of water tight ashpan
PECK/6/1/5268 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5272 Drawing of spark arrester and details
PECK/6/1/5273 Drawing of tank, cab and bunker arrangement, frame and boiler modifications
PECK/6/1/5274 Drawing of buffer beam, buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/5275 Drawing of brake shaft column and screw
PECK/6/1/5278 Drawing of proposed design of 12"x18" side tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/5279[A] Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 916 842 937 to red engine no. 686 676
PECK/6/1/5279[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5279[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5280 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5281 Drawing of firedoor arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5283 Drawing of spark arrester and details
PECK/6/1/5284 Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/5285[A] Drawing of standard buffer
PECK/6/1/5285[B] Drawing of standard buffer
PECK/6/1/5285[C] Drawing of standard buffer
PECK/6/1/5287[A] Drawing of standard glands and neck rings
PECK/6/1/5287[B] Drawing of standard glands and neck rings
PECK/6/1/5288[A] Drawing of standard glands and neck rings
PECK/6/1/5288[B] Drawing of standard glands and neck rings
PECK/6/1/5291 Drawing of loco arrangement
PECK/6/1/5293 Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/5294 Drawing of layout and specification 10"x15", metre gauge
PECK/6/1/5295 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5299[A] Drawing of cast iron buffer case
PECK/6/1/5299[A] (part) Drawing of cast iron buffer case
PECK/6/1/5299[B] Drawing of standard buffer
PECK/6/1/5299[B] (part) Drawing of half section through standard buffer
PECK/6/1/5300[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5300[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/5304 Drawing of proposed design of 10"x16" locomotive, 2'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5311 Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/5313[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5313[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5313[C] Drawing of boiler for 16"x22" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5313[D] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5314[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5314[B] Drawing of boiler for 14"x20"
PECK/6/1/5315 Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins with cast steel wheel centres
PECK/6/1/5316[A] Drawing of slide bars, piston and piston rod and cylinder covers
PECK/6/1/5316[B] Drawing of slide bars, piston, piston rod and cylinder covers
PECK/6/1/5317[A] Drawing of axle boxes and guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5317[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5318 Drawing of crosshead
PECK/6/1/5319[A] Drawing of lagging
PECK/6/1/5319[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5320[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5320[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5321 Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5322 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5323 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5324 Drawing of slide valve buckle and spindle, valve spindle guide and box
PECK/6/1/5325 Drawing of brake shaft and bracket and details
PECK/6/1/5326 Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/5327 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5328 Drawing of smoke box door and details
PECK/6/1/5329 Drawing of ash pan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5330[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5330[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5331[A] Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5331[B] Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5332 Drawing of chimney
PECK/6/1/5333 Drawing of arrangement of sand injector and cylinder cock gears
PECK/6/1/5334[A] Drawing of trailing axle-box and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5334[B] Drawing of trailing axle-box and spring gear, commencing engine no. 1587
PECK/6/1/5334[C] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5336[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5336[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/5336[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5337 Drawing of saddle tank and cab
PECK/6/1/5337M Drawing of welded saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5342 Drawing of water lifter arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5343[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5343[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5343[C] Drawing of boiler for 12"x18" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5344 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5346[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5346[A] (part) Drawing of smokebox for loco Y
PECK/6/1/5346[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5346[B] (part) Drawing of smokebox for loco Y
PECK/6/1/5346[C] Drawing of lagging
PECK/6/1/5347 Drawing of buffer beams buffer blocks and buffers
PECK/6/1/5348 Drawing of repairs to copper firebox tube plate
PECK/6/1/5349 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5350[A] Drawing of general arrangement of 10"x15" side tank loco
PECK/6/1/5350[B] Drawing of design of 10"x15" loco, 3'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/5350[C] Drawing of general arrangement of 10"x15" side tank loco
PECK/6/1/5351 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5352 Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5358 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5362 Drawing of fire brick arch
PECK/6/1/5366 Drawing of buffer beams buffer blocks and derailing beams
PECK/6/1/5367 Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5368[A] Drawing of slide valve and buckle and spindle. valve spindle guide and box
PECK/6/1/5368[B] Drawing of slide valve and buckle and spindle, valve spindle guide and box
PECK/6/1/5369[A] Drawing of eccentric sheaves, straps and rods expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/5369[B] Drawing of eccentric sheaves, straps and rods expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/5370 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5371[A] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/5371[B] Drawing of side bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/5372 Drawing of crosshead and shoes
PECK/6/1/5373 Drawing of 14 bore x 22 stroke cylinder and covers
PECK/6/1/5374 Drawing of 14" bore x 22" stroke cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/5376 Drawing of firebox ... and reversing gear
PECK/6/1/5377 Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/5379[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5379[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5379[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5380[A] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5380[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5381[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5381[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5382 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5383 M Drawing of modifications to locomotive engine no. 1707 Class W6
PECK/6/1/5384 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5385[A] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5385[B] Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5386[A] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/5386[B] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/5387[A] Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/5387[B] Drawing of dome cover and dome case
PECK/6/1/5388 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5389 Drawing of crosshead and connecting rods
PECK/6/1/5391 Drawing of boiler, dome casing
PECK/6/1/5392 Drawing of slide bars and piston rod
PECK/6/1/5393 Drawing of wheels, axles, crank pins, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5394 Drawing of motion arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5395[A] Drawing of arrangement of frame stays
PECK/6/1/5395[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5396 Drawing of brake details, reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/5397 Drawing of cab and bunker arrangement
PECK/6/1/5398 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5400 Drawing of sand injector and cylinder cock details
PECK/6/1/5402 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5404 Drawing of ashpan firebars and frame
PECK/6/1/5409 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5410[A] Drawing of arrangement of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/5410[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5411 Drawing of saddle tank cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5412 Drawing of slide bars piston and rod connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5413 Drawing of wheels axles crank pins and springs and gear
PECK/6/1/5414 Drawing of motion arrangement and details and reversing shaft
PECK/6/1/5415 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5416 Drawing of exhaust feed and blower pipes
PECK/6/1/5419 Drawing of design of 10"x16" loco, 2'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5420 Drawing of no.7 c and d injectors
PECK/6/1/5422 Drawing of standard 10"x15" loco fitted with buffer blocks
PECK/6/1/5423 Drawing of oil fuel arrangement � modifications to firebox buffer blocks and drawgear injector and trailihng sandgear
PECK/6/1/5425 Drawing of axle boxes, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5428 Drawing of smokebox door?
PECK/6/1/5429 Drawing of design of 10"x16" loco 2'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5430 Drawing of arrangement and details of Lockyer regulator valve
PECK/6/1/5431 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5432 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5433 Drawing of chimney firedoors and slides
PECK/6/1/5434 Drawing of arrangement and details of Bissel truck, 3'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5435 Drawing of wheels, axles, crank pins and springs and gear
PECK/6/1/5436 Drawing of motion arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5437[A] Drawing of frames and stays
PECK/6/1/5437[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5438 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5439 Drawing of cab tanks and bunker arrangement
PECK/6/1/5440 Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/5441 Drawing of ashpan, firebars and frame
PECK/6/1/5442 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5443 Drawing of sand injector and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/5446 Drawing of design of 10"x16" locomotive, 2'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5448 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5449 Drawing of ash pan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5450 Drawing of 5 feeds - arrangement and details of Wakefield's mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/5451 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5455[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5459[A] Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/5459[B] Drawing of loco B3 W6 A13 W7
PECK/6/1/5459[C] Drawing of standard glands and neck rings
PECK/6/1/5459[D] Drawing of standard glands and neck rings
PECK/6/1/5460 Drawing of vacuum automatic brake -arrangement of through piping on saddle tank engine 3'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5461 Drawing of pipework
PECK/6/1/5463 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubrication
PECK/6/1/5464 Drawing of details for Wakefields mechanical lubrication
PECK/6/1/5465 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5466 Drawing of 8 feeds
PECK/6/1/5467 Drawing of standard cast iron level pipes on saddle tanks
PECK/6/1/5468 Drawing of cab and bunker arrangement
PECK/6/1/5470 Drawing of automatic bell arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5474 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 584 order no. 26086
PECK/6/1/5475 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5476 Drawing of loco R1 engine no. 830 597 order no. 4825/29658
PECK/6/1/5477[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5477[B] Drawing of dome
PECK/6/1/5478 Drawing of arrangement and details of Manzel lubricator class XD
PECK/6/1/5479[A] Drawing of frames and stays , 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/5479[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5480 Drawing of slide bars, piston and rod, connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5481 Drawing of saddle tank - cab and bunker 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/5482 Drawing of wheels and axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5483 Drawing of brake deatils
PECK/6/1/5484 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5485 Drawing of reversing shaft, brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/5486 Drawing of arrangement of sand cylinder and injector cock gears
PECK/6/1/5487[A] Drawing of loco 9"x14"
PECK/6/1/5487[B] Drawing of loco 9"x14"
PECK/6/1/5488 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5489 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5490 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5491[A] Drawing of loco B2
PECK/6/1/5491[B] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5491[C] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5492 Drawing of design of 10"x15" saddle tank locomotive, 0-4-2, 2'-8" gauge
PECK/6/1/5494 Drawing of motion arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5497 Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5499 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5500 Drawing of brake details and trailing spring gear
PECK/6/1/5501 Drawing of reversing shaft - brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/5502 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5503 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/5504 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5505 Drawing of steam injector and sand pipe layout
PECK/6/1/5507 Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/5509 Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5521 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/5523 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5524 Drawing of modifications to standard boiler otherwise as drawing no. 5379
PECK/6/1/5529 Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5539[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/5539[B] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/5540[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5540[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5541 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5543[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams, 5'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5543[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5544 Drawing of saddle tank cab and bunker for 5"-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5546 Drawing of 9"x14", 5'-6" general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5550[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5550[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5551 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5552 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5553 Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5554 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5555[A] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams, 2'-6"
PECK/6/1/5555[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5556 Drawing of valve motion arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5557 Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/5558 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5559 Drawing of ashpan and firebars and frame
PECK/6/1/5561 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5564 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/5565 Drawing of buffers and draw gear and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/5568 Drawing of hand rails
PECK/6/1/5571 Drawing of special brass fittings
PECK/6/1/5572 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 9 feeds
PECK/6/1/5573 Drawing of lubrication details
PECK/6/1/5574 Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/5575 Drawing of pipe arrangement and sand gear
PECK/6/1/5576 Drawing of general arrangement of extreme height of 10' 0"
PECK/6/1/5579[A] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5579[B] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5580 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5581[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5581[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5581[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5582[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5582[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5583[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5583[A] part Drawing of firebox for b3
PECK/6/1/5583[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5583[B] part Drawing of firebox for b3
PECK/6/1/5583[C] Drawing of boiler for 14"x22" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5585 Drawing of drag casting
PECK/6/1/5586 Drawing of slide valve and buckle and spindle valve, spindle guide and box
PECK/6/1/5588[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5588[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5589 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5590[A] Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5590[B] Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5591[A] Drawing of leading and driving axlebox guides spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5591[B] Drawing of leading and driving axlebox guides spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5592 Drawing of trailing axleboxes and guides springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5593 (part)[A] Drawing of cotter
PECK/6/1/5593 (part)[B] Drawing of cotter
PECK/6/1/5593[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods left hand rods shown
PECK/6/1/5593[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods left hand rods shown
PECK/6/1/5594[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5594[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5595[A] Drawing of ashpan and details firebars and frame
PECK/6/1/5595[B] Drawing of ashpan and details firebars and frame
PECK/6/1/5596[A] Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator pipe inside smokebox
PECK/6/1/5596[B] Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator sand cylinder cock andand injector gear
PECK/6/1/5596[C] Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator sand cylinder cock and injector gear
PECK/6/1/5597[A] Drawing of general arrangement of 14"x22" saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/5597[B] Drawing of general arrangement of 14"x22" saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/5598[A] Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5598[B] Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5600 Drawing of hand rails
PECK/6/1/5601 Drawing of 9 feed lubricator driving gear
PECK/6/1/5603[A] Drawing of clackbox and pressed steel seating
PECK/6/1/5603[B] Drawing of clackbox and pressed steel seating
PECK/6/1/5604 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5605 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5606 Drawing of wheels axles cranks and crank pins springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5607 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5608 Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5609 Drawing of arrangement of side tanks, cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5610[A] Drawing of side and front elevation of cab
PECK/6/1/5610[B] Drawing of reversing shaft and rod, brake details
PECK/6/1/5611 Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/5612 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5614[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5614[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5615 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5616 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins, springs and spring gear, 3'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5617 Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/5618 Drawing of central buffer
PECK/6/1/5619 Drawing of brake details reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/5620 Drawing of arrangement of cab and bunker sand injector and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/5621 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5623 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5624 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5627 Drawing of 14" bore x 22" stoke cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/5628 Drawing of 14" bore x 22" stoke cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/5629 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5630 Drawing of slide valve, buckle and spindle. valve spindle guide and box
PECK/6/1/5634 Drawing of class sands four wheel coupled cylinder 12 x 18 four wheeled bogie engine no. 1730 gauge 3-6
PECK/6/1/5635 Drawing of exhaust and steam pipes and cylinder connections
PECK/6/1/5636 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5637 Drawing of design of 0-4-2 side tank loco, cylinders 12" dia 12" stroke, 1'-11?" gauge
PECK/6/1/5639[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5639[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5639[C] Drawing of (part) boiler
PECK/6/1/5639[D] Drawing of loco W5-6
PECK/6/1/5642 Drawing of brake column and screw (for locos fitted with steam brakes)
PECK/6/1/5644 Drawing of general arrangement of alterations
PECK/6/1/5645 Drawing of 1 1/8 valve clackbox and seat
PECK/6/1/5646 Drawing of brake column and screw for locomotives fitted with steam brakes
PECK/6/1/5647[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and detail
PECK/6/1/5647[B] Drawing of boiler for 12"x18" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5647[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5652 5651 Drawing of 1 1/4 pop safety valve 1 1/2 pop safety valve
PECK/6/1/5654 Drawing of loco R1 order no. 29093
PECK/6/1/5658 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5659[A] Drawing of 3 1/2" whistle on dome
PECK/6/1/5659[B] Drawing of 3 1/2" whistle on dome
PECK/6/1/5659[C] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5660A Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5660[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5660[B] Drawing of boiler and details
PECK/6/1/5660[C] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/5661 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5662[A] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5662[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5663 Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/5664[A] Drawing of stop valve spindle
PECK/6/1/5664[A] (part) Drawing of firebox mounting body (cast iron)
PECK/6/1/5664[B] Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/5664[B] (part) Drawing of stop valve spindle and valve
PECK/6/1/5665 Drawing of arrangement of sand, injector and cylinder cock gear, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5667 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5668 Drawing of reversing sector and lever
PECK/6/1/5669 Drawing of buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/5670 Drawing of buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/5673 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5676 Drawing of engine wheels, axles and crank pins, Bissel truck wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/5677 Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/5679 Drawing of arrangement and details of Bissel truck 2'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/5681 Drawing of reversing shaft, brake details and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5684[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5684[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5685 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5690[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5690[B] Drawing of boiler for 10"x15" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5690[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5691 Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/5692 Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/5693[A] Drawing of boiler for design no 5693
PECK/6/1/5693[B] Drawing of loco B
PECK/6/1/5694[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5694[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5694[C] Drawing of boiler for 14"x20" loco
PECK/6/1/5695 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5697 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5698 Drawing of general of alterations and buffer blocks
PECK/6/1/5699 Drawing of buffers and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5703 Drawing of steam and hand brakes for Hawthorn Leslie loco no. 2491
PECK/6/1/5704[A] Drawing of standard cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5704[B] Drawing of standard cast steel crossheads
PECK/6/1/5704[C] Drawing of standard cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5704[D] Drawing of standard cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5705[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5705[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5706[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5706[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5707 Drawing of cylinders and covers 12 bore x 20 stroke
PECK/6/1/5708 Drawing of cylinders and covers 12 bore 20 stroke
PECK/6/1/5709[A] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/5709[B] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/5710[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5710[B] Drawing of axlebox and guide springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5711 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5712[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5712[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5713[A] Drawing of reversing shaft barckets and rod
PECK/6/1/5713[B] Drawing of reversing shaft brakes and rod
PECK/6/1/5714 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5715[A] Drawing of slide valve and spindle valve spindle guide and box
PECK/6/1/5715[B] Drawing of slide valve and spindle valve spindle guide and box
PECK/6/1/5716[A] Drawing of eccentric sheaves straps and rods expandion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/5716[B] Drawing of eccentric sheaves straps and rods expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/5717 Drawing of hand rails
PECK/6/1/5718 Drawing of firebox?
PECK/6/1/5719[A] Drawing of clackbox to injector pipe
PECK/6/1/5719[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock and Manzel lubricator gears
PECK/6/1/5720 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5721 Drawing of general arrangement R3
PECK/6/1/5722 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5723 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5725[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5725[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5728 Drawing of derailing beams
PECK/6/1/5729 Drawing of derailing beams
PECK/6/1/5735[A] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/5735[B] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/5735[C] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/5736 Drawing of 3" whistle on dome
PECK/6/1/5737 Drawing of outline of 10"x15" locomotive, extreme height 9'-0"
PECK/6/1/5746[A] Drawing of standard eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/5746[B] Drawing of standard eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/5757 Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/5758 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5759[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers 12 bore x 20 stroke
PECK/6/1/5759[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers 12 bore x 20 stroke
PECK/6/1/5760[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers 12 bore x 20 stroke
PECK/6/1/5760[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers 12 bore x 20 stroke
PECK/6/1/5761[A] Drawing of boiler for 12 x 20 locomotive
PECK/6/1/5761[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/5761[C] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/5762[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5762[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5762[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5763 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5772 Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/5782 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/5783[A] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/5783[B] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/5784 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5785[A] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5785[B] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5786[A] Drawing of firebox brick arch
PECK/6/1/5786[B] Drawing of firebox brick arch
PECK/6/1/5787 Drawing of sand and injector gear and steam pipes
PECK/6/1/5788 Drawing of general arrangement of 12 X 20 locomotive
PECK/6/1/5789 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5790[A] Drawing of cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5790[B] Drawing of cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5791[A] Drawing of boiler modifications otherwise as drawing no. 3995
PECK/6/1/5791[B] Drawing of boiler modifications otherwise as drawing no. 3395
PECK/6/1/5792 Drawing of 1/2 " water gauges
PECK/6/1/5795[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5795[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5795[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5795[D] Drawing of boiler for 14"x20" loco
PECK/6/1/5798[B] Drawing of angle steels required angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5802[A] Drawing of eccentric sheaves straps
PECK/6/1/5802[B] Drawing of eccentric sheaves straps
PECK/6/1/5804 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/5805 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/5806 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/5807 Drawing of arrangement of sand, injector and cylinder cock gears and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5807A Drawing of vacuum brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/5809 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5810 Drawing of general arrangement of alterations
PECK/6/1/5811 Drawing of mechanical lubrication arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5812 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5813 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5814 Drawing of reversing lever
PECK/6/1/5816 Drawing of leading sand gear and Manzel lubricator arrangement
PECK/6/1/5817 Drawing of oco general arrangement and specification - underhung spring gear on reverse side
PECK/6/1/5818[A] Drawing of trailing bearing spring DBP type and axlebox
PECK/6/1/5818[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5819[A] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5819[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5820 Drawing of cab, tank and bunker
PECK/6/1/5821 Drawing of brake work and reversing shaft
PECK/6/1/5822 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5823 Drawing of arrangement of sand, injector, cylinder cock gear, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5824 Drawing of buffer beams, buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/5825[A] Drawing of general arrangement of 14"x22" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5825[B] Drawing of general arrangement of 14"x22" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5825[C] Drawing of general arrangement of 14"x22" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5826 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5828[A] Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings regulator handle
PECK/6/1/5828[B] Drawing of firebox mounting body
PECK/6/1/5828[C] Drawing of firebox mounting body
PECK/6/1/5829 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5830[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5830[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5832 Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/5836 Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5839 Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5847[A] Drawing of general arrangement of 10x15 locomotive
PECK/6/1/5847[B] Drawing of general arrangement of 10"x15" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5850 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/5851 Drawing of smokebox arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5852[A] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5852[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5853 Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/5854 Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5855[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5855[B] Drawing of stooled "Salamander" asbestos mattresses
PECK/6/1/5855[C] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5856 Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/5857 Drawing of cylinders and covers 18" bore x 26" stroke
PECK/6/1/5858 Drawing of cylinders and covers 18" stroke x 26" stroke
PECK/6/1/5859 Drawing of boiler and smokebox (otherwise as drawing no. 5300)
PECK/6/1/5860 Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/5861 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/5862 Drawing of coupling rod
PECK/6/1/5863 Drawing of tender wheels and axles springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5864 Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5865 Drawing of arrangement of firebrick furnace, casing and air duct
PECK/6/1/5866 Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/5867 Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/5868 Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/5869 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5870 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5871[A] Drawing of tender frames and stays
PECK/6/1/5871[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5872 Drawing of tender brake deatils
PECK/6/1/5873 Drawing of tender water tank arrangement
PECK/6/1/5874 Drawing of regulator and tee pipe
PECK/6/1/5875 Drawing of brakework details
PECK/6/1/5876 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/5877 Drawing of cab arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5878 Drawing of "National" friction draft gear, bridle and tender draw gear and buffers
PECK/6/1/5879 Drawing of boiler feed pump
PECK/6/1/5880[A] Drawing of Westinghouse brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/5880[B] Drawing of Westinghouse brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/5881 Drawing of Westinghouse brake arrangement end views
PECK/6/1/5882 Drawing of sand and cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator (for end views see drawing no. 5887)
PECK/6/1/5884 Drawing of "Mexican Trough" fuel oil burner
PECK/6/1/5886 Drawing of oil fuel and injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/5887 Drawing of sand and cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator and details
PECK/6/1/5888 Drawing of general arrangement of 8"x26" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5889[A] Drawing of tender general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5889[B] Drawing of tender general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5891[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of fuel oil hand pump
PECK/6/1/5891[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of fuel oil hand pump
PECK/6/1/5892 Drawing of special brass fittings
PECK/6/1/5894 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5895 Drawing of wheels axles cranks and crank pins springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5896 Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bore x 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/5897 Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bore x 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/5898[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5898[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5899 Drawing of arrangement of side-tanks cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5901 Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/5902 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5903 Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/5904 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5905 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5906 Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock gear pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5907 Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/5908 Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/5909 Drawing of spark arrester arrangement steam and blower pipes
PECK/6/1/5910[A] Drawing of arrangement of tender Westinghouse brake
PECK/6/1/5910[B] Drawing of arrangement of tender Westinghouse brake
PECK/6/1/5911 Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/5912 Drawing of footsteps
PECK/6/1/5913 Drawing of general arrangement of 14 X 22 locomotive
PECK/6/1/5914 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/5915 Drawing of Teloc speed indicator and recorder arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5916 Drawing of arrangement of wood platforms engine and tender and fall plate
PECK/6/1/5917[A] Drawing of horses shoe axlebox guide
PECK/6/1/5917[B] Drawing of horses shoe axlebox guide
PECK/6/1/5918[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5918[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/5920 Drawing of loco o-q-engine no. 1824
PECK/6/1/5923 Drawing of general arrangement/specification of 16" X24" loco
PECK/6/1/5924[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/5924[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/5925[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bore x 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/5925[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bore x 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/5926 Drawing of sand boxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/5927 Drawing of dome cover and dome case for working pressure 180 lbs per sq inch
PECK/6/1/5928 Drawing of firebox mounting and fitting
PECK/6/1/5929 Drawing of footsteps
PECK/6/1/5930[A] Drawing of 3/4 " flanges water gauges
PECK/6/1/5930[B] Drawing of 3/4" flanged water gauges
PECK/6/1/5932 Drawing of buffer beams, blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/5934 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/5935[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5935[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5936[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams, 3'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/5936[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams, 3'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/5936[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/5937 cancelled Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5937[A] Drawing of 9"x14" steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5937[B] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5937[C] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/5938 Drawing of arrangement of saddle tank cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5939[A] Drawing of lubricator sand injector and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/5939[B] Drawing of lubricator sand injector and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/5940 Drawing of firedoor, general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5941 Drawing of spark arrester arrangement steam and blower pipes
PECK/6/1/5942[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5942[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5943[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5943[B] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5943[C] Drawing of angle steels required per loco
PECK/6/1/5944 Drawing of arrangement of saddle tank cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5945 Drawing of spark arrester arrangement, steam and blower pipes
PECK/6/1/5946 Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/5947 Drawing of central buffer and safety chains
PECK/6/1/5947 2nd revision Drawing of central buffer and safety chains
PECK/6/1/5948[A] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/5948[B] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/5949 Drawing of cast iron chimney and chimney angle ring
PECK/6/1/5950 Drawing of clack box and seating
PECK/6/1/5951 Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/5952 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/5953 Drawing of arrangement of sand injector, and cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/5954 Drawing of clack box and seating
PECK/6/1/5955 Drawing of cab and leading sand gear modifications
PECK/6/1/5957 Drawing of diagram of 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/5958 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins - with cast iron wheel centre
PECK/6/1/5959 (part) Drawing of OX1
PECK/6/1/5959[A] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5959[B] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/5959[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/5960 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/5961 Drawing of eccentric sleeves and straps
PECK/6/1/5962 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/5963 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/5965[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5965[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/5966 Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/5967 Drawing of gunmetal firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/5969 (part) Drawing of whistle valve and spindle
PECK/6/1/5971 Drawing of dome cover and case for a working pressure of 170 and 180 lbs per sq. inch
PECK/6/1/5974 Drawing of boiler for 15"x23" locomotive
PECK/6/1/5977 M1 part Drawing of rod layout
PECK/6/1/5977[A] Drawing of specification
PECK/6/1/5977[B] Drawing of layout of tubes
PECK/6/1/5979[A] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/5979[B] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/5982 Drawing of front and side elevations
PECK/6/1/5983 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5986 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5987 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/5988 Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/5990[A] Drawing of axle box and guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/5990[B] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/5991[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5991[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/5992[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/5992[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers 16" bore x 24" stroke
PECK/6/1/5993[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers 16" bore x 24" stroke
PECK/6/1/5993[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers 16" bore x 24" stroke
PECK/6/1/5995 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/5996 Drawing of general arrangement of modifications
PECK/6/1/5998[A] Drawing of slide bars, piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/5998[B] Drawing of slide bars, piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6001 Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6014 Drawing of layout and specification 16 X 24 4-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6018 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/6021 Drawing of blow-off cock
PECK/6/1/6025 (part) Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/6025 modified [fragment] Drawing of showing cab roof height)
PECK/6/1/6025[A] Drawing of bunker and side view
PECK/6/1/6025[B] Drawing of loco general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/6025[C] Drawing of loco general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/6029[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand, injector, cylinder cock gear and mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6029[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand, injector, cylinder cock gear and mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6029[C] Drawing of slide valve details
PECK/6/1/6035 Drawing of hinged window frame
PECK/6/1/6046 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6052[A] Drawing of general arrangement of 13"x16" locomotive
PECK/6/1/6052[B] Drawing of general arrangement of 13"x16" locomotive
PECK/6/1/6053 Drawing of tender brake details
PECK/6/1/6058 Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6058 (part) Drawing of valve for stop valve, gunmetal
PECK/6/1/6059 Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/6069 Drawing of draw gear and buffers
PECK/6/1/6074 Drawing of wood platforms and cab doors
PECK/6/1/6076[A] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6076[B] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6079 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6080[A] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6080[B] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6080[C] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6081[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand and injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6081[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand and injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6082 Drawing of sandboxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/6083[A] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting and fitting
PECK/6/1/6083[B] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting
PECK/6/1/6083[C] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6084 Drawing of layout and specification 16 X 24 4-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6085 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6086[A] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6086[B] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6087 Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/6088 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6089 Drawing of loco general arrangement
PECK/6/1/6090 Drawing of steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/6091 Drawing of cast steel clack boxes fitted with seats
PECK/6/1/6092[A] Drawing of cast steel whistle valve
PECK/6/1/6092[B] Drawing of cast steel whistle valve
PECK/6/1/6093 Drawing of cast steel injector std no7d cones
PECK/6/1/6094[A] Drawing of cast steel injector steam and blower valve
PECK/6/1/6094[B] Drawing of cast steel injector steam and blower valve
PECK/6/1/6095[A] Drawing of cast steel steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/6095[B] Drawing of cast steel steam brake valve
PECK/6/1/6096[A] Drawing of cast steel injector water feed cock
PECK/6/1/6096[B] Drawing of cast steel injector water feed cock
PECK/6/1/6097[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6097[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6097[C] Drawing of buffer beam
PECK/6/1/6098 Drawing of cast steel 3/4" flanged water gauges
PECK/6/1/6099 Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6100 Drawing of sand boxes for steam-sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6101[A] Drawing of trailing axleboxs and guides springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6101[B] Drawing of trailing axleboxs and guides springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6101[C] Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/6102[A] Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/6102[B] Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/6103[A] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6103[B] Drawing of spark arrester arrangement
PECK/6/1/6104[A] Drawing of wheels ,axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6104[B] Drawing of wheels ,axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6105 Drawing of cylinder modifications, piston and rod, crosshead and slidebars
PECK/6/1/6106[A] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6106[B] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6107[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6107[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6108[A] Drawing of cab bunker
PECK/6/1/6108[B] Drawing of cab bunker
PECK/6/1/6109[A] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6109[B] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6110 Drawing of buffer beams and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6111 Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/6112 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6114 Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/6115 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/6116[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/6116[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/6117 Drawing of cast steel 13/4" stop valve
PECK/6/1/6118 (part) Drawing of loco Y engine nos. 1895-1905 1934-1942
PECK/6/1/6118[A] Drawing of arrangement of pipes, mechanical lubricator and injector gear
PECK/6/1/6118[B] Drawing of arrangement of pipes, mechanical lubricator and injector gear
PECK/6/1/6119[A] Drawing of arrangement of air sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6119[B] Drawing of loco OQT engine no. 1824
PECK/6/1/6122[A] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6122[B] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6124 Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6125[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6125[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6126 Drawing of slidebars, piston and rod
PECK/6/1/6127[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6127[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6128[A] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6128[B] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6129 Drawing of brake details and reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6130 Drawing of front and side elevation
PECK/6/1/6131[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6131[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6132[A] Drawing of side tanks cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6132[B] Drawing of side tanks cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6133 Drawing of sand boxes for steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6134 Drawing of smokebox door and details
PECK/6/1/6135[A] Drawing of boiler - far all other particulars see standard M5 Drawing no. 5690
PECK/6/1/6135[B] Drawing of boiler - far all other particulars see standard M5 Drawing no. 5690
PECK/6/1/6136 Drawing of draw bar and hooks
PECK/6/1/6137[A] Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/6137[B] Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/6138 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/6139 Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6140 Drawing of arrangement sand injector and cylinder cock gears pipes and mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6142[A] Drawing of steam brake cylinder?
PECK/6/1/6142[B] Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/6143 Drawing of cab window swivel type
PECK/6/1/6147[A] Drawing of clackbox and seat
PECK/6/1/6147[B] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock
PECK/6/1/6150 Drawing of 12"x20" (metre gauge) loco general arrangement
PECK/6/1/6151[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6151[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6152[A] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6152[B] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6155[A] Drawing of modifications for duplication of R4 boiler on class R2
PECK/6/1/6155[B] Drawing of modification for duplication of R4 boiler on class R2
PECK/6/1/6156 Drawing of front and side elevation
PECK/6/1/6158 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/6159 Drawing of cab window swivel type
PECK/6/1/6160 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/6161 Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/6162[A] Drawing of sight feed lubricator arrangement
PECK/6/1/6162[B] Drawing of sight feed lubricator arrangement
PECK/6/1/6163[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6163[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6163[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6163[D] Drawing of arrangement of asbestos mattress on firebox back
PECK/6/1/6163[E] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6164[A] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6164[B] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6165[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6165[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6165[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6166 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6168[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector and cylinder cock gears
PECK/6/1/6168[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector and cylinder cock gears
PECK/6/1/6168[C] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector and cylinder cock gears
PECK/6/1/6169[A] Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/6169[B] Drawing of firebox
PECK/6/1/6170[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6170[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6171[A] Drawing of rail-washing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6171[B] Drawing of railwashing gear
PECK/6/1/6173[A] Drawing of cast steel crossheads
PECK/6/1/6173[B] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6174 Drawing of coupling rod brasses
PECK/6/1/6175[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6175[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6177[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6177[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6178[A] Drawing of flanged water gauges
PECK/6/1/6178[B] Drawing of flanged water gauges
PECK/6/1/6178[C] Drawing of flanged water gauges
PECK/6/1/6179[A] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6179[B] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6180[A] Drawing of firebox mounting body
PECK/6/1/6180[B] Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/6181 Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/6182[A] Drawing of eccentric rods, expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/6182[B] Drawing of eccentric rods, expansion and lifting links
PECK/6/1/6183 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6183 redrawn Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6184 Drawing of cast steel buffers
PECK/6/1/6185[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 7 feeds
PECK/6/1/6185[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 7 feeds
PECK/6/1/6186 Drawing of Wakefield's mechanical lubricator details
PECK/6/1/6187[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6187[B] Drawing of axlebox and guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6188 Drawing of arrangement of buffer beams coupler and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6189 Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6190 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6191[A] Drawing of Janny coupler
PECK/6/1/6191[B] Drawing of Janny coupler
PECK/6/1/6192[A] Drawing of Janny head coupling piece
PECK/6/1/6192[B] Drawing of Janny head coupling piece
PECK/6/1/6194[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator, sand, injector and cylinder cock gears
PECK/6/1/6194[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator, sand, injector and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/6195 Drawing of sandboxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/6196 Drawing of arrangement no 2
PECK/6/1/6197[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6197[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6198 Drawing of sand boxes for steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6201 Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6202[A] Drawing of special cylinders and covers 12" bore x 20" stroke
PECK/6/1/6202[B] Drawing of special cylinders and covers 12" bore x 20" stroke
PECK/6/1/6203[A] Drawing of special cylinders and covers 12" bore x 20" stroke
PECK/6/1/6203[B] Drawing of special cylinders and covers 12" bore x 20" stroke
PECK/6/1/6204 Drawing of 5' 6" gauge wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6205 Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6206[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6206[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6207 Drawing of brake work and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6208 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6210 Drawing of general arrangement of 12"x20" locomotive , 5'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/6213[A] Drawing of 3 " whistle on dome
PECK/6/1/6213[B] Drawing of 3 " whistle on dome
PECK/6/1/6214 Drawing of design of 11"x16" locomotive
PECK/6/1/6215 Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6216[A] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps right hand sheaves shown
PECK/6/1/6216[B] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps right hand sheaves shewn
PECK/6/1/6217 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6218 (part) Drawing of loco R4 M6 M7
PECK/6/1/6218[A] Drawing of loco R4 M6 M7
PECK/6/1/6218[B] Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoes
PECK/6/1/6218[C] Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoes
PECK/6/1/6219 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6220 Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/6221[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6221[B] Drawing of cylinder cock gear and brake arrangement
PECK/6/1/6222[A] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6222[B] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6223 Drawing of slide bars, piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6224 Drawing of brake work motion detail modifications and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6225 Drawing of arrangement of sand and injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6226[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 8 feeds
PECK/6/1/6226[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 8 feeds
PECK/6/1/6228[A] Drawing of buffer beams buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6228[B] Drawing of buffer beams buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6229[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6229[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6230[A] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6230[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6231 Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6233 Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6234 Drawing of cab doors and cab modifications
PECK/6/1/6235 Drawing of beams and draw gear and buffers
PECK/6/1/6236 Drawing of smokebox door
PECK/6/1/6237[A] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6237[B] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6238[A] Drawing of Wakefields mechanical lubricator details
PECK/6/1/6238[B] Drawing of Wakefields mechanical lubricator details
PECK/6/1/6239[A] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6239[B] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6240 Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/6241 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6242 Drawing of reversing sector and lever
PECK/6/1/6243 Drawing of smoke box door dished type
PECK/6/1/6244 Drawing of steam brake arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6245 Drawing of cast steel axleboxes and guides with wedge
PECK/6/1/6246[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6246[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6246[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6247 Drawing of special coupling rods and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6248 Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6249 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/6250[A] Drawing of cab and bunkers
PECK/6/1/6250[B] Drawing of cab and bunkers
PECK/6/1/6251[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand and injector gear pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6251[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand and injector gear pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6252 Drawing of arrangement of sand , injector and cylinder cock gears, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6253[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6253[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6255[A] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/6255[B] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/6257 Drawing of hinged window frame
PECK/6/1/6259 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6260 Drawing of cab windows
PECK/6/1/6261 Drawing of compensated spring gear arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6262[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6262[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6263[A] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6263[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6264[A] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6264[B] Drawing of frames, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6264[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame
PECK/6/1/6265[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6265[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6266 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6267 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins with cast iron wheel centres
PECK/6/1/6268[C] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6268[D] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6268[E] Drawing of foundation ring for class "a" boilers
PECK/6/1/6269 Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6270[A] Drawing of Manzel lubricator arrangement
PECK/6/1/6270[B] Drawing of Manzel lubricator arrangement
PECK/6/1/6272 Drawing of sand boxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/6273 Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/6274[A] Drawing of sand injector cylinder cock gear Manzel lubricator and pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6274[B] Drawing of sand injector cylinder cock gear Manzel lubricator and pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6275 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6276[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6276[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6276[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6277 Drawing of arrangement of worthington pump
PECK/6/1/6278[A] Drawing of pump arrangement
PECK/6/1/6278[B] Drawing of pump arrangement
PECK/6/1/6279[A] Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6279[B] Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6280 Drawing of general arrangement of 16"x24" locomotive
PECK/6/1/6281 Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/6282[A] Drawing of std no 87D injector and cones
PECK/6/1/6282[B] Drawing of std no 8 cones std no 87D injector and cones
PECK/6/1/6283[A] Drawing of general arrangement of 14 x 22 saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/6283[B] Drawing of general arrangement of 14 x 22 saddle tank loco
PECK/6/1/6283[C] Drawing of general arrangement of 14 x 22 saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/6284[A] Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/6284[B] Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/6284[C] Drawing of end views
PECK/6/1/6285[A] Drawing of wooden platform and cab doors
PECK/6/1/6285[B] Drawing of roof bars and hanging links
PECK/6/1/6289[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6289[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6290 Drawing of layout and specification 12"x18", 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6291 Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins with cast steel wheel centres
PECK/6/1/6292[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6292[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6293 Drawing of steam brake valve with stainless steel valves and seats
PECK/6/1/6294[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6294[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6295[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6295[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6296 Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6297 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6298 Drawing of ashpan and details firebars and frame
PECK/6/1/6299[A] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6299[B] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6299[C] Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6300[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6300[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6301[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6301[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6302[A] Drawing of slide bars, piston and piston rod and cylinder covers
PECK/6/1/6302[B] Drawing of slide bars, piston and piston rod and cylinder covers
PECK/6/1/6303[A] Drawing of sand injector and cylinder cock gear pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6303[B] Drawing of sand injector and cylinder cock gear pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6304[A] Drawing of cast steel cross head for no.11 loco
PECK/6/1/6304[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6304[C] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6305 Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/6306[A] Drawing of arrangement of 6-feed Wakefield mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6306[B] Drawing of arrangement of 6-feed Wakefield mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6307[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6307[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6308 Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/6309 Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/6311 Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins � spring gear
PECK/6/1/6312 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6313 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/6314[A] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6314[B] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6315[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6315[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6315[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6316[A] Drawing of cab bunker and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6316[B] Drawing of cab bunker and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6317 Drawing of special R2 engine no. 1966-2123
PECK/6/1/6318 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6319 Drawing of engine general arrangement
PECK/6/1/6321 Drawing of sidebars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6322 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6323 Drawing of buffers draw gear and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6324 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6325[A] Drawing of Westinghouse compressor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6325[B] Drawing of Westinghouse compressor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6326 Drawing of clackbox and seat
PECK/6/1/6326 (part) Drawing of stop cock
PECK/6/1/6327 Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6328[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock gears and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6328[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock gears and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6331[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6331[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6332[A] Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6332[B] Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6333 Drawing of replacement boiler for locomotive "alfred" proposed arrangement of tubes and forged steel firebox girder stays fitted with 1" dia Whitworth bolts
PECK/6/1/6334[A] Drawing of boiler � for all other particulars see R2 drawing no. 5647
PECK/6/1/6334[B] Drawing of boiler - for all other particulars see R2 drawing no. 5647
PECK/6/1/6335[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand gear Manzel lubricator and pipes
PECK/6/1/6335[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand gear Manzel lubricator and pipes
PECK/6/1/6336 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6337[A] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6337[B] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6338[A] Drawing of tube arrangement
PECK/6/1/6338[B] Drawing of cab and tank layout for 18"x26" loco
PECK/6/1/6338[C] Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6339[A] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock
PECK/6/1/6339[B] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock
PECK/6/1/6344 Drawing of general of alterations
PECK/6/1/6346 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6347 Drawing of derailing beams
PECK/6/1/6348 Drawing of buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6349[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods?
PECK/6/1/6349[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods?
PECK/6/1/6350 Drawing of brake details and buffer and drawbar case
PECK/6/1/6351[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6351[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6351[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6352 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6353 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6354[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector
PECK/6/1/6354[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6355 Drawing of reversing lever and sector and reversing rod
PECK/6/1/6356[A] Drawing of firebox brick arch
PECK/6/1/6356[B] Drawing of firebox brick arch
PECK/6/1/6357 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6359 Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6360 Drawing of general arrangement of 15"x21" locomotive
PECK/6/1/6363 Drawing of "Alfloc" automatic blowdown valve details
PECK/6/1/6364 Drawing of arrangement and specification 14 X 22, 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6365 Drawing of engine wheels axles and crank pins, Bissel truck wheels and axle, 2'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/6366[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6366[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6367 Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/6368[A] Drawing of layout of outside cylinder axlebox and spring gear 18"x26" loco
PECK/6/1/6368[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6368[C] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6369 Drawing of saddle tank cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6370 Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/6371 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/6372 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6373 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/6374[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6374[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6375 Drawing of buffer beams, buffer blocks and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6376[A] Drawing of loco M5
PECK/6/1/6376[B] Drawing of reversing shaft, brake gear and spring gears
PECK/6/1/6377 Drawing of arrangement and details of Bissel truck, 2'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/6379[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6379[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6380 Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6381 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/6382M Drawing of arrangement of "Alfloc" automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6382[A] Drawing of arrangement of "Alfloc" automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6382[B] Drawing of arrangement of "Alfloc" automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6383 Drawing of steam brake cyllinder
PECK/6/1/6384[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6384[B] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6385[A] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/6385[B] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/6386 Drawing of special derailing beams
PECK/6/1/6387 Drawing of arrangement of buffer beams coupler and drawbar
PECK/6/1/6388[A] Drawing of firebrick arch and furnace for oil fuel
PECK/6/1/6388[B] Drawing of firebrick arch and furnace for oil fuel
PECK/6/1/6389[A] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6389[B] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6390[A] Drawing of arrangement of Afloc automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6390[B] Drawing of arrangement of Afloc automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6391 Drawing of steam brake arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6392 Drawing of spark arrester and exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/6393 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6395[A] Drawing of spark arrester arrangement
PECK/6/1/6395[B] Drawing of spark arrester arrangement
PECK/6/1/6396[A] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6396[B] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6397[A] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6397[B] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6398 Drawing of crosshead and slide bars
PECK/6/1/6399[A] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6399[B] Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6400 Drawing of general arrangement of 7"x12" locomotive, 4'-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6401[A] Drawing of firebrick arch for oil fuel and firebar grate for solid fuel
PECK/6/1/6401[B] Drawing of firebrick arch for oil fuel and firedoor crate for solid fuel
PECK/6/1/6402[A] Drawing of arrangement of Alfloc automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6402[B] Drawing of arrangement of Alfloc automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6403 Drawing of Holden's liquid fuel injector with auxiliary feed
PECK/6/1/6404[A] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6404[B] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6405 Drawing of oil fuel details
PECK/6/1/6406[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/6406[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/6406[C] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/6407 Drawing of lever
PECK/6/1/6408M Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6408[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6408[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator
PECK/6/1/6409[C] Drawing of oil fuel steam mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6409[D] Drawing of oil fuel steam mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6410[A] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6410[B] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6410[C] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6411[A] Drawing of blow-off cock
PECK/6/1/6411[B] Drawing of blow-off cock
PECK/6/1/6412[A] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6412[B] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6413 Drawing of arrangement of stay over driving axle and axlebox guide horse-shoe type cast steel
PECK/6/1/6415[A] Drawing of snow plough finished weight 6 1/2 tons
PECK/6/1/6415[B] Drawing of snow plough finished weight 6 1/2 tons
PECK/6/1/6416[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers 10" bore x 15" stroke
PECK/6/1/6416[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers, 10" bore x 15" stroke
PECK/6/1/6416[C] Drawing of cylinders and covers, 10" bore x 15" stroke
PECK/6/1/6417[A] Drawing of arrangement of 120�f hot water injectors
PECK/6/1/6417[B] Drawing of arrangement of 120�f hot water injector
PECK/6/1/6418 Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps (special sheaves)
PECK/6/1/6419[A] Drawing of springs, spring gear and reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6419[B] Drawing of arrangement of crosshead for no.11 loco
PECK/6/1/6421[A] Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6421[B] Drawing of re-arrangement of handbrake - 12"x20" locomotive
PECK/6/1/6422[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6422[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6422[C] Drawing of specification of valve gear for 11"x18" loco
PECK/6/1/6423[A] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6423[B] Drawing of angle steel required per frame
PECK/6/1/6424 Drawing of special cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6425 Drawing of steam sanding boxes
PECK/6/1/6426 Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6427 Drawing of arrangement of sight feed lubricator
PECK/6/1/6428 Drawing of motion details
PECK/6/1/6429 Drawing of wheels axles and crankpins
PECK/6/1/6430 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6431 Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/6432 Drawing of brake shaft and brake details
PECK/6/1/6433 Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6434 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6435 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6436[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/6436[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector and cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/6437[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6437[B] Drawing of loco B3
PECK/6/1/6437[C] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6438 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6439 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 10 feed
PECK/6/1/6440[A] Drawing of snow plough (finished weight 5 1/2 cwts)
PECK/6/1/6440[B] Drawing of snow plough (finished weight 5 1/2 cwts)
PECK/6/1/6441[A] Drawing of special 2" pop safety valves - to comply with Indian boiler regulations
PECK/6/1/6441[B] Drawing of special 2" pop safety valves - to comply with Indian boiler regulations
PECK/6/1/6442 Drawing of arrangement and details of steam brake
PECK/6/1/6443 Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6443[A] (part) Drawing of firebox mounting body spec. W7 2142 cast iron
PECK/6/1/6443[B] (part) Drawing of firebox mounting body spec. W7 2142 cast iron
PECK/6/1/6446[A] Drawing of arrangement of mcb "d" type coupler fitted with national friction draft gear
PECK/6/1/6446[B] Drawing of arrangement of oil fuel furnace and firebar grate
PECK/6/1/6446[C] Drawing of arrangement of oil fuel furnace and firebar grate
PECK/6/1/6449 Drawing of special R4 engine no. 2029
PECK/6/1/6451 Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6452 Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6453 Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6457 Drawing of Holden's dl pattern liquid fuel injector fitted with Davis duplex lighting up burners
PECK/6/1/6458 Drawing of cast steel axlebox and guides with wedge
PECK/6/1/6459[A] Drawing of arrangement of Alfloc automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6459[B] Drawing of arrangement of Alfloc automatic blowdown valve
PECK/6/1/6461 Drawing of clackbox
PECK/6/1/6462[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6462[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6463 Drawing of cylinders and covers 91/2" bore x 14" stroke. designed for 200 p.s.i. working pressure
PECK/6/1/6464[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6464[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6464[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6465[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/6465[B] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/6466 Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins, 2'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/6467 Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6468[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6468[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6469 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/6470[A] Drawing of valve motion gear
PECK/6/1/6470[B] Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/6471[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6471[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6472[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6472[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6473 Drawing of reversing shaft brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/6474 Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps (special sheaves)
PECK/6/1/6475 Drawing of steam sanding, sand boxes and sand pipes
PECK/6/1/6476 Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6477 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6478 Drawing of motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6479 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/6480 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins, cast steel wheel centres
PECK/6/1/6481 Drawing of sand boxes for steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6482 Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6483 Drawing of steam brake cylinder
PECK/6/1/6484 Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/6485 Drawing of reversing lever
PECK/6/1/6486 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6487[A] Drawing of standard derailing beams
PECK/6/1/6487[B] Drawing of standard derailing beams
PECK/6/1/6488[A] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6488[B] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6489 Drawing of flanged smokebox door
PECK/6/1/6490 Drawing of firedoor gear firedoor and slides
PECK/6/1/6491[A] Drawing of cast iron buffer case fitted with 24 dia cs head
PECK/6/1/6491[B] Drawing of cast iron buffer case fitted with 24 dia cs head
PECK/6/1/6491[C] Drawing of cast iron buffer case
PECK/6/1/6492[A] Drawing of steam sanding cylinder cock and injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6492[B] Drawing of steam sanding cylinder cock and injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6493[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 10 feeds
PECK/6/1/6493[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 10 feeds
PECK/6/1/6494 Drawing of Wakefield mechanical lubricator details
PECK/6/1/6495 Drawing of general of alterations (extreme height 11-1)
PECK/6/1/6496 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 4 feeds
PECK/6/1/6497[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive
PECK/6/1/6497[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive
PECK/6/1/6498[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6498[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6499[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6499[A] (part) Drawing of axlebox bearing
PECK/6/1/6499[B] Drawing of axlebox and guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6499[B] (part) Drawing of axlebox bearing
PECK/6/1/6500 Drawing of loco general arrangement
PECK/6/1/6502 Drawing of firebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6503 Drawing of slide bar casing
PECK/6/1/6504 Drawing of cab, bunkers r and l hand and injector gear
PECK/6/1/6505 Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6506 Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator and feeds
PECK/6/1/6507[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6507[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6508[A] Drawing of clackbox and seat 1?" valve
PECK/6/1/6508[B] Drawing of clackbox and seat 1?" valve
PECK/6/1/6508[C] Drawing of clack valve for loco no. 1874
PECK/6/1/6509[A] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement and injector gear
PECK/6/1/6509[B] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6509[C] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement and injector gear
PECK/6/1/6511[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/6511[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/6512 Drawing of modifications to boiler
PECK/6/1/6513 Drawing of cast steel crosshead (old standard)
PECK/6/1/6514[A] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6514[B] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6515 Drawing of saddle tank (Avonside)
PECK/6/1/6516 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator and leading sand gear
PECK/6/1/6517[A] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6517[B] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6518[A] Drawing of firehole ring protector
PECK/6/1/6518[B] Drawing of firehole ring protector
PECK/6/1/6519[A] Drawing of arrangement of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/6519[B] Drawing of arrangement of steel internal firebox
PECK/6/1/6520[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6520[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6521 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6522[A] Drawing of modifications to design no. Z775. minimum construction dimensions
PECK/6/1/6522[B] Drawing of general of alterations extreme height 10-11 width 8-0
PECK/6/1/6523 Drawing of arrangement of Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6524[A] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6524[B] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6525[A] Drawing of lubricator arrangement
PECK/6/1/6525[B] Drawing of lubricator arrangement
PECK/6/1/6526[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6526[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6527 Drawing of 18"x24" loco general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/6529 Drawing of 16"x24" loco general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/6530[A] Drawing of side and bunker
PECK/6/1/6530[B] Drawing of details of special features of 0-6-0 side tank 3'-6" gauge 12" X20" for Nyasaland Railway
PECK/6/1/6531 (2 sheets) Drawing of 18"x26" loco general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/6532[A] Drawing of steam brake arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6532[B] Drawing of steam brake arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6533 Drawing of clackbox stop valve
PECK/6/1/6534[A] Drawing of general arrangement of 16"x26" locomotive
PECK/6/1/6534[B] Drawing of general arrangement of 16"x24" saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/6537 Drawing of cab and bunker and modifications to locomotive
PECK/6/1/6540 Drawing of layout of 12"x20" for nyasaland rly
PECK/6/1/6542 Drawing of special cast steel buffers
PECK/6/1/6543 Drawing of buffer beams and derailing beams
PECK/6/1/6544[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6544[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6545 Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/6546 Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6547 Drawing of slidebars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6548[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6548[B] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6549 Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6550 Drawing of special cylinders and covers 16" bore x 24" stroke
PECK/6/1/6551 Drawing of special cylinders and covers 16" bore x 24" stroke
PECK/6/1/6552 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6553[A] Drawing of axlebox, guides springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6553[B] Drawing of axlebox, guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6553[C] Drawing of axlebox, guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6554 Drawing of wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/6555[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6555[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6556 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/6558 Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6559 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6560 Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6561 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6562 Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/6563 Drawing of ashpan and details firebars and frames
PECK/6/1/6564 Drawing of steam sanding sandboxes and sand pipes
PECK/6/1/6565 Drawing of steam sanding cylinder cock injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6566[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 4 feeds
PECK/6/1/6566[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 4 feeds
PECK/6/1/6567[A] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6567[B] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6568[A] Drawing of arrangement of sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6568[B] Drawing of arrangement of sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6570 Drawing of general arrangement/specification
PECK/6/1/6571[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6571[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6571[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6572 Drawing of cylinders and covers
PECK/6/1/6573 Drawing of cylinders and covers 16 bore x 24 stroke
PECK/6/1/6574 Drawing of slidebars, piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6575 Drawing of side view
PECK/6/1/6576[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6576[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6577[A] Drawing of reversing shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/6577[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6577[C] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6578[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6578[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6579 Drawing of regulator
PECK/6/1/6580 Drawing of cast steel crosshead
PECK/6/1/6580 (part) Drawing of phosphor bronze crosshead shoe
PECK/6/1/6581 Drawing of design of 8"x12" saddle tank locomotive 0-4-0 gauge 1'-11?" = 600mm
PECK/6/1/6582[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6582[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6582[C] Drawing of safety valve for locomotives
PECK/6/1/6583 Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6584 Drawing of reversing shaft and brakes
PECK/6/1/6585 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6586[A] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6586[B] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6586[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6587 Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6588 Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/6589[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand, injector and cylinder cock gears, Manzel lubricator and pipes
PECK/6/1/6589[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand, injector and cylinder cock gears, Manzel lubricator and pipes
PECK/6/1/6590[A] Drawing of axleboxes, guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6590[B] Drawing of axleboxes, guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6591[A] Drawing of driving and coupling rods type DLG 100 hp diesel for underground haulage
PECK/6/1/6591[B] Drawing of driving and coupling rods type DLG 100 hp diesel for underground haulage
PECK/6/1/6592[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins 3'-0" gauge type DLG 100 hp diesel loco
PECK/6/1/6592[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins 3'-0" gauge type DLG 100 hp diesel loco
PECK/6/1/6593 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6594 Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6595[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6595[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6595[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6596 Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6596 (part) Drawing of sketch of steam pipe
PECK/6/1/6597 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6598 Drawing of cab details
PECK/6/1/6599 Drawing of ashpan and details, firebars and frame
PECK/6/1/6600 Drawing of slidebars, piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6601 (part) Drawing of brake shoe
PECK/6/1/6601[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6601[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6602 Drawing of cylinder cock gear
PECK/6/1/6603[A] Drawing of sand injector gear, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6603[B] Drawing of sand injector gear, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6604[A] Drawing of central buffers and draw-gear for 8x12, 60 cms. gauge loco
PECK/6/1/6604[B] Drawing of central buffers and draw-gear for 8x12, 60 cms. gauge loco
PECK/6/1/6605 Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6606 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6607[A] Drawing of steam sanding, injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6607[B] Drawing of steam sanding, injector gear and pipes
PECK/6/1/6608[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 8 feeds
PECK/6/1/6608[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 8 feeds
PECK/6/1/6609[A] Drawing of Wakefields mechanical lubricator details
PECK/6/1/6609[B] Drawing of Wakefields mechanical lubricator details
PECK/6/1/6610 Drawing of Wakefields mechanical lubricator details
PECK/6/1/6611 Drawing of buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6612[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins 3'-6" gauge type DLG 100 hp diesel loco
PECK/6/1/6612[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins 3'-6" gauge type DLG 100 hp diesel loco
PECK/6/1/6615 Drawing of steam sanding sandboxes and sand pipes
PECK/6/1/6618 Drawing of valve spindle United States metallic packing
PECK/6/1/6619[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6619[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6620 Drawing of hand rails
PECK/6/1/6621 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6622 Drawing of cushion buffer blocks, buffer beams and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6623[A] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock and removable 1?" valve and seat
PECK/6/1/6623[B] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock and removable 1?" valve and seat
PECK/6/1/6624[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6624[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6625[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6625[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6625[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6626 Drawing of wheels axles cranks and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6627 Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6628 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6629 Drawing of brake arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6631 Drawing of buffers and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6632 Drawing of tube layout
PECK/6/1/6633M Drawing of spec R4 engine no. 2083 2099 "office copy"
PECK/6/1/6633[A] Drawing of arrangement of 3 feed Wakefield lubricator and pipe modifications
PECK/6/1/6633[B] Drawing of arrangement of 3 feet Wakefield lubricator and pipe modifications
PECK/6/1/6634[A] Drawing of axlebox, guides, spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6634[C] (part) Drawing of detail of axlebox bearing
PECK/6/1/6635[A] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 10 feed
PECK/6/1/6635[B] Drawing of arrangement of mechanical lubricator 10 feed
PECK/6/1/6636[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers, 8" bore x 12" stroke
PECK/6/1/6636[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers, 8" bore x 12" stroke
PECK/6/1/6638 Drawing of saddle tank cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6639 Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6640[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 0-6-0
PECK/6/1/6640[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 0-6-0
PECK/6/1/6641 Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6642 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6643 Drawing of valve motion details
PECK/6/1/6644 Drawing of brake details and reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6645 Drawing of exhaust pipe
PECK/6/1/6646[A] Drawing of sand injector, cylinder cock gear, pipes, Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6646[B] Drawing of sand injector, cylinder cock gear, pipes, Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6648 Drawing of sandboxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/6651 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6652 Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6653[A] Drawing of sandboxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/6653[B] Drawing of sandboxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/6654[A] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6654[B] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6655[A] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6655[B] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6656[A] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6656[B] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6657[A] Drawing of arrangement of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6657[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6657[C] Drawing of arrangement of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6659 Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6659 (part) Drawing of brake shaft
PECK/6/1/6660 Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins 3'-4" gauge type DLG 100 hp diesel loco
PECK/6/1/6661 Drawing of central buffer and draw gear
PECK/6/1/6662 Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6664[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6664[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6665[A] Drawing of flooded ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6665[B] Drawing of flooded ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6666[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6666[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6667[A] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins, gauge 1'-11?" = 60cms
PECK/6/1/6667[B] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins, gauge 1'-11?" = 60cms
PECK/6/1/6668 Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6669 Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6670 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6671M[A] Drawing of welded saddle tank - capacity 400 gallons
PECK/6/1/6671M[B] Drawing of welded saddle tank 400 galls
PECK/6/1/6671[A] Drawing of saddle tank, cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6671[B] Drawing of saddle tank, cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6672[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6672[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6673 Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/6674[A] Drawing of sand, injector, cylinder cock gear, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6674[B] Drawing of sand, injector, cylinder cock gear, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6674[C] Drawing of sand, injector, cylinder cock gear, pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6675 Drawing of sand boxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/6677 Drawing of firedoor, slides and operating gear
PECK/6/1/6680 Drawing of valve
PECK/6/1/6681[A] Drawing of driving and coupling rods for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 0-4-0
PECK/6/1/6681[B] Drawing of driving and coupling rods for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 0-4-0
PECK/6/1/6682[A] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/6682[B] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 4'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/6683 Drawing of axlebox and guides, springs and spring gear for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/6684[A] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6684[B] Drawing of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6685 (part) Drawing of arrangement of driving wheels and axle for 165 bhp diesel electric loco
PECK/6/1/6685[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel electric loco
PECK/6/1/6685[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel electric loco 4'-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6686[A] Drawing of coupling rod for 165 bhp diesel electric loco
PECK/6/1/6686[B] Drawing of coupling rod for 165 bhp diesel electric loco
PECK/6/1/6687 (part) Drawing of heating surfaces q boiler drawing 5222 and 6687
PECK/6/1/6687[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6687[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6688 Drawing of arrangement and specification 7"x12" 2'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/6689[A] Drawing of layout of tubes for 11"x18" design
PECK/6/1/6689[B] Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6690 Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6692 Drawing of side view
PECK/6/1/6695 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6710 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6716 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6717 Drawing of class 12"x20" 0-6-0 180 lbs per sq inch gauge 3'-6"
PECK/6/1/6719 Drawing of side and front elevation
PECK/6/1/6722[A] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 3'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/6722[B] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 3'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/6723[A] Drawing of driving and coupling rods for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 0-6-0
PECK/6/1/6723[B] Drawing of driving and coupling rods for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco 0-6-0
PECK/6/1/6724[A] Drawing of axlebox, guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6724[B] Drawing of axlebox, guides, springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6726 Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6727[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6727[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6728[A] Drawing of saddle tank cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6728[B] Drawing of saddle tank cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6729 Drawing of brakework and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6730[A] Drawing of sand injector cylinder cock gear pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6730[B] Drawing of sand injector cylinder cock gear pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6731 Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6732 Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/6733 Drawing of valve spindle
PECK/6/1/6734[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement of alterations
PECK/6/1/6734[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement of alterations
PECK/6/1/6735[A] Drawing of wheel and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive, 5'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/6735[B] Drawing of wheels and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive, 5'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/6737[A] Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6737[B] Drawing of firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/6740 Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6741 Drawing of front and side elevation
PECK/6/1/6750 Drawing of engine general arrangement for John Lysaghts Ltd.
PECK/6/1/6751 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6771 Drawing of cast steel crosshead with p.b. shoes
PECK/6/1/6772[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6772[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6773[A] Drawing of tube steam cleaning arrangement
PECK/6/1/6773[B] Drawing of tube steam cleaning arrangement
PECK/6/1/6775 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6776[B] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/6776[C] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/6777[A] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/6777[B] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/6777[C] Drawing of angle steels required per frame angle steels required per boiler
PECK/6/1/6778[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6778[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6779[A] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6779[B] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6780 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6782[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6782[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6783[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/6783[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of oil fuel furnace
PECK/6/1/6784[A] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6784[B] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6786[A] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6786[B] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6787[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6787[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6788[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6788[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6789[A] Drawing of valve spindle united states metallic packing
PECK/6/1/6789[B] Drawing of valve spindle united states metallic packing
PECK/6/1/6790 Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6791[A] Drawing of reversing shaft, brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/6791[B] Drawing of reversing shaft, brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/6792[A] Drawing of cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6792[B] Drawing of cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6793[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6793[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding gear
PECK/6/1/6794[A] Drawing of injector gear and pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6794[B] Drawing of injector gear and pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6796[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6796[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6797 Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6799 N0.3A Drawing of general arrangement loco tank engine, cyls 18"x24", 1000 gall tank, 5'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/6800 Drawing of general arrangement/specification of 16"x24" loco
PECK/6/1/6801[A] Drawing of Weir feed pump arrangement
PECK/6/1/6801[B] Drawing of Weir feed pump arrangement
PECK/6/1/6803[A] Drawing of firebox brick arch
PECK/6/1/6803[B] Drawing of firebox brick arch
PECK/6/1/6805 Drawing of arrangement and details of automatic bell
PECK/6/1/6809 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6810 Drawing of arrangement of stay over driving axle and axlebox guide horse-shoe type cast steel
PECK/6/1/6811 Drawing of loco R4 general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/6813[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6813[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6814[A] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6814[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6815[A] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/6815[B] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/6816[A] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/6816[B] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/6817[A] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6817[B] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6817[C] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins showing tyre changes
PECK/6/1/6818[A] Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6818[B] Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6818[C] Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6818[D] Drawing of coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6819[A] Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/6819[B] Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/6819[C] Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/6820[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6820[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6821[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6821[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6822[A] Drawing of cast steel axlebox and axlebox guides, horse shoe type
PECK/6/1/6822[B] Drawing of cast steel axlebox and axlebox guides, horse shoe type
PECK/6/1/6823[A] Drawing of reversing shaft brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/6823[B] Drawing of reversing shaft brackets and rod
PECK/6/1/6824[A] Drawing of ashpan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6824[B] Drawing of ashpan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6825[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6825[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6826[A] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6826[B] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/6827[A] Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/6827[B] Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/6828[A] Drawing of side bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6828[B] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/6829[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6829[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6830(prelim rod drawing)[A] Drawing of layout for loco 5'-3" gauge on a 4'-8 1/2" gauge frame so as to be convertible to 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6830(prelim rod drawing)[B] Drawing of layout for loco 5'-3" gauge on a 4'-8 1/2" gauge frame so as to be convertible to 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6830[A] Drawing of driving and coupling rods for 150/165 diesel shunting locomotive 0-4-0
PECK/6/1/6830[B] Drawing of driving and coupling rods for 150/165 diesel shunting locomotive 0-4-0
PECK/6/1/6831[A] Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 5'-3" gauge
PECK/6/1/6831[B] Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 5'-3" gauge
PECK/6/1/6831[C] Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 5'-3" gauge
PECK/6/1/6832 Drawing of arrangement and specification loco 8"x12", 3'-3?" (metre) gauge
PECK/6/1/6833 Drawing of arrangement and details of steam brake
PECK/6/1/6835 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6836[A] Drawing of cab and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6836[B] Drawing of cab and saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6837[A] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock gears and Manzel lub
PECK/6/1/6837[B] Drawing of arrangement of sand injector cylinder cock gears and Manzel lub
PECK/6/1/6838[A] Drawing of Westinghouse compressor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6838[B] Drawing of Westinghouse compressor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6839[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6839[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/6840[A] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6840[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/6841[A] Drawing of sidebars piston and piston rod and cylinder cover
PECK/6/1/6841[B] Drawing of sidebars piston and piston rod and cylinder cover
PECK/6/1/6842[A] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6842[B] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6843[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6843[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/6844[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6844[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6845[A] Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/6845[B] Drawing of buffer
PECK/6/1/6846[A] Drawing of ashpan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6846[B] Drawing of firebox brick arch ashpan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6847[A] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6847[B] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6848[A] Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/6848[B] Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/6848[C] Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/6848[D] Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/6849[A] Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/6849[B] Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/6850[A] Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive metre gauge
PECK/6/1/6850[B] Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive metre gauge
PECK/6/1/6851 Drawing of arrangement and details of steam brake
PECK/6/1/6853 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6854 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6859[A] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/6859[B] Drawing of regulator and regulator stuffing box
PECK/6/1/6860 Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6861 Drawing of axlebox and guides, springs and spring gear for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive
PECK/6/1/6862[A] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/6862[B] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/6862[C] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/6862[D] Drawing of eccentric sheaves and straps
PECK/6/1/6863[A] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6863[B] Drawing of springs and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6864[A] Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/6864[B] Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/6865[A] Drawing of side and front views
PECK/6/1/6865[B] Drawing of side and front views
PECK/6/1/6866 Drawing of std W7
PECK/6/1/6867[A] Drawing of standard OY1 design
PECK/6/1/6867[B] Drawing of standard oy1
PECK/6/1/6868[A] Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6868[B] Drawing of wheel axles and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6869 Drawing of arrangement and specification loco 8"x12", 2'-51/2" (=750 mm) gauge
PECK/6/1/6870 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6871 Drawing of arrangement and specification for 14"x22", 4'-8 1/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/6872[A] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6872[B] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/6873[A] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6873[B] Drawing of railwashing cock gear
PECK/6/1/6874 Drawing of cylinder barrel and steam chest cock gear
PECK/6/1/6875 Drawing of n.c.b. 16"x24" 0-4-0 quoted jan 1951
PECK/6/1/6876 Drawing of n.c.b. 16"x24" 0-6-0 quoted jan 1951
PECK/6/1/6878[A] Drawing of smokebox door dished type
PECK/6/1/6878[B] Drawing of smokebox door dished type
PECK/6/1/6879[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6879[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/6880 Drawing of general arrangement and specification, 17"x25" loco
PECK/6/1/6882[A] Drawing of steam sanding sandboxes
PECK/6/1/6882[B] Drawing of steam sanding sandboxes
PECK/6/1/6883[A] Drawing of ashpan firebars arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6883[B] Drawing of ashpan firebars arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6884[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding cylinder cock and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6884[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding cylinder cock and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6885[A] Drawing of steam sanding cylinder cock and Manzel lubricator end views and details
PECK/6/1/6885[B] Drawing of steam sanding cylinder cock and Manzel lubricator end views and details
PECK/6/1/6886[A] Drawing of steam sanding boxes and sand pipes
PECK/6/1/6886[B] Drawing of steam sanding boxes and sand pipes
PECK/6/1/6887[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear plan and elevation
PECK/6/1/6887[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear plan and elevation
PECK/6/1/6888[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear end views
PECK/6/1/6888[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement and injector gear end views
PECK/6/1/6891[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6891[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6891[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6891[D] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6892[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/6892[B] Drawing of axlebox and guides
PECK/6/1/6893[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6893[B] Drawing of frame stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6894[A] Drawing of arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6894[B] Drawing of arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/6895[A] Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6895[B] Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6896[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6896[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6897[A] Drawing of cab and bunkers
PECK/6/1/6897[B] Drawing of cab and bunkers
PECK/6/1/6898[A] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6898[B] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6899[A] Drawing of swivel type square window frame
PECK/6/1/6899[B] Drawing of swivel type square window frame
PECK/6/1/6901[A] Drawing of valve spindle and tail rod
PECK/6/1/6901[B] Drawing of valve spindle and tail rod
PECK/6/1/6902[A] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6902[B] Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/6903 Drawing of side and plan elevation
PECK/6/1/6905 Drawing of layout of rods
PECK/6/1/6906[A] Drawing of dome cover and cover plate
PECK/6/1/6906[B] Drawing of dome cover and cover plate
PECK/6/1/6907[A] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6907[B] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6909[A] Drawing of "Visco" alliance 3/4 size automatic coupler with spring buffing gear
PECK/6/1/6909[B] Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/6910[A] Drawing of oil fuel furnace brick arch and furnace doors
PECK/6/1/6910[B] Drawing of oil fuel furnace brick arch and furnace doors
PECK/6/1/6911[A] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6911[B] Drawing of oil fuel arrangement
PECK/6/1/6913[A] Drawing of injector steam sanding steam break and blower pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6913[B] Drawing of injector steam sanding steam break and blower pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6914[A] Drawing of injector steam sanding steam break and blower pipe. end views and details
PECK/6/1/6914[B] Drawing of injector steam sanding steam break and blower pipe. end views and details
PECK/6/1/6915[A] Drawing of cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6915[B] Drawing of cylinder cock gear and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6935[A] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock and removable 1 5/8" valve and seat
PECK/6/1/6935[B] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock and removable 1 5/8" valve and seat
PECK/6/1/6935[C] Drawing of clack box fitted with stop cock and removable 1 5/8" valve
PECK/6/1/6938 Drawing of steam sanding sandboxes
PECK/6/1/6939[A] Drawing of smokebox door dished type
PECK/6/1/6939[B] Drawing of smokebox door dished type
PECK/6/1/6940[A] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/6940[B] Drawing of general arrangement and specification 14"x22", 3'-6" gauge loco
PECK/6/1/6941[A] Drawing of arrangement of "Alfloc" chemical feed pump and everlasting blow-down valve
PECK/6/1/6941[B] Drawing of arrangement of "Alfloc" chemical feed pump and everlasting blow-down valve
PECK/6/1/6943[A] Drawing of cast steel central buffer
PECK/6/1/6943[B] Drawing of cast steel central buffer
PECK/6/1/6944[A] Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6944[B] Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/6945[A] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6945[B] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/6946[A] (part) Drawing of ouline elevation with detasil of axlebox, axle and tyre
PECK/6/1/6946[B] Drawing of wheels and axles (tender)
PECK/6/1/6946[C] Drawing of tender wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/6947[A] Drawing of tender frames and stays
PECK/6/1/6947[B] Drawing of tender frames and stays
PECK/6/1/6948[A] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6948[B] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6949[A] Drawing of arrangement of tender water tank and bunker
PECK/6/1/6949[B] Drawing of arrangement of tender water tank and bunker
PECK/6/1/6950 Drawing of cylinders and covers 9 1/2 bore x 14 stroke designed for 200 lbs per sq inch working pressure
PECK/6/1/6951[A] Drawing of valve motor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6951[B] Drawing of valve motor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6952[A] Drawing of engine brake details
PECK/6/1/6952[B] Drawing of engine brake details
PECK/6/1/6953 Drawing of tender brake details
PECK/6/1/6954[A] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/6954[B] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/6955[A] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting fitted with gunmetal fittings
PECK/6/1/6955[B] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting fitted with gunmetal fittings
PECK/6/1/6956[A] Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/6956[B] Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/6957 Drawing of springs and spring pins
PECK/6/1/6957 (part) Drawing of spring
PECK/6/1/6961[A] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock
PECK/6/1/6961[B] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock and removable 1 3/8 valve and seat
PECK/6/1/6961[C] Drawing of clackbox fitted with stop cock and removable 1 3/8 valve and seat
PECK/6/1/6964 Drawing of layout and specification 9 X 14, 3'-3?" gauge
PECK/6/1/6965[A] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting fitted with gunmetal fittings
PECK/6/1/6965[B] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting fitted with gunmetal fittings
PECK/6/1/6967 Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/6968[A] Drawing of boiler layout for 12"x20" 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive
PECK/6/1/6968[B] Drawing of front and side view
PECK/6/1/6968[C] Drawing of layout of firebox for design no. 6968
PECK/6/1/6969 Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6970[A] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6970[B] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/6971[A] Drawing of mountings on firebox back
PECK/6/1/6971[B] Drawing of mountings on firebox back
PECK/6/1/6972[A] Drawing of wheel axles cranks and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 4'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/6972[B] Drawing of wheel axles cranks and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive 4'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/6973[A] Drawing of coupling rods for 165 bhp diesel electric locomotive 0-6-0
PECK/6/1/6973[B] Drawing of coupling rods for 165 bhp diesel electric locomotive 0-6-0
PECK/6/1/6975[A] Drawing of 1 1/2 pop safety valves to comply with Indian boiler regulations
PECK/6/1/6975[B] Drawing of 1 1/2 pop safety valves to comply with Indian boiler regulations
PECK/6/1/6976[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6976[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/6977[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bane X 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/6977[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bane X 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/6978[A] Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bane X 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/6978[B] Drawing of cylinders and covers 14 bane X 22 stroke
PECK/6/1/6979[A] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6979[B] Drawing of frames stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/6980[A] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6980[B] Drawing of boiler and smokebox
PECK/6/1/6981 Drawing of Collins firebar
PECK/6/1/6983[A] Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6983[B] Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6984[A] Drawing of loco OQ
PECK/6/1/6984[B] Drawing of part diagram
PECK/6/1/6985[A] Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6985[B] Drawing of ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6986[A] Drawing of cast steel crosshead fitted with phosphor bronze shoes
PECK/6/1/6986[B] Drawing of cast steel crosshead fitted with phosphor bronze shoes
PECK/6/1/6987[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6987[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/6988[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6988[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/6989[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6989[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/6991[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6991[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/6992[A] Drawing of injector cylinder cock gear pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6992[B] Drawing of injector cylinder cock gear pipes and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/6993[A] Drawing of sandboxes and sand gear
PECK/6/1/6993[B] Drawing of sandboxes and sand gear
PECK/6/1/6994[A] Drawing of tender drawgear, fallplate and pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6994[B] Drawing of tender drawgear, fallplate and pipe arrangement
PECK/6/1/6995[A] Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/6995[B] Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/6996[A] Drawing of flooded ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6996[B] Drawing of flooded ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/6998[A] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6998[B] Drawing of spark arrestor arrangement
PECK/6/1/6999[A] Drawing of springs and spring gear for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive
PECK/6/1/6999[B] Drawing of springs and spring gear for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting locomotive
PECK/6/1/7000 Drawing of axlebox and guides for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7001[A] Drawing of cab tropical roof and sand gear
PECK/6/1/7001[B] Drawing of cab tropical roof and sand gear
PECK/6/1/7006[A] Drawing of electric lighting arrangement
PECK/6/1/7006[B] Drawing of electric lighting arrangement
PECK/6/1/7007 Drawing of brass fittings
PECK/6/1/7009 Drawing of arrangement and specification loco 8"x12", 2'0" gauge
PECK/6/1/7010[A] Drawing of axlebox and guides for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7010[B] Drawing of axlebox and guides for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7012[A] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/7012[B] Drawing of wheels axles and crank pins
PECK/6/1/7013[A] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel electric loco 4'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/7013[B] Drawing of wheels, axles, cranks and crank pins for 165 bhp diesel electric loco 4'-0" gauge
PECK/6/1/7014[A] Drawing of springs, spring gear and axlebox guides for 165 bhp diesel electric loco fitted with ske roller bearing axleboxes
PECK/6/1/7014[B] Drawing of springs, spring gear and axlebox guides for 165 bhp diesel electric loco fitted with ske roller bearing axleboxes
PECK/6/1/7015[A] Drawing of smokebox door dished type
PECK/6/1/7015[B] Drawing of smokebox door dished type
PECK/6/1/7016[A] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/7016[B] Drawing of slide bars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/7017[A] Drawing of reversing shaft brakes and rod
PECK/6/1/7017[B] Drawing of reversing shaft brakes and rod
PECK/6/1/7018[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7018[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7019[A] Drawing of dome cover and cover plate
PECK/6/1/7019[B] Drawing of dome cover and cover plate
PECK/6/1/7020[A] Drawing of sand boxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/7020[B] Drawing of sand boxes and sand gear details
PECK/6/1/7021[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector cylinder cock and sand gear
PECK/6/1/7021[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector cylinder cock and sand gear
PECK/6/1/7022[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/7022[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/7023[A] Drawing of GM firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/7023[B] Drawing of GM firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/7024[A] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/7024[B] Drawing of valve motion arrangement
PECK/6/1/7026 Drawing of GM firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/7028[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7028[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7028[C] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7029[A] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7029[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7029[C] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7030[A] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/7030[B] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/7031[A] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/7031[B] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/7032[A] Drawing of reversing shaft bracket and rod
PECK/6/1/7032[B] Drawing of reversing shaft bracket and rod
PECK/6/1/7033[A] Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/7033[B] Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/7034[A] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/7034[B] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/7035[A] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/7035[B] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/7036[A] Drawing of wheels axles cranks and crank pins 3-0 gauge
PECK/6/1/7036[B] Drawing of wheels axles cranks and crank pins 3-0 gauge
PECK/6/1/7037[A] Drawing of slidebars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/7037[B] Drawing of slidebars piston and piston rod
PECK/6/1/7038[A] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/7038[B] Drawing of spring and spring gear
PECK/6/1/7039[A] Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/7039[B] Drawing of reversing shaft and rod
PECK/6/1/7040[A] Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/7040[B] Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/7040[C] Drawing of central buffer and bridle
PECK/6/1/7041[A] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/7041[B] Drawing of reversing lever and sector
PECK/6/1/7042[A] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7042[B] Drawing of brake details
PECK/6/1/7043[A] Drawing of side tank arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/7043[B] Drawing of side tank arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/7044[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/7044[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/7045[A] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/7045[B] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/7046[A] Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/7046[B] Drawing of dome cover and case
PECK/6/1/7047[A] Drawing of flooded ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/7047[B] Drawing of flooded ashpan and firebars
PECK/6/1/7048[A] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/7048[B] Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/7049[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector cylinder cock and sand gear
PECK/6/1/7049[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector cylinder cock and sand gear
PECK/6/1/7050[A] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector cylinder cock and sand gear end views and details
PECK/6/1/7050[B] Drawing of pipe arrangement injector cylinder cock and sand gear end views and details
PECK/6/1/7060[A] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7060[B] Drawing of boiler arrangement
PECK/6/1/7061[A] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7061[B] Drawing of boiler details
PECK/6/1/7062 (part) Drawing of frame plate
PECK/6/1/7062[A] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/7062[B] Drawing of frame arrangement
PECK/6/1/7063[A] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/7063[B] Drawing of frame details
PECK/6/1/7064 Drawing of slide bars, piston and piston rod, and cylinder covers
PECK/6/1/7065[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/7065[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/7066[A] Drawing of reversing shaft, bracket and rod
PECK/6/1/7066[B] Drawing of reversing shaft, bracket and rod
PECK/6/1/7067[A] Drawing of wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/7067[B] Drawing of wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/7067[C] Drawing of leading crank pin (modified to suit OX1)
PECK/6/1/7068[A] Drawing of cast steel horse shoe axlebox guides and cast steel horn stay
PECK/6/1/7068[B] Drawing of cast steel horse shoe axlebox guides and cast steel horn stay
PECK/6/1/7069[A] Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/7069[B] Drawing of brake work
PECK/6/1/7072 Drawing of position of "Alfloc" automatic blow down valve and modifications to lh injector and injector pipes
PECK/6/1/7073[A] Drawing of no 6 injector
PECK/6/1/7073[B] Drawing of no 6 injector
PECK/6/1/7078 Drawing of ashpan arrangement and details
PECK/6/1/7079[A] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting fitted with gunmetal fittings
PECK/6/1/7079[B] Drawing of cast steel firebox mounting fitted with gunmetal fittings
PECK/6/1/7085 Drawing of reversing shaft bracket and rod
PECK/6/1/7086 Drawing of layout and specification
PECK/6/1/7087 Drawing of design no. 7087 12"x20" end view
PECK/6/1/7088[A] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/7088[B] Drawing of connecting and coupling rods
PECK/6/1/7089 Drawing of arrangement of firebox back asbestos lagging
PECK/6/1/7094 Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/7096[A] Drawing of blow down valve
PECK/6/1/7096[B] Drawing of blow down valve
PECK/6/1/7097[A] Drawing of arrangement of lambert wet sanding gear
PECK/6/1/7097[B] Drawing of arrangement of lambert wet sanding gear
PECK/6/1/7098[A] Drawing of sandboxes for wet sanding gear
PECK/6/1/7098[B] Drawing of sandboxes for wet sanding gear
PECK/6/1/7099[A] Drawing of brake shaft (fabricated) and brackets
PECK/6/1/7099[B] Drawing of brake shaft (fabricated) and brackets
PECK/6/1/7100[A] Drawing of axlebox and keep with white-metal thrust face for 150/165 bhp shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7100[B] Drawing of particulars of axlebox machining for Babbitting axlebox and keep with white-metalled thrust face for 150/165 bhp shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7101[A] Drawing of proposed bronze axlebox bearing with white-metalled bore and thrust face for 150/165 bhp shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7101[B] Drawing of phosphor bronze axlebox bearing with white-metalled bore and thrust face for 150/165 bhp shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7101[C] Drawing of phosphor bronze axlebox bearing with white-metalled bore and thrust face for 150/165 bhp shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7101[D] Drawing of phosphor bronze axlebox bearing with white-metalled bore and thrust face for 150/165 bhp shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7102[A] Drawing of axlebox guides for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7102[B] Drawing of axlebox guides for 150/165 bhp diesel shunting loco
PECK/6/1/7104 Drawing of wood platform
PECK/6/1/7105[A] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/7105[B] Drawing of ashpan and details
PECK/6/1/7106[A] Drawing of arrangement and details of firebar grate
PECK/6/1/7106[B] Drawing of arrangement and details of firebar grate
PECK/6/1/7107 Drawing of spark arrester
PECK/6/1/7108[A] Drawing of brake shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/7108[B] Drawing of brake shaft and brackets
PECK/6/1/7112[A] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7112[B] Drawing of saddle tank
PECK/6/1/7113 Drawing of firebox mountings and fittings
PECK/6/1/7114[A] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/7114[B] Drawing of smokebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/7115[A] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/7115[B] Drawing of cab and bunker
PECK/6/1/7116[A] Drawing of firedoor slides and operating gear
PECK/6/1/7116[B] Drawing of firedoor slides and operating gear
PECK/6/1/7117[A] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/7117[B] Drawing of exhaust pipes
PECK/6/1/7118[A] Drawing of steam sanding sand box
PECK/6/1/7118[B] Drawing of steam sanding sand box
PECK/6/1/7119[A] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding cylinder cock and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/7119[B] Drawing of arrangement of steam sanding cylinder cock and Manzel lubricator
PECK/6/1/16073 Drawing of loco q engine no. 1340 united kingdom metallic packing
PECK/6/1/17631 Drawing of loco OQT engine no. 1824 the United Kingdom patent metallic packing order no. 7741
PECK/6/1/26489 Drawing of cast steel ramp
PECK/6/1/35351 Drawing of boiler and firebox
PECK/6/1/[100] Drawing of general arrangement/specification
PECK/6/1/[101] Drawing of loco B3
PECK/6/1/[102] Drawing of OX1 special layout for engine 8'-0" wide
PECK/6/1/[103] Drawing of partial arrangement
PECK/6/1/[104] Drawing of new boiler for crane
PECK/6/1/[105] Drawing of loco general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/[106] Drawing of 12"x20" layout for conversion of 5'-6" gauge to 4'-81/2" gauge
PECK/6/1/[107] Drawing of proposed modifications to 12"x20" Peckett locomotive
PECK/6/1/[108] Drawing of R4 boiler fitted with radial stayed firebox
PECK/6/1/[109] Drawing of e145 12"x20" 0-6-0 layout of firebox, tubes etc.
PECK/6/1/[10] Drawing of plates (firebox smokebox etc)
PECK/6/1/[110] Drawing of specification for 12"x20", 3'-6" gauge loco
PECK/6/1/[111] Drawing of wheels, axles and springs
PECK/6/1/[112] Drawing of loco end view showing clearance
PECK/6/1/[113] Drawing of 6 wheeled R4 general arrangement and specification
PECK/6/1/[114] Drawing of frame, stays and buffer beams
PECK/6/1/[115] Drawing of loco general arrangement and slide bar details
PECK/6/1/[116] Drawing of R4 with large tank and two bunkers
PECK/6/1/[117] Drawing of the Weir standard feed pump
PECK/6/1/[118] Drawing of design no. 6691 - 12"x20" oil fuel locomotive - Egyptian Engineering Stores
PECK/6/1/[119] Drawing of layout design no. 6527 - 11'-0" wheelbase, 18"x24" standard gauge 0-6-0
PECK/6/1/[11] Drawing of modifications to design number 2775 minimum construction dimensions
PECK/6/1/[120] Drawing of ashpan
PECK/6/1/[121] Drawing of layout of oq rod
PECK/6/1/[122] Drawing of general arrangement and specification for 18"x24" loco for N.E.B. South Western Division
PECK/6/1/[123] Drawing of outside cylinder - layout of axlebox and spring gear 18"x26" for designs nos. 6531, 6679, 6710 and 6711
PECK/6/1/[124] Drawing of loco elevation and plan
PECK/6/1/[125] Drawing of proposed arrangement of wheels, axles and springs to permit central loading of springs
PECK/6/1/[126] Drawing of proposed new spring
PECK/6/1/[127] Drawing of 50" external w.t. boiler 200 lbs. pressure
PECK/6/1/[128] Drawing of erecting plan-elevation 12"x18" 0-6-0, 170 lbs. boiler pressure
PECK/6/1/[129] Drawing of proposed spring (a)
PECK/6/1/[12] Drawing of unidentified component
PECK/6/1/[130] Drawing of oil fuel tank for Peckett and Sons - tested to 10 lb./sq. in.
PECK/6/1/[131] Drawing of erecting plan - sections. 12"x18", 0-6-0 loco, 170 lbs. boiler pressure
PECK/6/1/[132] Drawing of cylinders and covers, 141/2" bore x 22" stroke
PECK/6/1/[133] Drawing of boiler, external
PECK/6/1/[134] Drawing of draw hook
PECK/6/1/[135] Drawing of layout for 165 diesel shunting loco, 3'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/[136] Drawing of wheel section
PECK/6/1/[137] Drawing of spring and axlebox
PECK/6/1/[138] Drawing of modifications required to bearing spring - Drawing no. z1248
PECK/6/1/[139] Drawing of brake pull rod adjusting nut
PECK/6/1/[13] Drawing of "for design no. 6357" loco special OY
PECK/6/1/[140] Drawing of injector delivery pipe
PECK/6/1/[141] Drawing of coupling arrangement for 5 cu. yard phoenix quarry wagon
PECK/6/1/[142] Drawing of timber case 3'-6"x2'-9"x1'-1"
PECK/6/1/[143] Drawing of boiler for loco Fyffe
PECK/6/1/[144] Drawing of connecting rod and crank pin
PECK/6/1/[145] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/[146] Drawing of boiler - allocated peckett Drawing no. 6087
PECK/6/1/[147] Drawing of boiler/firebox outline arrangement on frame
PECK/6/1/[148] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/[149] Drawing of selection of screw thread tapping tools all untitled and unnumbered - miscellaneous prints date stamped aug and sept. 1956 plus 2 wax linen drawings
PECK/6/1/[14] Drawing of boiler layout for design 6193
PECK/6/1/[150] Drawing of X2 with 2" tubes ( boiler otherwise as drawing no. 5313)
PECK/6/1/[151] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/[152] Drawing of angle steels required
PECK/6/1/[153] Drawing of pin for draw bar and shackle
PECK/6/1/[154] Drawing of felt washer (in halves)
PECK/6/1/[155] Drawing of Dundee Corporation Gas Department - railway curves
PECK/6/1/[156] Drawing of side rod for series (ii) type diesel elec. locomotive
PECK/6/1/[157] Drawing of Manzel lubricators - model xd spares price list
PECK/6/1/[158] Drawing of external steam supply valve
PECK/6/1/[15] Drawing of cab dimensions
PECK/6/1/[16] Drawing of schedule of duties loco with operate
PECK/6/1/[17] Drawing of cylinders for design 6310
PECK/6/1/[18] Drawing of loco OY OX1 possible design number 6193
PECK/6/1/[19] Drawing of layout
PECK/6/1/[20] Drawing of wheel mechanism possible Drawing no 5738
PECK/6/1/[21] Drawing of smokebox layout for design no. 6193
PECK/6/1/[22] Drawing of left hand and right hand injector made without warning cock
PECK/6/1/[23] Drawing of new boiler and smokebox complete boiler no 56512
PECK/6/1/[24] Drawing of combination injector
PECK/6/1/[25] Drawing of spec OY1 engine no. 2084-5-6 order no. 13407 27641oy and possible drawing no. 284133-40
PECK/6/1/[26] Drawing of spec OY1 engine no. 2084-5-6-7 order no. 1340727541/OY and possible drawing no. 284141-8
PECK/6/1/[27] Drawing of 5 data sheets from the Westinghouse brake and Saxby signal co.
PECK/6/1/[28] Drawing of Janny head wedge
PECK/6/1/[29] Drawing of W6 14"x22" cylinders 5'0" wheel base 4'8 1/2 " gauge
PECK/6/1/[2] Drawing of bogie arrangement
PECK/6/1/[30] Drawing of template?
PECK/6/1/[31] Drawing of possible cab layout?
PECK/6/1/[32] Drawing of brake release spring and gear complete 1 set per loco
PECK/6/1/[33] Drawing of general arrangement of proposed side tank locomotive type 0-4-0 standard gauge
PECK/6/1/[36] Drawing of template for Reed Crane and Hoist Co Ltd Drawings
PECK/6/1/[37] Drawing of diamond tube cleaner
PECK/6/1/[38] Drawing of blueprint of name "Ford"
PECK/6/1/[39] Drawing of loco B3 engine no. 1919-1920
PECK/6/1/[3] Drawing of wheels and axles
PECK/6/1/[40] Drawing of stays?
PECK/6/1/[41] Drawing of special B3 "for packing case see Z1689" "special B3 spares loco 1828-9"
PECK/6/1/[44] Drawing of 1 set of eccentric sheaves
PECK/6/1/[45] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/[46] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/[47] Drawing of layout of spark arrestor
PECK/6/1/[48] Drawing of leading and trailing axles
PECK/6/1/[49] Drawing of leading and trailing axles
PECK/6/1/[4] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/[50] Drawing of leading and trailing axles
PECK/6/1/[51] Drawing of rod layout
PECK/6/1/[52] Drawing of crosshead slippers
PECK/6/1/[53] Drawing of shell qf high explosive 18 pr mark III/l/
PECK/6/1/[54] Drawing of pins
PECK/6/1/[55] Drawing of W5 engine no. 1611
PECK/6/1/[56] Drawing of gauges for shells of he 18 pr mark III
PECK/6/1/[57] Drawing of W5 W6 W7 B2 B3
PECK/6/1/[58] Drawing of brass fittings coupling rod brasses
PECK/6/1/[59] Drawing of 3 order sheets for Ramsden Reside engine
PECK/6/1/[5] Drawing of layout for radial stayed roof
PECK/6/1/[60] Drawing of loco R2 engine no. 1390 "ICI Metals No. 5"
PECK/6/1/[61] Drawing of details of copper firebox ms smokebox tube plate and ms angle ring
PECK/6/1/[62] Drawing of letter between the Stanton Ironworks Company Ltd and Peckett and Sons regarding order no HF 51235
PECK/6/1/[63] Drawing of tap for r.h. double threaded screw
PECK/6/1/[64] Drawing of brass fittings pressure gauge union nut pressure gauge cock union nut brazing metal ring
PECK/6/1/[65] Drawing of brass fittings firebox mounting and fittings
PECK/6/1/[66] Drawing of outline of std GM clackbox (large)
PECK/6/1/[67] Drawing of outline of std GM clackbox (large)
PECK/6/1/[68] Drawing of firebox mounting assembly
PECK/6/1/[69] Drawing of "Reed Crane and Hoist Co Ltd" sheet with "91/2 X 14" written on the reverse tracing paper
PECK/6/1/[6] Drawing of 14"x22" metre gauge 0-4-0 type W6
PECK/6/1/[70] Drawing of right hand leading crank pin
PECK/6/1/[71] Drawing of loco general arrangement
PECK/6/1/[72] Drawing of wheel 4'-01/2" tread dia
PECK/6/1/[73] Drawing of firebox?
PECK/6/1/[74] Drawing of unidentified component
PECK/6/1/[76] Drawing of unidentified component
PECK/6/1/[77] Drawing of connecting rod
PECK/6/1/[78] Drawing of engine general arrangement
PECK/6/1/[79] Drawing of drive arrangements quoted to Dorman Long on 25/5/1943 and to Lancashire Steel Co. on 1/7/1943
PECK/6/1/[7] Drawing of special W6
PECK/6/1/[80] Drawing of general arrangement
PECK/6/1/[81] Drawing of 9"x12" tank arrangement
PECK/6/1/[82] Drawing of wheels, axles and crank pins , 2'-6" gauge
PECK/6/1/[83] Drawing of coupling and connecting rods
PECK/6/1/[84] Drawing of cab and tank arrangement
PECK/6/1/[85] Drawing of boiler and firebox arrangement
PECK/6/1/[86] Drawing of lifting beam tested with a load of 16 tons
PECK/6/1/[87] Drawing of firebox for 9"x12" loco, working pressure 200 lb/
PECK/6/1/[88] Drawing of piston, crosshead, cylinder arrangement
PECK/6/1/[89] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/[8] Drawing of loco W6
PECK/6/1/[90] Drawing of firebox tube arrangement to replace drawing nos. 4991 and 5209
PECK/6/1/[91] Drawing of soot blower tube and flange
PECK/6/1/[92] Drawing of Jones's patent blast pipe
PECK/6/1/[93] Drawing of nameplate "Peckett and Sons, Bristol"
PECK/6/1/[94] Drawing of air compressor type f
PECK/6/1/[95] Drawing of 15"x50" main reservoir
PECK/6/1/[96] Drawing of 161/2"x45" reservoir with hand holes with covers
PECK/6/1/[97] Drawing of buffers for loco - Tar and Ammonia Products Works, Beckton
PECK/6/1/[98] Drawing of boiler
PECK/6/1/[99] Drawing of general arrangement/specification
PECK/6/1/[9] Drawing of wheel arrangement
PECK/6/2 Spare parts sheets
PECK/6/2/1 Spare parts sheets for loco M5 engine nos. 1705, 1705/2029, 1718, 1901, 1901-2024 and 2024-1901
PECK/6/2/2 Spare parts sheets for loco B2 & W5
PECK/6/2/3 Spare parts sheets for loco W5 including engine no. 1439
PECK/6/2/4 Spare parts sheets for loco W6 & W7 including engine nos. 1978-79, 1983-84, 1987-88
PECK/6/2/5 Spare parts sheets for loco 7x12 OY & OY2 including engine nos. 1284 and 2156
PECK/6/2/6 Spare parts sheets for loco R2 & R4
PECK/6/2/7 Spare parts sheets for class E including engine nos. 1872-1986
PECK/6/2/8 Spare parts sheets for class X2 including engine no. 1268
PECK/6/2/9 Spare parts sheets for various locomotives
PECK/6/3 Drawings of locomotive components, spare parts lists, including the Wakefield no.7 pattern locomotive mechanical lubricator, instructions for valve gear 'o' ring seating tool and plans of the James Reside Ltd. works site in Brighouse.
PECK/7 Photographic material
PECK/8 Publicity material
PECK/8/1 Brochure entitled ‘Abridged Illustrated List of Tank Engines’
PECK/8/2 Brochure entitled ‘Abridged Illustrated List of Tank Engines’
PECK/8/3 Trade cards
PECK/8/3/1 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC condensing locomotive no. 4
PECK/8/3/2 Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC type X locomotive
PECK/8/3/3 Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC type XL locomotive
PECK/8/3/4 Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC locomotive order no. 480
PECK/8/3/5 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC type W4 locomotive
PECK/8/3/6 Trade card of 0-6-0ST OC locomotive
PECK/8/3/7 Trade card of 0-6-0T IC type X locomotive
PECK/8/3/8 Trade card of 0-6-0ST OC type B1 locomotive
PECK/8/3/9 Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC type X locomotive
PECK/8/3/10 Trade card of 0-6-0ST OC Type B1 Locomotive
PECK/8/3/11 Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC locomotive
PECK/8/3/12 Trade card of 0-4-0ST class Q locomotive
PECK/8/3/13 Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC class W4 locomotive
PECK/8/3/14 Trade card of 0-4-0ST IC class X locomotive
PECK/8/3/15 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC class R1 locomotive
PECK/8/3/16 Trade card of 0-6-0ST IC class X locomotive
PECK/8/3/17 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC class E locomotive
PECK/8/3/18 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC locomotive
PECK/8/3/19 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC class E locomotive
PECK/8/3/20 Trade card of 0-4-2ST locomotive
PECK/8/3/21 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC class E locomotive
PECK/8/3/22 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC class W5 locomotive
PECK/8/3/23 Trade card of 0-6-0T OC class M5 locomotive
PECK/8/3/24 Trade card of 0-6-0ST OC class B3 locomotive
PECK/8/3/25 Trade card of 0-6-0ST OC class OX2 locomotive
PECK/8/3/26 Trade card of 0-4-0ST OC class W7 locomotive
PECK/8/3/27 Trade card of 0-6-0ST OC class OX3 locomotive
PECK/8/3/28 Trade card of 0-4-2ST OC locomotive
PECK/8/4 Brochure entitled ‘Some Views in the Workshops and a few Examples of the Locomotives Built therein by Peckett & Sons Limited, Atlas Works, St George, Bristol’